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About Neels

  • Birthday 21/03/1969

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  • From
    North Wales
  1. Hiya mate Not sure I get all of that (55meg is not a lot at all), but have you tried re-installing the screen drivers? Should be able to get that off the net How old is the laptop, what did you do just before it started playing up, ...... Neels
  2. With Magman on this - we always take our own food and drink. My daughter (7 years old) thinks the butterflies are the best
  3. Hi Chester zoo is quite an experience, and will easily occupy a full day (in our experience). Have a look at http://www.chesterzoo.org Cheers Neels
  4. I used Zyban tablets 5 years ago, and haven't smoked since. At the time I had to go to a bit of effort to break the link between cigarette and situation, e.g. having a pint and wanting a cigarette. Didn't give up drinking, just drank other things..... I found a great motivator was the fact that the money spent on cigarettes could now be spent on other things. In my instance it paid for a saltwater fly fishing setup Best of luck, and hang in there Neels
  5. Neels


    Hi I have a 2003 Freelander Diesel TD4 3 year NCD, additional driver with 3 year NCD too with Churchill via a comparison site, no claims, no convictions, living in a quiet area in North Wales. Middling excess 390 Pounds Per Annum (I might have been able to get that down a bit but was pushed for time) As Spence says - So many variables affect it Best advice, as given, is to shop around Cheers Neels
  6. Excellent post - Haven't seen it before. Would be my first action before buying "stuff" That said, a 2002 machine can probably do with all the help it can get - in those years it was running IE5? perhaps. The richness of the web would challenge most of that capability now Cheers Neels
  7. Hi Vole You can probably/potentially up the memory and hard disk on that machine (not sure what model you have), but that might cost you the same as getting a new one ;-) If you post the model no I might be able to get you a price on parts (if possible), but i have no idea what someone would charge you to fit it Assuming from your comments that it is a Windows machine go Start>>Run then type in "dxdiag">>OK. It will ask you if you want to do digitally signed things, to which you can go no or yes. It should bring up a dialog box that tells you the make and model, which will give us something to work with I might nt be online for the next 5 days or so, but I will check back as soon as I can Cheers Neels
  8. Hello Mate Is it still available?
  9. Babby - marry her. All of that touchy feely stuff will change almost instantly. Of course changing to what I can't say (you take your chances) Neels
  10. You can also use paint.net Click here Might be overkill for what you want to do
  11. The ever patient google tells me that white spirits can be used a solvent for many wood preservatives, but on its own it would probably only have anti-fungus properties Neels
  12. Neels

    Home Brewing

    Thanks Andy The 2 gallon barrels appealed to me from a usage point of view, but I see your point about the cost Your comment - "If you are bottling, rather than adding 1/2 teaspoon to each 1 pint bottle, its often easier to disolve the whole amount of required sugar in some beer and make it up to the 400ml mark. Then, using one of those little medicine syringes (properly sterilised of course) that you always have lying around if you've got kids (or sometimes animals) take 10ml of the solution and inject it into each bottle before topping up with the beer or cider. " You sir, are a genius Absolutely priceless advice - I've tried brewtabs, spoons and allsorts of measures and it still remains a mission Neels
  13. Saw this earlier today - Babby won't comment, he's busy digging in..... I gather from the article you need to behead them to destroy them - based on feedback from others I guess the 17 HMR is appropriate
  14. Neels

    Home Brewing

    Thanks FC Any idea what sizes they come in? Cheers Neels
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