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Land rover shooting accesories


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I have recently bought a 110 Land rover. 200 tdi engine the lot! Very pleased with it! Unfotunately i have a few months left to start driving so im working on it currently. I was just wondering if anyone knew any homemade or bought accesories that will help with shooting. Already fabricated some metal strips whih i have put over the wing mirrror which makes it more stable when resting the rifle! LAndy mirrors are quite flimsy!

Thanks in advance!



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I have just bought one of the barebox 90cm with locks to bolt against the bulkhead of my 90.


Also a small breakdown gun safe to fit under the bench seat.This I have padded out with extra foam so two shotguns are held securely even in a rollover.


Then just the usually stuff like First Aid kit and an assortment of recovery strop, dyneema rope, shackles and pulley. (these are all 6ton rating or higher )

Already pulled one car out of a ditch for someone.



These are useful as you can put them over the window edge and rest your spotting scope or rifle on them withough marking the barrels. You can rest your elbow on it too.

Edited by loriusgarrulus
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There was a chap that used to make really Heath Robinson (and pricey) but very good shooting rests for the window.


Here it is: http://www.shooting-systems.co.uk


Pricey, and you could probably knock one up yourself but I find it really good, very stable and with a window bag I can drive round with the rifle out of the car and still shoot from the driver's position.

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Fit a DIN socket to power your lamp. These carry up to 17 amps, run a 100w bulb in a cigar lighter socket and it will soon melt.


They are available from most good automotive electrical motor factors for a few quid, your lamps will need compatible plugs.


Connect socket straight up to positive and neg terminals on battery, put a blade fuse in the positive line, a 100w bulb will pull about 8 amps at 12 volts so a 10 amp fuse should be ok. If your bulb is 55w then you are pulling 4.2 amps (at 12v) so a lighter fuse is needed, 5 amp maybe. I have mine in the front of the battery box below the passengers seat.



Edited by Alycidon
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