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About ROY

  • Birthday 10/12/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • From
    Frittenden, Kent
  • Interests
    Shooting, Fishing & Diving

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  1. ROY


    Hawk Moth Caterpillar.
  2. Can't wait to see them at download this year!!
  3. Just out of interest how many of the PW massive run lurchers?
  4. ROY


    Lovely just the kinda ABV I am looking for what malt would you recconmend for my IPA?
  5. ROY

    Old tattoo

    I love the symbolism of tattoos and have many myself there is often a variation on a theme with tatts but at the end of the day whats really important is what the tattoo means to the person who is tattooed. http://www.vanishingtattoo.com/tattoos_designs_symbols_swallow.htm
  6. ROY


    Seems a bit extreme what sort of ABV do you get with that?
  7. ROY


    Just started a Hammer of Thor lager special gravity Kit by Bulldog Brews. Brewing it a bit short and hoping for around the 7% mark. Got an Evil dog double IPA for when the fermenter is free which I am hoping to brew to around 9% not sure whether to just brew it short or add a bit of brewers sugar. Any suggestion?
  8. I am not far from Goudhurst, Frittenden to be exact would be able to do most Saturdays and have a couple of kids12 & 13 who would like to help too.
  9. Had a look not a lot of help there. Tried all the local ones webites.
  10. Does anybody know what clay grounds are open in north kent tomorrow. Cheers Roy
  11. ROY

    First Fox

    Thanks for the encouragement guys out again on Wednesday. Hopefully more than one this time gotta keep farmer happy.
  12. ROY

    First Fox

    Mainly used the 50 as I had been given a load. Not really suitable for any of my other shooting so might as well.
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