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Chokes clearout


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First off we have a pair of genuine 12g Beretta 2" extended chokes in 1/4 and 1/2 with tube cases and caps.


The chokes are marked with III and IIII which I make to be 1/4 and 1/2. These were eye wateringly expensive when I bought them - I bought these because I didn't properly hear the bloke in the shop - when he said £50 I thought oh that's reasonable for the pair and it wasn't until I got to checking out that it turned out to be each. You lucky people can have them for £50 for the pair. Oh, and these "do up" by hand - no key required, but there are slots for keys if you want to give it some when tightening.




Second we have a 12g ported extended Rhino choke (just under 1" in length) marked "700 IM" (whatever that is) for a Beretta. I guess it's "improved modified"


I had this on my AL391 in wood (a gun which I should have never sold incidentally). I have no idea what these change hands for, so call it £20 delivered.




*SOLD TO FUZRAT* Thirdly we have set of genuine 20g Beretta chokes in 1/2, 3/4 and full with tube cases and caps


The chokes are marked with I, II and III which I make to be half, three quarters and full. These went with a 20g Beretta shotty which I have long since sold. Again, no idea what these are worth, so call it £20 delivered for all three.




*SOLD TO STUEY* Fourthly we have a set of genuine 12g Beretta chokes in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full and with tube cases and caps.


The chokes are marked with I, II, III, IIII which I make to be a standard set. I have no idea how I got these - I think they may have come with my first gun. £30 for the lot delivered.




Lastly, we have a full set of 12g Teague "flush" in barrel chokes for a Blaser F3 together with case, key and original sales invoice to me [£141 new]


Cracking piece of engineering, and yours for £100 delivered.




Usual rules apply. Prefer payment by Paypal (as a gift and purchaser paying whatever Paypal wants for the pleasure).


Cheers all.






*SOLD TO JON D* I have a 12g Beretta choke key - £10 delivered (it's half what they are on eBay, apparently).

Edited by Mungler
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