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Had the biggest fright of my life when on a walk on the side of a N/Wales valley some years ago. Can't bear heights at the best of times so I was a nervous wreck at the time anyway as we walked along a narrow goat track and when we heard the scream of jets and I instinctively looked skyward and was prodded by my wife to look down, nearly fell off the path as the 2 Phantoms went down the valley at about 500 mph below me.

Most unusual to watch jets fly past you and you are lookiing over the top of them and not at the underside.


The locals told me afterwards that the valley was one of the main training areas for NATO blind flying.

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Paul were you here when this came through ?? , i missed it thank god .


apparently it wiped out another trailer park , they seem to be tornado magnets in the US .





right plank i forgot the link. here



Edited by the last engineer
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on a lighter note , i can recall a time back in the 70's when as an young engineer i was driving to work in Yate nr Bristol, driving through Coalpit Heath i could hear a jet but couldnt see it ,passing the viaduct a Harrier JJ was hovering just above the tree line blind side of the viaduct ,hell of a noise, his buddys came looking for him and he just took off like a bat out of hell ,one hell of a sight .



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