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    South Lanarkshire
  • Interests
    shooting, fishing, mountainbiking, good pint of ale (not neccessarily in that order)

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  1. We converted a VWT4 few years back paid 4500 for the van (clean 1998 with only 48k miles we were lucky to find there's a lot of pigs) spent just short of 5k on a conversion by a company in Preston, got a kayam awning, missus used it every day, weekends away and summer holidays for 8 years, sold it a year ago for 8 and half grand, many happy times, only sold it because the family got too big, if I bought another I'd definitely do the same conversion again you just need a clean van with low mileage for the base thats not been hammered.
  2. bet there's a fair few scumbags breathing a collective sigh of relief at that news, he openly admitted his money was made keeping things out of the news rather than in it struck me as a detestable character
  3. all sorted, reported, no drama, thanks for your replies/advice
  4. Thanks for replies, will call in the station for a chat next time I’m passing Very much a dog lover myself, we have a geriatric and slightly senile Border Collie which I'm glad wasn’t with us or would’ve been curtains for the Ridgebacks
  5. Went for a jog with my daughter (8 year old) on Sunday along a quite coast road near where we stay. As we passed by a house, 2 dogs started barking and jumping up at the hedge, next minute a pair of Ridgebacks clear the gate and charge towards us in to the road barking and growling. The male approached my daughter with its hackles up and was within about a foot away from her face so I pulled her out the way and put myself between them ready to banjo it and optimistically shouted "clear off" which luckily for me it did. A woman appeared from behind the hedge shouting at us to stand still as both dogs circled round us still growling and barking. After about a minute or she managed to get a semblance of control and pulled the dogs back in to the house before apologising profusely. Nobody was bitten, they were just noisy and the woman said sorry but I'm still in two minds whether its worth reporting it to the village bobby, they're powerful dogs that to me weren't under control and there's several holiday cottages nearby with families and kids that could pass by like we did.
  6. Hundreds of pink footed geese this morning over South Lanarkshire, sky was absolutely full of V formations coming in from the North, what a cracking sight in the morning sun 😊
  7. thanks for replies, its a single skin GRP boat, great for saving weight but not very substantial design dont think I could go brass route will have a look on ribnet but i think the best bet is just to get the proper job fitted and not tell the missus cheers
  8. Hi Recently bought a second hand 3 metre zodiac folding transom RIB with a GRP hull. I'll be using it on Sea Lochs and its currently in clean condition so keen to protect the keel from chips and scratches. Researched on net and found various rubber products (keel shield, keel guard etc) but they're all crazy money (£150+) for what essentially looks like a strip of rubber glued along the keel. Already spent my pocket money on the boat itself and keen to avoid further wrath from the boss so tempted to just buy a 1 metre rubber strip from fleabay (£3) and bond it on to the front of the keel but dont want to mess the boat up if theres a reason people pay silly money for the real deal? Thanks
  9. Hi bought a Seahog 15 Hunter with a 40hp Mariner oil injection outboard which is turning in to a money pit, just replaced the teleflex steering system and had the outboard serviced which cost me £550, took it for a test run in Loch Lomond yesterday and the battery seems to be going flat at drop of a hat, charged it and gone flat again so intend on replacing before taking it to Kyles of Bute next week, the battery thats in it is a "Numax Premium Type 69 68ah 535 amps SAE" could someone please advise if I need this exact type of battery? place in Edinburgh seem to have a good selection varying in price from £30 - £150 upwards, theyve got one for £38 in sale (52% off) Amp Hours (Ah): 60Ah Cold Crancking Amp (CCA): 520CCA this tubs already cost me an arm and a leg so dont want to spend unnecessarily but dont want to cut any corners Thanks
  10. thanks fellas some sound advice, i did think they were old enough but always good to get others opinions cheers
  11. Hi I'm thinking of buying a day boat for fishing, pottering, days out etc either a small RIB or Seahog type cuddy boat Would be using it in freshwater lochs and sheltered sea lochs on the west coast I've had boats before but not for several years as had two kids (5 and 7) just wondering peoples thoughts 1) are the kids old enough to go in it? (both can swim) 2) if yes would a rib or cuddy boat be safer? i know its not shooting related but normally some fairly level heads on here cheers
  12. NHS has had its day, I was always an advocate but not any more, why should somebody whose worked and contributed to the nations coffers for 10,20,30 + years wait in line with the feckless, foreign and workshy? its on the verge of total collapse, too many taking out with not enough contributing, it was a great idea in its day but times have changed i'll get me coat..............
  13. I can't understand why so many companies have xmas parties during the week with free/cheap booze then expect people in work the following day. We were working it out the other day, how long your body takes to process a good christmas party session (1 unit per hour) if you started drinking at 19:00 - 8 pints, couple of glasses of wine with meal, couple of spirits and mixers = 28.5 units that would mean it wouldnt be out of your system till 23:00 the following night! companies should make it a condition of attending that you dont drive to work the day after, if you have a scrap at a work function you can get sacked, IMO should be same if you get done for DD the day after
  14. did the women murdered not know each other and "work" together in a small area of London? if the DNA is accurate could he not have been a customer? from what I read his DNA was found in semen on items of clothing
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