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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. What a cute pup,good luck with her.
  2. Cheers adam,but i think we are at that stage where jake is subliminally training me :blink: And when i miss a shot,the look he gives me
  3. Nice condition fox you got there. And a chance for a couple more on a return visit.
  4. It is an ongoing job,last year my shooting partner DaveP3@ and myself shot about 45 foxes in a 4 month period,the land owner had done over 100 in the year.with thousands of free range chickens,its like mcdonalds for foxes. Dave has done a couple of good write ups search for" pembrokeshire foxing",he has a very nice foxing set up.
  5. Don't let the picture fool you,Jake is plotting to take over the world. :blink: He is a very good dog,he does have little glitches now and then,but he is only 2 so i'm not worried,he is going to be spot on.
  6. Woke up a six,and decided to go for a mooch with the dog. Decided to take the hmr and drove to one of my permissions,loaded up and set off for a scout round the fields,within a couple of minutes i spotted bugs in the hedge,about 80 yds away,sat down with bipod fully extended and watched bugs do a back flip,Jake went to retrive and dropped it by my feet,a young one and a head shot. Carried on around the fields,and saw a fox,but he was very quick to make himself scarce,then spotted a rabbit about 120 yds,down on my belly,lined up a shoulder and down he went,Jake as usual was off like a rocket,i thought he would miss it and have to quarter to find it,but he ran straight on to it,and straight back to me,saves a walk As i was walking back to the van,i saw a jeep come into the field,i know i'm the only shooter allowed on the land,so i watched it go round the field and eventually it stopped by me,turns out it is the owner of my largest permission,which is a free range chicken farm(always loads of foxes),he is now renting the land and there will soon be chickens in it,that means that foxy will follow :blink: Then i popped down to old man ted's farm(small holding) his wife has lost most of her chickens due to foxes,and i haven't been seeing them in the evening,popped into the first field,and as i was creeping over the crest of the field to get a rabbit in the dip,i noticed a fox sitting in the rough grass with his back to me,wind blowing into my face,pointed for jake to sit,and took a kneeling shot as i could only see his head,distance was about 30 yds,pulled the trigger and it slumped forward,went over,and he never knew it was coming. It was a dog,but was in a bad state,no fur on his belly or back,and a pitiful tail, i think he has been having most of the chickens,as they have been an easy meal,one less to worry about. Had a quick scout round another field and got another rabbit,then was home for 08:30,Jake got an egg,and i got to clean the rifle Shot with cz 17hmr 17gr hornady blue tips(yes fox is on my ticket)
  7. welsh1

    multi tool

    A mate bought me one of these, http://www.shop4gerber.co.uk/gerber_suspension.html It is a fantastic tool,always make sure it is in my pocket when out in the field,has a real quality feel about it. The only thing that went wrong was the pouch had a tear start in the weave,so i emailed Gerber to ask for the price of a new pouch,they sent me two pouches free of charge good customer care.
  8. welsh1


    What powers or rights? As has been said in other posts,THEY HAVE NO MORE POWERS THAN YOU OR ME,all their so called power is by using civil law,which anyone can use. no power to enter your land,or property. no power to demand to see your animal. no power to remove your animal. no power to tell you what to do. If they want to do any of the above they need a court order. They like you to think they have powers, but they do not. If i saw an rspca "inspector" climbing my fence to look at my dog,as they do on the tv,he would get launched back over the fence as a trespasser(after a polite warning)
  9. The bloke two doors down from me keeps pigeons,and when i was having a chat i asked about how you inform owners if you shoot a feral with a ring on his leg. He told me that you would need to contact a couple of pigeon associations to find the owner,but he said not to bother,as if the bird was in a field or barn it was not worth having back,he said that a few of his mates have had birds returned by kind members of the public who have found them in their back yard,these birds had their necks wrung as soon as possible as they were not wanted.
  10. I'm suprised you could find bits of the fox to examine
  11. I saw a hypnotist about five years ago, i smoked about 40 a day,when i was "under" i thought it was a load of ****,but when it had finished i felt good and realised a good hour had gone by. Apart from being slightly touchy for two days,and wearing my watch on the opposite wrist for a week as the hypnotist suggested,there were no other effects. I have never felt like smoking again,not even the big christmas cigar that was a yearly treat. I know i will never smoke again,and that feels good. If you think you may start again go back to the hypnotist,my dad was so addicted that it took two sessions for him to stop totally,but he has not had a fag for 18 years. Good luck,oh and watch your food intake,after a week your taste buds will come back to life,and you will realize how great every thing tastes.
  12. Cheers Stuart, it was good to meet you,glad the rifle went to someone that will enjoy it as much as I did.
  13. Sold to chewy0013 pending the usual,thanks for looking.
  14. Sold to me, a pleasure doing business with you John.
  15. SOLD I am selling my Ultra .22 s/s as i hardly use it anymore,and it is a shame to leave it on a shelf.The Ultra is in very good condition,the few marks there are i have shown on the pictures,a couple of scratches on the front of the stock,and some bluing wear on the cocking slide,and wear on the barrel where my son used a clip on bipod. The Ultra shoots like a dream,and for such a small rifle is extremely accurate. Comes into its own in barns and woods,and this rifle has accounted for loads of rabbit/squirrel and rats. Included is a weihrauch silencer which makes it Ultra silent,also the original BSA silencer,and i am sure i have a couple of tins of pellets to go with it. I want £200.00 for the rifle and face to face only This really is a great rifle and i am only selling because i use .22lr and shotguns now,and it is not getting used apart from a plink in the garden. http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8564/p1000343k.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/702/p1000344z.jpg http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/648/p1000345p.jpg http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/2671/p1000346c.jpgsold
  16. Rabbit burger and chips for me tonight,can smell it cooking now
  17. Gun is fairly old,no real idea of age,bought it last week for £50.00,the stock had a load of old varnish on it that had been applied by a trowel,i sanded it down and was originally going to wax it up,but it is a cheap piece of wood so sealed it back up with a bit of ronseal the barrels are perfect no marks in the bores at all,and the old sorbothane butt pad does a great job of absorbing the recoil. I got lucky,the gun fits me spot on,and feels like i have had it for years.
  18. Bought a 12 bore sxs last week,just a cheap one for a stroll around the fields,so popped out this morning for an hour to my nearest farm,lovely morning,and i made myself comfortable under a tree,within a few minutes in came my first woodie,trained the gun on him and bang,down he goes,a big smile on my face first woodie with new shotgun,went to where he had gone down,and of all the bad luck,over the small stream and twenty yards into five foot brambles,decided to let foxy have that one,saw the farmers wife getting the horse ready to go for a ride,so decided to head home,happy to have christened the gun. After lunch the misses said she was going to see her mum and go shopping,why don't i pop out with the gun(bless her)so this time went to one of my oldest farms,it is split in half by a river,and i usually shoot away from the farm,but there is a nice little wood,so pulled up at the bottom of the farmyard,and was amazed to see three rabbits chasing round the track,as i was getting ready the farmer comes down in the tractor with a lad he has sold some felled trees to,and as we chat,we can see five rabbits popping out of the hedge and crossing the track,a couple of them are doing what rabbits do best,so should be a plentiful supply soon Farmer told me to thin them out a bit and went on his way,walked into the wood and saw a squirrel,but he saw me,and this one was tuned by ferrari,missed him going up one tree,and then missed him going across to another tree,fast sod,squirrel one me nil. Sat in the woods for a while,but it soon became obvious nothing was coming back after the racket i made with the squirrel,so decided to call it a day,as i walked down the track i could see at least eight rabbits having an orgy chasing each other round down the end of the track,so singled a couple of bucks out and crept up,they saw me at the last minute,to late,first one fell still on the track,second was up the bank and going into the brambles when i caught him with the second barrel. And as i laid the rabbits out the farmer turned up,now he likes a rabbit so i offered him them,but he said he had a load in the freezer,so i offered the other lad them and he was over the moon,we had another chat,and it turns out he is also a farmer,and has a bit of a fox problem so swapped numbers,and he said he will give me a call,so happy i packed up and headed for home. Shotgun is a spanish "master" 12bore sxs full choke
  19. My missis complains when i come in at 2am and put my cold feet over her side of the bed
  20. Thought i would do a write up,as i am always reading everyone elses reports. The weather has been awful lately for going out in the evening,so i decided to get up early this morning,well the alarm went off at 3am and after dragging myself out of the lovely warm bed,i got my kit together,and piled it into the van,i decided to take the dog, i think he was muttering something about stupid hour to be up as he jumped in to the van. 4am and first stop,the local golf course,i was hoping for loads of rabbits,as it is usually busy in the evening,well i walked around for an hour with the yukon nv on,and saw a couple of badgers,and a fox on the top of a rise,but where was bugs ,finally saw one and as the dog sat looking at me,i lined up the cross hairs,and squeezed the trigger,and as soon as i did i knew i had pulled the shot,last i saw of mr rabbit was a tail in the distance :blink:,i decided to sack the golf course and pop down the road where i had a couple of farms. Got to the first fields,and there are hundreds of sheep in my favourite rabbit field,so i decided to do the field opposite,walked about 50yds and a quick scan,bingo there is bugs munching away,a nice kneeling shot and slumped like a stone,paced it out,37yds,first one in the bag. Walked into another field,and by this time its starting to get light,so nv off,and scan the field,in the corner were three rabbits,i decide on the left one and take the shot,it smacks him and he rolls backwards,into the hedge,the dog wants to get him but i know that it is a steep bank and there are some old bits of machinery in the corner,sure enough when we get there can see the rabbit,but there is loads of tin sheet and other bits of scrap,i dont want the dog injuring himself for a rabbit so we leave it for foxy.saw a few more rabbits,but they are spooked easily,so i go back to the other farm across the road,and walk down to the bottom field by the shore,i noticed that one of the sheep has damaged its front legs and cannot walk,so i pop up the farm to let them know,and on my way out down the track,i look into the field where he keeps all his trailers and there is a nice size rabbit about 40yds away,stop the van get the rifle sorted,peak round the van and a head on shot,couple of twitches and still,picked him up threw him in the van and decided to have one last mooch round the field where i shot the rabbit in the scrap. For my last walk around,i took everything off the rifle,including the bipod,walked into the field and skirted round the crest of the field,saw bugs,but was a good distance,there was no way to get closer,without him spotting me,so standing shot tad holdover,gentle squeeze,and one very dead rabbit,paced it out 57yds carried on in the bottom of the field and saw rabbit in the far corner,but he had spotted me,he hopped into the corner,and i thought he was gone,but he decided to stop and watch me this was a long shot,tried to kneel,but could not see him over the small crest,so another standing shot,big breath exhale,hold over, bang,even the dog got excited as bugs decided to break dance,paced this one out and was suprised 68yds,shot was classic temple shot, happy and tired i decided to end on a high and headed for home. when i skinned the rabbit i had shot head on,the round had gone in the forehead and travelled between the shoulder blades and was under the skin in the middle of the back,i took a picture of it,to be honest i expected more deformation of the round,it was an eley sub. Rifle is cz/brno long rifle .22lr,scope is hawke reflex which works well on the rifle. Hope i haven't bored you all to much,pics of me and jake,and the bag from this morning,they are being marinaded in cider for a stew
  21. Corned beef mixed with salad cream and chopped onions, in a sandwich. Sometimes i like a bit of Tabasco sauce splashed all over it.
  22. That second photo shows his "for gods sake get on with it"face,he does the same face if i miss a "sitter"when shooting,usually followed by cocking his leg close by.
  23. Took my boy to the shore for the first time today,even though we look over the sea we usually shoot miles away. He stepped onto the shore from the fields,saw a load of teal on the waters edge,and was off,the 100yds of mud then 30yds of water was not going to stop him. He then ran his heart out on the mud flats chasing the seagulls.Managed to get him to sit still for a couple of photos by the second photo he is getting annoyed at sitting still. It took a garden hose and a load of shampoo to clean him up,but he loved the mud.
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