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Doggy dandruff

darren m

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Dog dandruff -- whats the cause please !!!.

just lately ( this last month ) , my lab has had a bad case of dandruff scurf on his back.

i,ve not changed his diet in any way ( chuddleys classic and gravy ).

so what could be amiss.

should i change his diet or add some thing to it , or might there be another cause .


THANKS in advance.

Darren .

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My dog - another Lab - got this for a while as well.


If a human got dandruff then one of the probable causes is too much yeast in the system. A person would remove as much yeast and sugar from their diet, in all of it's many forms, take Caprylic acid with a digestive compound and it should clear up.

Dandruff is a symptom of Candida Albicans which lives in an acid environment, in the gut and loves yeasts and sugars.


If this is true - and I used to suffer from candida - then check what's in the gravy. Maybe you take this out of the diet for a bit and get something like bio-kult for your dog - you can find it on the net.


I tried different types of foods and now give my girl the cheapest from Cost-co and the scrapes off the plates. Little darling is at my feet as I type. Dandruff and bad breath gone.


Keep well



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cheers lads -- any more ideas .

By the way his breath stinks too ( very fishy smell ). i,ve been giveing him hide chews etc , but it still smells .

The dandruff as only been evident this last month , could it be his hormones ( he,s just turned 2yrs ) .

Darren .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cod liver oil capsules from Lloyds Pharmacy ( Bulk pack ) are very good for improving the dogs coat and epidermis. If your feeding a dry diet it also helps lubricate the bowel !


Flaking skin can often be caused by mites which are indetectible to human eye so i would be tempted to have the dog checked out at your vet.


Daily Brushing will certainly help remove dead loose skin and hair and stimulate the skin.


Bad breath is almost invariably caused by bacteria in on the teeth and mouth and not stomach contents. Do you clean your dogs teeth with a tooth brush and canine toothpaste ? I would reccommend you do this especially if you are feeding other than a complete DRY DIET. Hide chews dont do anything for the teeth in my opinion a good beef bone is best to keep a dogs teeth clean.



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