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About Iaindp

  • Birthday 15/07/1970

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  • From
    Bisley. Cotswolds
  • Interests
    Coarse, Sea, Fly, Game fishing<br />Shooting, 12b & air rifle<br />Beating<br />Football<br />All things in the countyside / otdoors<br />and now....Spaniels

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  1. I’ve checked out the website bigbird. Just what I’ll be looking for and location perfect too. Many thanks
  2. Sorry - he's an ESS. I'm keen to build on the training I did myself with my current ESS so it's more about me being trained than the pup - certainly in the early days anyway - but if we're both going to get something out of it, would I start at say 4 months ish?
  3. Hi all, Does anybody have any recommendations for gundog trainers in the Gloucestershire area please? The new pup will be here soon and we'll both need some training! cheers Iaindp
  4. Good ideas guys, given the limited cooking facilities (and ability) a winter BBQ of game meat burgers sounds good. What sides would you like if you were given burgers at the end of a shoot day? Chocolate sprout truffles....love that!
  5. Hi all, The 28th of December will be our shoot's annual charity day where guns are fined heavily for the merest misdemeanours, beaters and pickers up are robbed of their wages and followers have their pockets emptied - all in aid of a local children's hospice. This year will be our third and they're getting better every year. We have very generous and charitable team of shoot members and the day has become a firm favourite across the whole season with everybody having a great time, the charity doing really well and the local landlady too! We've been starting with the customary bacon roll at 8.30, taking elevenses of smoked salmon and scrambled egg off the side of a converted military wagon in the field, before returning to game curries cooked over fire pits to round the day off. However this year, I'd like to change the menu a bit. I'm thinking turkey, stuffing and cranberry mini rolls for elevenses but out of ideas for the meal to finish the day. A number of other local shoots kindly contribute pheasant, partridge, duck and venison so game meat isn't a problem and ideally I would like to cook something that can easily be cooked outside over fire pits and BBQs - casserole, stews, chilli etc etc to give a bit of theatre whilst we're finishing off the sloe gin. Any aspiring chefs out there have any ideas please and also if anyone can think of anything better than turkey rolls for elevenses, I'd be grateful for ideas. The whole group will number approx. 35-40 Many thanks Iaindp
  6. Yep tried guns on pegs but mostly only the bigger days left. Lincs is probably a bit too far but thanks anyway
  7. HI all, I’m looking to buy a day down in the Cotswolds area in December. Ideally I’m looking for a friendly farm shoot probably 75-100 birds for a couple of guns although maybe able to put a team together. Not really fussed whether it’s pheasant or partridge - a mixed day might be nice, it’s more about having an enjoyable day. If anybody has any suggestions, I’d very much appreciate it, ATB Iaindp
  8. How does that work Jonty? Does the dog still stay with you during it's training or live away with the handler and if so, doesn't that break the bond with you?
  9. I like to do something different for friends at Christmas and this year, I've been thinking about mini hampers, to include duck breasts, pheasant breasts, trout fillet, wood pigeon pate, a game terrine and a rabbit something or other, blackberry jam and a small bottle of sloe gin - either caught, shot, picked or brewed by me. Seems the vacuum packer might be just perfect for making..... Anyone any ideas for the rabbit?
  10. Thanks for the responses guys and the link to previous posts. I know what will be top of my list to Santa now. Cheers Iain
  11. Does anyone have any experience of vacuum packers to preserve food? I'd be interested to know how long game would last in the freezer if vacuum packed and whether or not freeze damage is prevented? Cheers Iaindp
  12. Just a quick update from the weekend. Thanks for all your suggestions - in the end, the shoot captain and I chose to keep it simple (the way our guns need it) and we went with three fines. 1. Wearing a Christmas hat fine.....£5.00 2. Not wearing a Chritmas hat.....£10.00 3. Fine for shooting a bird.....£1.00 - total head x £1 / number of guns and beaters. Total head shot was 51 4. Sweepstake.....50/50 between winner and the charity. Simples. We raised £200.00 for the local kids' hospice so we're all well pleased, Cheers Iaindp
  13. If apples...why not pear? Partridge and pear curry sounds good and very festive! What sauce would I use with that though?
  14. Thanks guys, Some good ideas....Apple and sultanas in the curry??
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