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New Cabinet


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This must change from area to area then, as my FEO has never ever seen my gun cabinet! Ive bought & sold various guns, renewed my license quite a few times and each time the FEO has never asked to see the cabinet, or even enquired as to where I keep my guns.


Personally, as long as its an approved type cabinet, I dont see why you`d have to notify them that you have changed it for a bigger one? Indeed, I swapped out my 3 gun cabinet for a 7/9 gun brettonsound one last year and the thought didnt even cross my mind!


Still, better safe than sorry, so it wouldnt hurt to speak to the FEO.

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this is all assuming your FEO could even remember what your cabinet looks like, personally I'd just change it. But then I've moved my cabinet round the house about 4 times in the last year and have to do so again next week and I've not told him any time. When he saw it last it was ah thats where you're going to keep the new rifle, I agreed and that was that

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The Local FEO has been to my address several times .first time to inspect the cabinet,on my first application,then on each renewal,he always checks the cabinet.

But recently I applied for an FAC and the same FEO,came and tugged and pulled.....on my cabinet :look: .


maybe he is a jobsworth I dont know,

But, he is a pain,he checks the serial numbers ,even though I have not bought or changed my guns in the last 20 yrs.


I enquired about me upgrading the cabinet and he came and checked that aswell


so maybe your right ,it might just be a regional thing

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I changed to a larger cabinet recently and rang the firearms dept (Kent Police) to check this - got put through to my FLO who said that he'd better come and just check. He was round in literally 45 minutes and then upped my gun allowance to six (was originally 4), but never did bottom out whether it was a legal requirement to notify them of the change in cabinet.

Makes sense to keep them posted in any case I think.

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