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Dip whole pigeon in water before crowning?


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One of the main annoyances with crowning pigeons is the way the

feathers end up getting all over the place, including the crown and meat

as it comes away from the rest.


I normally have a bucket of water sitting to dip the crown/my hands into

as this soaks the feathers and makes them easier to clean off.


It struck me last night that it might be easier just to dunk the whole

bird in the water first.


Has anyone veer tried this?




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i once tried crowning them in the kitchen sink, the ex (who was a veggie) wasnt best pleased to say the least... but it worked :good:


now we always breast them before we leave the farm yard, doesnt matter about feathers going everywhere and by leaving the carcass there the farmer can see were actually being of some use; having said that most we get is 4 or 5 pigeons in a day (were usually after crows). plus i wouldnt advise leaving carcass's lying around unless the farmer has said so (ones i shoot for like to hang them up at the barns) B)

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Tried it this evening and got wet feathers all over the place :lol:


I think maybe next time I'll just take the breast meat off instead of crowning them :good:


Me too! I dunked the bird but guess what, it's like dunking a duck, it's still dry afterwards. It helped a bit i guess, i could use the water to quickly clean my hands of feathers. I also ended up with a bucket of water and feathers that i wasn't sure how to dispose of, so i tipped the water into a carrier bag and let the holes in the bag filter the water out.

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