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    North Somerset
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    Clay shooting, game and rough shooting, deer stalking, sea fishing and boating

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  1. alexm

    Virus Alert

    Ok no worries that's good then! It's annoying that they can effectively cripple a site just like that and then drag their heels when it comes to putting it right. The google warning was actually more destructive to the site than the malware! I found the same thing at first... it said no malware detected but after hammering refresh it showed up. The affected pages changed sometimes on refresh too... it kind of looked like their server cluster wasn't synched and it was pot luck which one you got! Glad it's sorted now though
  2. alexm

    Virus Alert

    Do you have a Google Webmaster Tools account linked to the site? You can request a prioritised reassessment from in there. You can also see if there are any pages that Google thinks is still affected. It took about 4 hours for them to lift the warning on our site. Alex
  3. alexm

    Virus Alert

    We just had this over on the SD. Do you use OpenX ad server? The reason some people are getting it and some not is probably because some are using Adblock. If so get your admin to log into OpenX and check the Zones, under Advanced, Append and Prepend settings. Remove the code that has been put in there. You will probably also find the admin password has been changed in OpenX and you'll have to reset it to log in. PM me if you need more details. Alex
  4. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...st&p=432164
  5. I think the situation in the US is slightly different... they don't have our capacity restrictions on the guns but they do share our capacity restrictions on certain prey. Like us, they are only allowed a mag capacity of 2 when shooting duck for example, hence it's common for semi auto/pump guns to be supplied with removable magazine plugs that limit the magazine capacity. You can remove them easily enough but you have to put them back in when shooting duck (and other applicable species). If you are caught by a ranger without it whilst shooting those species you are in the poo! It's the same for quite a few countries I think. Beretta, for example, supplies its FAC guns with a plastic rod in the magazine. Other guns, or old guns where no plug exists it's common to find a bit of home made dowel cut to length and stuck in the magazine so the shotgun complies with state game regulations. Alex
  6. Yes, like I said, you can... Theoretically.
  7. It's basically highlighting yet another grey area in firearms legislation. The example I gave above re: loading 2.5" cartridges into a magazine crimped for 3.5" cartridges could be taken to extreme. Those with access to a press could cut down some hulls and homeload some 1.5" cartridges and load several into a standard section 2 magazine. So then you get into the definition of 'capacity'. I'd suggest that, given the 3.5" vs 2.5" example above, capacity assumes cartridges of the specification that the gun is chambered for. Loading stubby cartridges could be construed as extending the capacity of the magazine... but I doubt it has been tested in court either way?! Either way, although loading 3 instead of 2 is hardly a risk to public safety, as has been pointed out, exploiting a grey area could be seen as a breach of trust by your FEO and flaunting it on Youtube is almost asking for a day in court to become a test case! Rather him than me! Alex
  8. Fantastic shot, this time of year is perfect for photographing cock pheasants isn't it. You have captured every colour on him! Alex
  9. The fact is that many section 2 semi's chambered for 3.5" magnums are also crimped for 2 x 3.5" magnums and you can (theroretically) squeeze 3 x 2.5" cartridges into the magazine... Then what! Alex
  10. Granted it's not too smart, but if you wanted to be really picky the letter of the law states "has a fixed magazine not holding more than two cartridges" and he hasn't altered the magazine capacity in any way. However I'm sure his FEO wouldn't see it that way. Alex
  11. Hi Sandspider, Where in Bristol are you? I could maybe take a look for you if you wanted a second opinion although I wouldn't class myself as an expert by any stretch. Alex
  12. The cover price is £30, you'll probably be lucky to find it new for less than that as it's a fairly limited print. I believe Robert published it himself because the major publishers weren't interested. You might find used copies on Amazon or fleaBay if you are lucky though! Alex
  13. Yes, its excellent - probably the de facto authority on foxing! It's not essential, but try and get the updated edition (2008 I think) as it has some updated info on electronic callers etc. Alex
  14. The whole rifle has to be no less than 60cm overall and the barrel has to be no less than 30cm without the mod... IF the mod is removable. If the mod is permanently pinned to the barrel then it counts as barrel...
  15. I think it's normal and healthy to feel a pang of remorse and it shows that you respect your quarry. I guess it's probably the feeling that you have somehow robbed the unborn of their future life, but in reality what you have done is the most humane option. Better now than shooting the doe a few weeks down the line when the young are dependent.
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