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CZ 452 Brooks trigger kits


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I think (note the degree of uncertainty) that I might be able to get hold of some of these CZ trigger kits (to fit 452 .22 LR and .17 HMR) direct from the USA, not from Eric Brooks himself, who seems to be a bit unreliable, but from a reputable gunshop. These kits seem to be no longer available in the UK, unless someone can tell me otherwise - such information gratefully received. No guarantees but I think I could sell them on for about £11 each (can't be precise because it depends on the exact exchange rate on day of transaction), VAT paid, but plus UK postage, if there were enough interested takers - again, no obligation on anyone's part but firm expressions of interest would be essential before I could go ahead and order. I would make only a very modest profit per kit and I would undertake the import paperwork, such as it is. We would all save on the shipping costs, which are $25 for one kit or for many (since they are very light). I'm going to order two for myself anyway (to avoid Customs duties, the maximum order would have to be about 15). At the worst, you could investigate the possibility for yourself, now that I have given the hint! Hope I won't get blamed if I can't in the end secure them - I imagine that these transatlantic deals can be tricky, so I hope I'm not taking on too much. I'm not a dealer by occupation at all: I just thought a little co-operative venture might benefit all concerned. I can't see that there is anything to go wrong with these kits (4 springs and 4 tubes = more scope for adjustment than you get in the UK substitute kit at about the same price) but to protect myself I would need to state that any complaints or returns would have to go back to the US gunshop, probably not an economic process, which I realise might deter some. I'm also not sure about the fullness or otherwise of the accompanying instructions, but there is an excellent video on fitting them available on YouTube and further explanatory pictures on cz452.com/springkit - both well worth looking at first if you are inexperienced like me. I could not accept any responsibility for damage or problems in the fitting of the kits. If you prefer, you can order direct from Mr. Brooks at cz452.com ($29 incl. shipping) , but recently there have been some vociferous complaints about slow or non-delivery, which is why I went to the gunshop. Finally, I'd be very grateful for any hidden flaws in my project to be pointed out to me.

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I had problems with Mr Brooks - ended up recovering my cash through Paypal.


A very good source for these kits, all UK made, is rimfiremagic; wasn't clear from their website but give them a call and they will sort you out - I got a good boreguide from them as well for my .22LR CZ452 Varmint.



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Many thanks for the refs. to rimfiremagic. I knew of this source - and may yet turn to it - but they offer only 2 tubes and 3 springs as against the 4 and 4 in the brooks kit, so the latter must be more flexible and sensitive in its adjustments, and it might well enable two rifles to be done for the price of one. Ah well , no one interested - but thank you all for looking.

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Lancs Lad - not entirely sure what you mean unless it's the set trigger that you can get on a CZ 527 or on the CZ 453. The ordinary 452 trigger I would describe as single stage except that it has so much creep in my experience that it becomes a kind of two stage trigger. The kits will largely, perhaps wholly eliminate the creep and give a lighter trigger pull - much lighter if you prefer it that way, though personally I wouldn't want in the field the kind of near hair trigger that you get a match target rifle. I actually also find a little bit of creep helpful. Hope this helps, sorry if it doesn't.

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