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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. Thats a nice bag of bunnies you have there.
  2. I was wondering that as well,but there were no marks the other side of the leg,suggesting a gin trap,or snare.and the wound was fairly new,he was about 15 feet from a dry stone wall,maybe he was just unlucky and slipped,or landed wrongly.
  3. I popped out last night to get a few bunnies for the freezer and my neighbour,and decided to do one of my golf courses. The weather was very still and there was damp in the air,and this was obviously not to the bunnies liking,as i saw four in the three hours i was out,and they were running like hell away from me They probably heard me wheezing my way round the course in the still air. There are a few Foxes on the course,and in general i leave them alone,but when they start ripping up the greens that's when they are dealt with. Now one fox has been doing this for a while,but he is a clever ******,and the moment he sees you ,or a light goes on he is gone. So i was suprised when i shone the light in the scrub and woods on this foxes fairway to see a set of eyes,i got down and squeeked,but it just looked at me from the base of a tree,and for about five minutes i called but it never moved I got within 40yds and flicked the lamp on,took the shot and down he went. When i retrieved him,it was the elusive green damager with distinctive black socks.I then realised why he had not moved,his back right leg was broken,and the bone was sticking out. I'm just glad i gave him a quick dispatch,because he would have had a slow,and probably painful death with a broken leg. Apologies for the photos ,i forgot the camera ,they were taken on the iphone. Shot went in close to inside corner of right eye and you can see exit wound. You can see the open fracture on his rear right leg.
  4. cheers mate,i was glad that i could help. You supplied a good amount of information,which enabled me to do my job a lot easier. As you said this person thought he was above the law,he made threats to kill thinking people would run away from him, unfortunately for him we have heard it all before. I dread to think how many people have been conned by this person. The bacon sarnie turned into a very large fry up(it is my birthday)and was devoured in a very short space of time. Again,it was good chatting to you. Rob.
  5. Nice one,and a great picture to remember it by
  6. Thats a good varied bag,sounds like you had a cracking day. Well done
  7. Cracking picture of the tree rat, he is a little poser. Bet he doesn't stand still when you have a gun in your hand.
  8. If the antis want to slog across a field they are welcome to.It is a good facility to jog your memory,this photo was on my iphone,and we had a good day catching the pigeons on a flight line by the woods,if my shooting partner said he was popping out to try for pigeons,i could send him the photo,he could then locate the site on his iphone or on google maps,and have a picture to see that he was in the right place. [/url
  9. It can be very handy,if you are on holiday etc,but if you dont want to use it turn the function off,i think most modern phone cameras now do it.
  10. When you take a digital photo it saves information in the file. so if see a photo and want to know more,right click on it,and "save as" then once you have saved it,right click on it and click on properties,it will show you some information,some cameras show a lot,some less,some people take the information out before posting,try it on my deer photo on page one,you will see that i edited it with photoshop,and it will give you all the settings that were used.On iphones it also gives the co ordinates where it was taken,so you can plot it on a map,such as google. Hope that helps.
  11. Your Sony Ericsson phone camera did a good job capturing the colours in the Thailand photo.
  12. Someone was smiling on you today,that could have been a junction instead of a straight road. good to know that you got home ok. You said you replaced a bit of pipe and had to take that back as the flare snapped off,if its the same thing again,there might be a bit of substandard pipe at your dealer.I would go somewhere else.
  13. mine was taken with a panasonic Lumix dmc fz38. It was taken on the auto setting,and the only thing i have changed on the photo,is that i have removed two flies off the face of the deer.
  14. I have a couple of pics that are my favourites,but i still like this one. I had taken the camera to take some pics of a lake,and as i came out of a small wood,this doe was looking straight at me,with its fawn hidden behind it,i snapped a couple of pics,and stepped back into the wood,and it just ambled the other way with its fawn.
  15. welsh1


    I have to agree with bourbons,but also the Garibaldi,is a giant in the dunking world.
  16. Nice shooting,pity the weather was working against you. Nice to see a bird of prey up close,they are amazing creatures.
  17. Looks a good piece of land you have there. And nice to see you took a nice bag and left the rest for another day, Bet your lab loved it.
  18. Sorry for not responding earlier,was up at 4am for work,and have been able to snatch quick looks with the iphone,but the signal was to bad to post. Steve,it's a fixed parallax,my old scope was parallax adjustable,and the only time i seemed to use it was when shooting with my mate and his 223,just to confirm a range.When i was zeroing it looked a good image right across the field,about 250 metres. it is supposed to be set out to 100m. Conygree, I'm in my mid 40's so eye sight is slowly failing,now have to wear specs(but don't for shooting),i think any scope with a good coated lens is going to help with the transfer of light,and even the more mature gent would still notice a difference. You get what you pay for with scopes,my shooting partner has £800 worth of scope and it is a world apart from my scope,he also uses 3rd gen nv,if you get the chance to have a look through 3rd gen you will be amazed at the amount of detail you see,it is fantastic. I wish my brittany spaniel would work at night,he stays at home when its dark.It sounds like you have a good system there.
  19. Treated my self to a new scope on thursday,but only managed to get it zeroed on saturday. So popped out saturday night to give it an outing. Scope is a nikko sterling nighteater eurohunter,3-12x56 with a centre dot reticule that illuminates. I found the light transmission very good,and with a half moon was able to make out the rabbits on the golf course. I used it with my deben lamp,and after two easy misses,the next five were all in the bag,the illuminated dot has eight settings with easy to use + - buttons. I used it on the lowest setting and found it very good,i could place it next to the glowing eye and pull the trigger,all the rabbits were shot from 50yds out to about 120yds(the big one in the front of the pic). The scope has good clarity and i like the simple cross hair with a dot in the centre,and for the price i cannot fault it,all in all a great scope for my HMR. It still amazes me the damage this little round does to a rabbits head,all the rabbits in the picture have been laid to show the good side,but most of them have nothing on the other side. Not the best photo,forgot my camera,had to use the iphone.
  20. Red wine is the tipple tonight,a couple of glasses with dinner and then a bottle or two later Bought a few bottles back from last weekend in France.
  21. I have the hatsan escort,there may have been problems with older models,but mine has been flawless,cycles effortlesley and feels a good solid gun. I use it for decoying,rough shooting and wild fowling,My old sxs has hardly been looked at since i got the hatsan. I recommend them.
  22. Try a HCEO first,some money is better than no money. Thunderbird,you have a pm.
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