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looking for shooting in Gloucestershire


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I have just moved to Gloucester and got my shotgun lic (newbie), but all the land seems to be sewn up by local shooters of many seasons. Any idea of any organised clubs or anyone got any spare capacity within their area? I am only interested in decoying pigeons but would accommodate anything to open up shooting doors.


Thanks :devil:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys I live in Gloucestershire as does Barrie O.


Gloucestershire farmers and Landowners are a suspicious bunch Im afraid and keep their cards (and wallets) close to their chests.


Im afraid you will have to do a bit of cold calling over many months before you can establish some land to shoot over. Be polite and always offer something, however small, in return. a gesture can go a long way.


About 20 years ago I secure 400 acres of woodland by offering a weeks free labour at harvest time. OK so I lost a week of my holidays and my first wife was none too pleased but it secured me one of the best rough shoots around for miles.

I really enjoyed it too. You will often find once you have secured the first, word gets round.


In this life you have to kiss a few frogs before you find a Princess !


Good luck.




By the way the Old Goat worked the balls off me, fair play to him. I dont suppose he got a 1500 acre mixed farm by being a soft touch.

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Stripey , Fm has given the best advice you will get and if you are going to go calling , now would probably be a good time to do it , take a drive/ride about checking the crop fields for any flattened crops that the corvids/pigeons are getting into and if you see any go and have a word with the farmer . You may find someone already has permission there but may have not been for a while so the farmer may be pleased to see you . There are a lot of "posh" landowners around Gloucestershire I would try to avoid these and speak to the real ones .


Going back to my point of anyone with permission never turning up , that used to happen on the farm where I now go shooting and they said it used to annoy them , they also have a guy who goes there who shoots the deer which they have a problem with ,but again he only turns up once in a blue moon which they are not happy with but deer shooting is not my cup of tea . After talking to them it seems to me that the main time they have a problem is as said before laid crops . I was down there a week ago when the old boy came over after I had setup and was hinting about the corvids damaging the edge of his barley , so I duly packed up and moved over to the other side for him and had a pop at them . Point being that when I saw them both yesterday they came out with a box of shells for me and were well chuffed that nothing had been back since (though I reckon it has something to do with a farm next door who have just cut the grass for hay ! did not mention that though) and they also said they consider me one of the crew .


As Fm said when I asked for permission I offered to do some work or pay a small monthly fee to which they refused , you will probably find that the gesture in itself will go a long way . Its not easy finding permission as it took me a long time but with persistence it should pay off . The best local friendly clay club I have found is here http://www.cotswoldcc.co.uk/ about 20 mins drive from Glos, the others I have found too clicky and if you like wildfowling try here .



Good luck in finding somewhere :shoot:

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  • 3 weeks later...


if you cant find places to shoot in glos then you must have your heads up your *****! theres estates everywhere looking for beaters and vermin boys, especially the cotswolds!

the glos wildfolwers has hundred upon hundreds of acres of foreshore

i can actualy see the foreshore from where i live my father is also on the board!

you boys just need to look harder, theres plenty around!

where in glos you moved to?


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stripey999 first of all welcome to the forum


when asking the farmers it is a good idea to dress casual but smart not all donned in camo gear


also take your guns with you this time of year and your camo gear in the car too, when i was out knocking doors last year i came across a farmer who had a problem with pigeons on his barley and when i asked for permision he said yes if you can go now so i promply went straight to the field and shot constantly all day.


i have since obtained 2 further farms due to this one farmer and i also shoot rabbits and foxes for them also


best of look in your door knocking :lol:


cheers shawn

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A few years ago I did the usual route of cold calling. Had almost instant success. Farmer was very pleased. Cups of tea offered on cold days, etc. I left him my mobile number. Like all farmers they know each other in the area. He passed on my mobile to other farmers. Thought great, well sorted. Before long it was a phone call every other few days. Bloody "ell, hand brake on. I only wanted a couple of farms for an open FAC.


I had to explain in a round about way how much it was costing in fuel, carts and the wife was nee happy to boot



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Hi guys,



Thanks for the advice. Due to work sending me away for a while, I have not been around Gloucester since starting this thread. Now I am back and keen to get out. I am in North Gloucester (Innsworth) and have made a couple of cold calls but had the usual "got someone else" setback. However, your advice is reasuring and I will be back out and am preparing some calling cards too.


Younggun86 - you are no doubt lucky and I assume your father helped you in some of your shooting? I'm only jealous as it's quite daunting cold calling on someone only to get nocked back.


Thanks again for the advice.



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