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I have been having a few concerns with the accupells I am putting through my HW57. As a result I have now bought a tin of RWS Superdomes and a tin of H&N Field Trophys.

Having put the pellets changes through chairgun There is no discernable change in the trajectory. (The problem I was having was more the "fit" of the pellet)




I am hoping that the grouping is going to improve but are the hold overs and unders going to remain approxamatley(sp?) the same?

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nowt rong with domes or hn a lot gona depend on your gun wether it likes them or not if the barol aint fussy there will be a diferance. ive tested loads over the years and i aint found two diferent brands tha will put a pellit down the same hole.if it groups well at 50 yards on a still day stick with it

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The only decent crossman i ever came accross recently is the Premier i was using for target shooting.


Other than that i use nothing but H&N while out in the field after mr n mrs bunny.


Used em in the Airsporter the stealths the sharp innova i had and countless other guns and they all shoot well with them.


The eley wasp is the only pellet i found that would go down the same hole as the H&N with no adjustment needed to the stealth scope. And was suprisingly consistant too :shoot:


Still use the Wasps for plinking or if i run out of H&N they make a good substitute hunting pellet


Lord Geordie

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I think pellet weight will vary a bit from one make to another. Just found out that Daystate make ".22" pellets in several sizes to give best fit in different makes of gun, could be worth a try, they are apparently very consistent. I'm looking to go FAC air rifle for serious rabbit control and may well get a modern, electronic Daystate, they are awesome bits of kit to use !!.

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what works in one gun may not work in another :( its just a case of trying as many different pellets as you can, and working out which gives you the most consistant accuracy.


rember always shoot in the position your going to be using in the filed most as springers group differently depending on the position your using.


The HW57 is a bit of a light weight so the recoil will effect it a little more.


as for the grouping size you will probably find some pellets will give you a 6" grouping at 35 ayrds and others will get a grouping close to about 1". Like i said just try as many as you can.


though top of my list would be JSB, Air Arms, Daystate FT or webley LazaDomes. (all basically the same pellets)



dont pay too much attention to chairgun, its excellent for the basics but dont rely on it!!!!!! Its best used with a PCP rifle where the rifle is not too hold sensetive and easier to get consistent shots.


chair gun will give you a good idea of the hold over but it dosnt tell you about what size groupings you will be getting, which is the most important thing about shooting!!!LOL


all the best


ROB :)

PS plus it gives you an excuse to do more shooting :)

Edited by roblade
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rember always shoot in the position your going to be using in the filed most as springers group differently depending on the position your using.

Spot on comment Rob, the mechanical moving parts of a springer are far more significant than the hammer of a PCP, the recoil having quite an effect on where the pellet goes. My old Original 52 is a heavy side lever and groups really well with Accupels. I've used H&N's but the accupels seem to pack a bit more punch and I like to see where the pellet is going when shooting with a gun lamp, the accupels (and I believe Daystates) have shiny flat backs in the head of the pellet which act like mirrors in the scope light.

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I like to see where the pellet is going when shooting with a gun lamp, the accupels (and I believe Daystates) have shiny flat backs in the head of the pellet which act like mirrors in the scope light.

That's what I'll miss most!!



Oh and Paul, 1500 pellets seems a hell of a lot to bed in a rifle. Not that I don't believe you!!!

Why does it take so many and what happens to a rifle as it beds in?

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For those that are interested an update...........


I have been out and used the H&N Trophies. There seems to be a marked improvement.

I was trying to reach the balance of spending the little enough time I have to go shooting to clear the rabbits and ensure the pellets were working well. I should really get a good plinking session in to test the pellets thourghly but it's finding the extra time. The wife just doesn't understand you see.


HOWEVER I must say that I am happy with the results and the groupings I was getting on the tree stumps were better than with the accupells.


Oh, the rabbits weren't too impressed with the new pellets though.



(However I did notice that the gun now seems quieter with the new pellets, but the pellets themselves whistle more as they fly. Any ideas why this happens?)

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Oh and Paul, 1500 pellets seems a hell of a lot to bed in a rifle. Not that I don't believe you!!!

Why does it take so many and what happens to a rifle as it beds in?

if you think of a rifle like a new pair of shoes, they look very nice but not very comfortable at first, but with a little bit of walking aboput they become bedded in. the same thing happens with spring powered airt rifles.


you have the spring to loosen up a little, the piston all the seals as well as a little bit on the trigger.


After a spring rifle has had a couple of 1000 shot through it, you should chrono it to ensure you are still within the 12F/Lbs as it has been known for new rifles to creep over the limit once they have bedded in.


all a PCP rifle needs is a few shots down the barrel to get rid of the packing grease (or whatever they call it!LOL)


Even if you were to have your rifle venom tuned it woudl still need a good couple of tins to bed it in nicly :)


even if you cant get any time off to have a good "plinking" secion you should be able to get a good bit of practise in at your shoot. I wouldnt even think about taking a rifle to a shoot with a new type of pellet!!!!trajectory may be the same on chair gun but it rarely (if ever) is the same in practice :(


all the best


ROB :)


ps have you ever tried air arms field?

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. I wouldnt even think about taking a rifle to a shoot with a new type of pellet!!!!trajectory may be the same on chair gun but it rarely (if ever) is the same in practice



ps have you ever tried air arms field?

I know what you mean. I did feel a little guilty about doing it but after taking the "test" shots at various stumps and braches I am now confidant that all is well.

I will however get a plinking session in as I would like to test the 3 types of pellet togther at one time side by side. Just to compare results. Oh and it's all good practice as well isn't it!


As for Air Arms pellets I was told in the shop that German Pellets TEND to work better in German barrels. Although there is always the exception to the rule I expect!

Beside the 2 tins cost me 13quid as it was!!

(that and my gun case is now getting heavier!)

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As many will have seen the Nice boxes of Lead Logun Penetrators in the Shops these Days.


These started life a Exterminator Air Gun Pellets , buy UK Gunproducts Ltd.


I have since closed down company


But still have a Limited supply of .177 in 9.50's

.22 in 20.50's FAC Rated


Good deals available


Even have Free trial packs - limited to UK Shooters due to postage.





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