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About berettaman

  • Birthday 06/02/1956

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    SHOOTING ,tropical fish,HOLIDAYS,beer, not in order
  1. Not realy laying here .one minute its a white out next its sunshine
  2. ONE things for sure its NOT the cowards way out,you have to have BIG cahoneys to do that
  3. Time to stand up and be counted,got my vote too
  4. If someone came to my relations funeral in a onesie theyd be tolt to Foxtrot Offskie
  5. Ah well im glad im not alone as i to was diagnosed type 2 this very week 8ummer . Keep the info coming guys finding it quite revealing cheers Bm
  6. Never mind all the fancy names if the gun doesnt fit you then you wont hit a thing then you will get peed off and leave shooting,go to a place that will sell you a gun after trying for fit the cash price is immatreial hitting targets is all there is to it Bm
  7. A private sale is always the best,as in all things cars etc the end user always loses out Bm
  8. Hi i am trying to get some firing pins for my Browning ultra xs ,and some kind person supplied me with a gunsmiths name he does firing pins for six quid each and you have to send your old ones in for comparison,unfortunatley ive lost the name of this gunsmith any help please people ? all help much appreciated Bm
  9. Had mine out yesterday clay shooting,over four hours on the range and still red hot when i got home lasted four hours on lowest level fill on filler watch for the proviso DONT touch the catalyser just the ends,just held the lighter flame to it whilst the warmer was on its side for twenty seconds and hey presto lovely warmth Bm
  10. They have cancelled my order says problem with supplier, sorry,dammit. Just found the black one on the bay 13 quid no p&p gerin! dont think i will bother with the hut anymore good old e-bay
  11. You Either Love it or Hate it and with the mixed replies so far,that rings true,put me down for LUV IT :lol:
  12. Pheasants shot yesterday cleaned today and into the freezer,done and dusted :D
  13. Surely he has to be done for negligently discharging a firearm in public (well he damn well would here) :o
  14. Have ordered one but getting message to say they have no stock at moment and apologise for the delay ? wonder when i will get it,wont be any good in JUNE!
  15. Got my two today,many thanks teal Berettaman
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