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Posts posted by TR1

  1. I have just been informed that it is normal wear and tear for rear brake discs to wear down to the minimum recommended thickness while the first set of pads have more than 10k miles of life left.

    I have always considered that discs should last for nearer 2 sets of pads especially on the rear.

    Of course these discs include wheel bearings and abs magnets so not the cheapest

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  2. Does anyone have an original Magtame speed controller they no longer want.

    Mine has packed up and I want to try and repair it by testing against another working unit.

    Thanks for reading

  3. I agree that a Beretta version would be much nicer to use. Ejectors , barrel selection , auto safety and if possible multi choke.

    If you intend to use regularly then I guess the extra investment would be justified . If it's just for occasional use then the standard Investarm fits the bill.

    As you say a try gun would be a good idea.

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