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About hawkbore

  • Birthday 25/01/1965

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  • From
    West Sussex

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  1. hi

    is the gun still for sale

    cheers allan

  2. A friend just received his from Hampshire, About two weeks from application to home visit. Then another six weeks to get certificate. Much quicker that he thought!
  3. I`v had a few lessons with Rob (coach) and have to agree with the first post. His style of coaching is very relaxed and informative. He explains things in a way that is so easy to understand and put into practice. Rabbits,Long crossers,Loopers all become easily possible under his guidance. It`s like magic. Believe me if your new shooter or a top shot that's not quite on form you need to go and see him. I`v seen him sort out a British and European champion who lost form and is now back winning stuff after just two lessons. He can help a lot with getting you a gun that fits and cartridges for the job. I`v booked to go back soon and am looking forward to it very much. Never mind coach, Shooting reporter Don Brunt calls him SUPER COACH.
  4. Chalky Hill near alton is on this Sunday.... you can find details online
  5. BSA Ultra Multishot .22.. Hawke scope.. Hard case.. Logun stirup pump... Hardly used in excellent condition, only one mark on stock. The rest is as new. Whats left of two packs of pellets included, whats missing are the only ones fired through this rifle. Spare filling valve, Scope mounts, allen keys and some paperwork/ manuals included. All you need to get going............... Will not split. Face to face as too much to post.........Midhurst / Petersfield area Now Sold
  6. My new 525 has invector chokes ( stamped right at the top of your barrels). They are 50mm long... the invector + are 63mm long! So wont fit rach other, as has been said.
  7. hawkbore


    Ivor, You have P.M
  8. hawkbore


    Teague Chokes Flush Fit Invector X 5 5 X Flush Fit Standard Invector To Fit Browning/Miroku ..... Skeet , Skeet, IMP CYL, IMP CYL , 3/8. £55 Posted
  9. Thanks for the replys, Anyone on here get down to Fareham?.. Looks like it might be worth a visit.
  10. Hi, I,m a new 44 year old licence holder and have just purchased my first gun. I have had a whole 3 lessons from a generous guy some miles away from home. But now i'm looking for places local to me ( i'm between Midhurst and Petersfield) to get some practice!! Everywhere is geared up for competition, which is good when you know your way round the targets. But i have only seen a very few clays, let alone shot at any. Any help on where i can j turn up and have a go at some targets?? any help would be great!
  11. West Sussex. . 4 Weeks exactly from me putting application in the post box to the sgc landing on my door mat, Visit smack in the middle 2 weeks. Well pleased.
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