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On Beans for 1st Time


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Me and shooting mate just been given the nod to get out on some beans that are being cut as I type this. :yes::no::lol::good: :good:



Really appreciate comments from those experienced in shooting over just cut beans as want to maximise this opportunity.


Farmer suggested we leave it 24 hours to make let the field/grey pests settle back down, he is even gunna drop off some bales for the hides - top man eh?


Got the visa stamped by the boss for a late night (even tho we have 2 kids and a new born), to 500 carts, clean gun, flask out ready, fags and 2 lighters already in my jacket pocket, spent 2 hours yesterday afternoon on a reccy of flightlines etc ..........


Any tips guys, especially to get me through the next 23 hours of anticpation.


Not only are we new to this land but also to shooting on beans as has only ever been in/around woods so I welcome any advice especially decoys(6 frozen in freezer and about 20 shells) and the use of magnets as quite new to the sport.


Cheers All.

Edited by Dirtboy
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cheers all


My mate has been up there most of this afternoon and reports plenty of em skirting the field along the hedgerows as the cut field is about 300 metres across some rough grassed areas to a large wood where they seem to settle.


He did say that the combine was spooking them up and they flew along the hedges into the wood for a few minutes then back down the same route and back into the filed


Come on wind blow blow blow


May have to get another 500 clear pigeon me thinks :rolleyes:


As its all panning out so well (incl the enemy giving me the all clear to her looking after the kids and the 12 week old) it is almost a sure thing that something will conspire to ruin it for me - the law of sod and all that


Having issues about use of magnet at the mo especially as so close to the wood as worried it might spook them up so at mo will just rely on the deeks to draw them down

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if the wind direction and flight lines allowed, i would not set up too near the wood, i much prefer to shoot in the open if there is a ditch or bush to make a hide in or around, use the wood like a reservoir where birds can sit and digest food before coming back to the field, if pigeons are heading for a wood they are not all going to fly to the same tree so a lot of birds may not come to your pattern, away from the wood your set up will be more visible and possibly be a better draw for the birds, just mho



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Again cheers for the advice, the ' resovoir ' make good sense so will give it a go at moving further away.


Been giving myself a reality check all night and now am thinking it's gunna be a quiet afternoon so things can only get better, all in all though if i bag nowt I will still be happy as at least I will have gained some more experience and had an afternoon away from a screaming child !!!


Will report back good or bad !!!!

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