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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. What is it with these morons !! .

    Hiding in the dark behind keyboards slating the old boy who done more for public nhs in the last few months of his life than they'll ever do even if they live to be 100. 

    Yet I bet they have no problem taking from the N.H.S ... I.M.H.O.  they deserve to tracked like all cyber criminals and prosecuted & named & shamed .

    Pure scum

  2. 1 hour ago, hawkeye said:

    Latest update got a text from Jacki tuesday just gone didn't get around to answering her till later in the week as i was in hospital myself having biopsies taken out of my lung to see if what they have seen on last MRI scan was the big C or not will get results hopefully in next couple of weeks..

    Anyway Martin had a episode and collapsed but this time he didnt hurt himself as it was on the grass right outside Jacki's house sent her a text on thursday to say hope things were going ok, got bad news he had had 2 more seizures and was taken back into hospital will update again when i hear more..

    I,m sick to the core of hearing bad news in the last 18 month .... 

    Mike I hope & pray it's not the c word mate 

    Martin keep fighting  mate 

    I,m off now to bray the living daylights out of a knackered engine i have sitting on drive with a lump hammer to vent my frustration 🤬🤬

  3. 23 hours ago, oowee said:

    They can now be deported. 

    yea but WILL they be deported ?  probably not ........... they,ll more than likely play the " MY LIFE IS IN DANGER BACK IN MY OWN COUNTRY" card and the oh we cant allow that brigade  will allow them to stay and continue their crime spree ......... may i also add that i.m.o it takes more than 2 people to steal , strip , transport  & sell the parts from the cars 

  4. 11 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    A good point, although might be better to speak to the OPs misses first!:good:

    My mrs is never away from me and definitely 100% not on the 8th of this month ... 

    If the caller I.D gives a number that she doesn't know she passes the unanswered phone to me .

    So I can for certain say there in no way on this earth that she spoke to him on the 8th and even more so she didn't request a call via the internet...

  5. Just had s call from "the coop funeral plan" .

    The guy said good morning its Stuart from coop funeral plan .. have you received the brochure I sent you ?" 

    I reply sorry mate haven't got a clue what your on about ... 

    His reply ... I spoke to your wife on the 8th of this month and she said to send them... 

    Now red flag starts as I'm my wife's full time carer and due to her epilepsy I deal with all stuff like this ... 

    I tell him that he's most definitely wrong and didn't speak to my wife on the 8th ... a couple of seconds silence then he replies " she requested a call via the website .... That's when I definitely know it's some sort of scam as she can't even turn the computer on let alone find a company and request a call from them ... he then says "well did you not fill the form in for her ..... err no I most definitely DID NOT so where did you get my number from ... oh ok bye and he hangs up ....

    So just a little heads up incase it's a new thing going round 

  6. People that live a few doors away from me  got a brother & sister from same litter border x terriers 3 years ago  .

    Nice looking litte dogs would have made great ratters! But a classic case of dog owners not knowing what to do to train their dogs.

    From day 1 the pups pulled like steam trains and continuesly  yap,bark,scream whilst on leads now 3 years on they are exactly the same if not worse and have a serious lack of recall if they do get off lead .

    If they do manage to escape they are like greyhounds out of the trap .... you then see/hear the woman and the grandkids running round like headless chickens shouting the dogs names trying to find them.... 

    It's both comical and annoying  as it's another case of good dogs gone to waste .

    I'll be lying in bed and around 6.30am every morning you hear  them all the way around their morning walk out. . . . Well in fact every bloody walk

  7. I drive a 2018 (bought new) model on the estate as a game cart during season and the keeper lets me use it to drive the estate when shooting ... they are a cracking bit of kit .... it even has a,heater great considering the previous 2 we had didn't and didn't  even have doors 

  8. Words don't make things easier at times like this but we all know that ..... time does help eventually but memories are what really help people get threw cack times like this ... 

    So if you read this martin please rest assured everyone on here that knows you really feels for you and wishes you chris & jakie all the best .... 

    Small words I know but seriously IF THERE'S ANYTHING I CAN DO YOU GOT MY NUMBER .....

    Get well soon mate 


  9. I only ask because I knew him REALLY well and used to work for him off & on in his little garage where he worked on old moggy minors & the like. 

    He still had one of his old sidecar out fits on the roof of the spray bay. 

    I loved listening to him tell of his racing in the 60s & 70s  .... I only learned how good he actually was at his funeral service when he passed away in Nov 2018.. 

    This picture is him & mac in i.o.m.tt 1970



  10. 2 hours ago, Velocette said:

    This is me in the sidecar in 1968 at Cadwell. I was 16 and Chris the driver 17. Anything was possible in those days ! The bike is a Morgo Triumph with a home brewed 5 speed gearbox and 10" Lockheed discs. Did many years in outfits until going solo.

    1968 Cadwell.jpg

    1968 Cadwell 2.jpg

    Can you rember a guy from up Newcastle-upon-Tyne  who used to race sidecar outfits he was called GEOFF ATKINSON ?

  11. I'd HATE TO THINK ..

    My sister in law was involved in a long drawn out case . Which was 100% the right thing to do as the Dr involved carried out a procedure & operation that should never of been done ... she died twice on the table .. and has been left with massive physical disabilities .... the case lasted 5yrs she had numerous visits to harley street specialists and consultations with 2 professors.. so stays in hotels travelling expenses multiple case reports from external specialists . Home visits ect .... the nhs settled out of courts for a £700k+ sum plus costs .... the Dr who cocked up was struck off as all the professors condemned the action he took and he was reported the gmc 

  12. On 06/12/2020 at 09:37, mel b3 said:

    I find the whole " take a knee  " thing cringe worthy  , and so do my black friends.

    Completely agree !

    One of my best mates is black another mixed race and I have a mixed race family member and all 3 completely disagree and are in fact embarrassed it 

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