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About Brooksy789

  • Birthday 23/09/1988

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  • From
    Nottingham, UK
  • Interests
    Clay pigeon shooting. Air Rifles. Cars. Gaming

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  1. Hello, mate. I have a couple of these. Marvellous things. What I am looking for is an SMLE in 410. If you have one and ever wanted to sell, I'd be more than interested. All the best. 

    Regards, Rob. 

  2. I'll get around to getting my FAC one day so I can have a .303 one. These are great fun, and cheap to shoot too. I'll be sad to see them go, but Trooper has bought both so they're both going to a good home. Yeah, ok that's fair! I thought 7 hours was bad!
  3. They're amazing bud, honestly, try and find one if you can, you won't be dissapointed. I travelled a 7 hour and 350 mile round journey for the SMLE! ---------------------------------------------------------- Now sold to Trooper1965
  4. Yeah, it's a decent gun to be fair. Shame it doesn't get the use it deserves
  5. This is mine. Happy to answer any questions or send more pics Matt
  6. This has been sat unused for the past few years and I no longer own my air pistol Peacemaker to use it so may as well let someone else get some use out of it.Genuine leather holster made for a real Peacemaker however air pistol and other black powder versions should fit fine.This should fit up to a 40/42 waist, I'm a 36" and fits perfect with some room still for a larger frame.Looking for £60 which will include postage to your door. A reasonable price I think for a genuine leather holster.
  7. I'll take this pal if it's still available
  8. Bloody good price that. Shame you're not closer as I'd have this
  9. £90! Bargain for someone wanting a lovely old English shotgun!
  10. This is mine. Any questions feel free to ask. Just to add, this is only a very slight left hand cast but a left hand cast none the less Pictures now added on Gun Watch website also
  11. No probs, its yours Im working 6am to 2pm next week and off all day wednesday if that helps. If not im sure we can arrange a meet up somewhere in the middle
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