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    Dubai or Afghanistan ( all depends which week)

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  1. Nice toys indeed, the Ak is pure russian, the other i will ask
  2. I was playing with these today, does that count
  3. Where i currently working, we are protected by an Ex Gurkha security force - this story makes me feel a whole lot safer and will also help me sleep a little easier tonight.
  4. Where did the pic come from Daz ?? I think i recognise that gun
  5. I'd say it is a read out for a Chronograph
  6. Mine does not state any individual farm or piece of land - so you have no worries (FAO will know where you have clearance for, also if you gain any other land that has previously been passed, then you can shoot there without having to get it checked )
  7. They Correct way to measure is out side to outside and then take off the bullet diameter from the total
  8. I shoot alone quite a bit ( just about to go out), but also like to have a bit of company sometimes as I'm quite sociable on the odd day here and there
  9. I have had the same email this week - deleted it as i thought it was a scam( looks like i was right)
  10. a flapper is the best thing i have used when shooting the black stuff - a magnet aslo works quite well, but no where near as good as a flapper
  11. Cant get it unless you are a signed up member
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