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Hypa Flaps


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Had a few snags with using them yesterday. Stiff breeze so was using the thicker carbon rods. They'd frequently pop out of one or both wing tips and end up on the ground. Got away with it a few times but ended up losing them both. :good:


It seems as though they weren't long enough to hold enough tension on the wing to prevent them popping out? What am I doing wrong - I don't want to lose the thin rods too B)

Edited by Ninj
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If you are putting the rods in the decoy properly, its impossible for them to fall out, in fact you have to bend them slightly to make them fit.


I only ever use the thicker rods and fix them by (holding the decoy facing away from me) thread the rod through the loop in the left wing, then through the second or third hole in on the neck, then through the loop on the right wing and into the slot at the right wing tip (make sure its right to the end).

Then I bend the rod and put in the slot at the the end of the left wing.


Give UKSW a ring, explain your problem and that you have lost the two thick rods, I doubt the replacement rods are that expensive (it might be worth mentioning Pigeon Watch).

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Cheers Cranfield,


Yep thats how I was assembling them, as per the instructions with the tip of the rod inserted into the pocket on top of the wing. Very little in the way of bending is required to fit the second end into the wing, its a pretty slack fit.


I did notice though, an end cap has popped off each of the thicker rods, leaving it in the pocket - I wonder if the rod relies on that to grip more firmly into the wing?

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on my flaps, the rods were not "pre cut to length" I had to cut them to fit, and like cranfield says no way can they come out without forcibly being bent, give Matt a ring at shootwharehouse he will sort you a couple of new rods.

oh amke sure the rod is fitted into its end cap/ grommet and is pushed as far as it will go into the wing pocket,and that the rod is placed through the small cut outs that act as rod holders/ guides see pic.


cheers KW



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I would just like to say i used 2 of these yesterday and it seemed to work pretty good even in soft ground, because they are so light unlike real birds the Rotary machine never moved(leaned over) i had quite a few woody's fly in and just glide around it, i have used real birds in the past but think i will just continue to use these, less mess less hassle and they even make a flap noise on occasion and no waiting to shoot 2 birds to start with.

Very impressed.

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I've shot over these for the past year never bother with dead birds now they seem to do the trick and I use crow hypa flaps too now also good IMHO oh I lost a thick stick and a thin one ages ago and now hve one of each that seems fine no problems falling out and one flaps more depending on conditions but doesn't seem to be crucial.

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You havent got them facing directly into the wind if carbon rods are popping out, Hypaflaps must be placed directly into the wind to avoid this problem, both wings must be flapping evenly :good:

Keep an eye out for changing wind direction, (I got the teeshirt on this one lol)


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You need to adjust angle of bird so that when it circles on the magnet its square on to wind, as the magnet turns look at the way the wind catches the hypaflap wings and just pivot the bird left or right on the steel mount, loosen the thum screw on the hypaflap then test, reajust if required. Christ I wish you were closer its easier to show someone.


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Oh thats good then I had the same prob but sorted the way I explained but you never know !!!!

They are definatly more loose as you use the Hypaflaps, whether or not the material on the wings stretches Im not sure maybe Ill be making that same call to UKSW lol

Alan :good:

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