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The only 20 gauge Hushpowers I know of are the o/u Investarm and the s/b Pedretti.Someone posted on here recently about the Investarm and liked it alot. I have used the Pedretti 12g for a while now.The guns they have converted are not exactly quality guns rather than folders that can be moderated so they do not end up like bazookas. PLenty of people dislike Hushpowers unless they have a real use for them because of the balance etc etc. I love mine because it is my ticket to shoot without attracting complaints or armed police. It is great for lamping as I can hold a torch and rest it on my forearm as there is little recoil and you dont need ear plugs.The subsonic 32g are great at whacking rabbits and squirrel not to mention crows.

The Saddlery and Gunroom told me the 20g is quieter due to the size of the mod in relation to the bore. Depends why you want one,as I say they are my ticket to shooting places without hassle.

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I would like one myself. I handled one in the shop and because the moderator sits on top almost of the top barrel you dont have to obscure the target so much as with the s/b. I have to shoot about 20in high at 30yds. As I say someone off here got one in recent months. Saddlery and gunroom helpful and there may be used ones coming through.

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I have the singlebore pedretti hushpower in both 12g and 410, as above its my ticket to shooting a farm with noise issues, having the single barrel makes you think more about each shot, the 12 does feel heavy after a while, but I love the "hushpower"


as for the o/u, Ive been looking as we all do, new price for an o/u hushpower, around £740 mark, yet a 3 shot semi mossburg with hushpower only £540

so think I'll be putting a pump on the wish list

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As said already, I have one. Bought it because I have noise issues on a couple of my permissions and the lack of recoil!


Just check out the availability of the carts in your area, I had probs here so had to get Just Cartridges to send some.

It can work out fairly dear to run the 20g version but otherwise :good:




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