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About squintshot

  • Birthday 10/03/1980

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  • From
    The Glen (Aberdeenshire)

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  1. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It has been rather a long time since I last visited this site. Not sure if anyone is still on from when I last used this forum. Just thought I'd have a look in and see how it all was. Squint
  2. I have just started going out to play with some guys near me in their off road toys, all lifted and most bobbed lots of winch fun. One 90 has unimog axles fitted, with the 37" tyres it is an awesome bit of kit goes just about anywhere. Squint
  3. squintshot


    Hello to you all. I used to come on this fine website a few years ago for one reason or another stopped coming on here. I hope this time I am back for good and will never return to my errant non PW days. I see some of the same old (not very PC I know) names are still here along with many new ones. With luck it should be like I wasn't away, none of those awkward silences and stilted conversations followed by a lame excuse to leave and a never returned call. I hope we have a long and prosperous relationship Yours always Squint
  4. You can try and find the studs that the plaster is attached to, they should be at about 400mm centers then fasten a sturdy sheet of ply or flooring sheet to the studs and fix your cabinet to the board also fasten it through the floor if it is drilled to allow this. Hope it helps Squint
  5. I heard the chicken was too busy crossing the road!! Duck knows where the other bird came from!!! Squint
  6. Thanks Hunter, The guy that owns the Gunshop is a good man, he is also extremly saftey concious. I got a ####ing for taking my gun out the slip the wrong way. Needless to say I've never done it again and I thanked him for pointing it out to me. The gentlman that shot himself was apparently a keen clay shot so I'm guessing he would of had is own gun/s to use. To make matters worse the owners wife was in the shop when the incident took place. Squint
  7. I'm 25 and was taught in metric and now work in an indusrty where everything is in inches. One of the specs I work to is in fractions thereof exect one measurement which is in decimal, what plonker it is working that out with a steel rule graduated in 64ths!!!! Squint And they say the Oil and Gas industry is at the cutting edge of technology.
  8. squintshot

    Man Dies

    Hello all, I've not been on in a long time work commitments getting married etc. I don't know if any of your heard but the other week in my local Gunshop a man walked in asked to look at a gun loaded it and shot himself dead. It's thought that the man and accountant took his own ammo in to the shop. Squint
  9. Politics, Bolitics more like!! But it does govern each and everything we do like it or not. The way I see it, it's about who you think is lying the least and then after that deciding who has the polices you think are more suited to yourself! Each and ever party has it plusses and minuses remember it was the Conservatives that gave us 90% tax but in the recent build up they've said they'd do all they could to repeal the hunting ban. Labour banned our pistols (at least when Micheal Howard was home secratary he tried to allow pistol target shooting to continue), but under them inflation has been at it's lowest levels ever I believe! Hospitals: Sack the middle managers and all the targets, let the doctors and nurses do what they do best. Bring back Matron!!! Schools: Bring back disipline!!! Immigration: Without it there is no denying our NHS wouldn't be what it is today doctors from India saved it in the 50's, but as with everything it's all about moderation. Too much of anything is bad and illegals are certianly bad, so much for stopping in the first safe country you get too!! Country Affairs: Leave them too the people for whom the country is there lifes, city types wouldn't like country dwellers telling them how to run their cities. Firearms: Leave the legal ones alone and tackle the illegal ones head on and with no weakness and second chances. Enforce the 5 year minimum jail sentences with no parole or deal cutting. Anyway I'll get down off my soap box I've had my tuppence Squint
  10. I prefer the Lambo offroader on autotrader for £75k got the Diablo engine in it!!! Squint
  11. Bnanas are now to be serialised for ease of identification for the imminent licencing. The giant inflatable ones will soon be section 5 Your all warned!!! Squint
  12. Lansky Arkansas set for me a superb set. Squint
  13. How much for the both??? Squint
  14. I never looked I closed my eyes honest!!!! Tell you what if you never saw me I never saw you!!! Squint
  15. I feel the people how have been brought up with guns and have been "out with Daddy" are more often than not the safer man. How many adults would be happy to go out with their father umpteen times without ever touching the gun, then after proving they know what there doing are given a stick too use as they would a gun getting a clip round the ear if they get something wrong. After graduation from this they may get an unloaded gun and have to prove themselves with it before being handed some cartridges to use?? How many more adults are given a redimentary lesson on gun safety ie don't point it here there and thats the safety? All the while the stick wielding child is learning reading watching and listening to the person with the gun. My tuppence worth Squint
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