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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. 21 minutes ago, hawkeye said:

    Was told yesterday that was my last then they came just before i left to say i had another one next  next week and that would be my last.

    Got a meeting on the 15th to see the top dog and find out what happens next fingers crossed for good results...


    Me & the Mrs have got everything crossed for u bud ... I finally got the results from the colonoscopy and it was good news ... a couple of the polyps they removed were pre cancerous early stage and they've enrolled me on the cancer screening programme.

    I had the basel cell carcinoma removed from my right cheek under my eye and that's now all clear 

    So I'm sending you 50% of my luck m8.

    Keep plodding along !!!

  2. 15 hours ago, WalkedUp said:

    A director of a large engineering practice I know started off as a YTS in the 1980s. Seems a very successful scheme. 

    It was I.m.o a 50/50 depending on the morals of the employer ... a lot of them used it as a way to get cheap labour for menial work as they only had to contribute a small amount of the money paid ... there was a large company that performed various forms of plating chrome ,zinc ect near me that was renowned for only using Y.T.S staff for the 6 month then replacing them with the next batch so on & so forth until the scheme ended . I knew quite a few that went there and no one EVER got an extension or "kept on" .

    But then again there are always people out to use & abuse the system I suppose

  3. 1 hour ago, bavarianbrit said:

    £3 17 shillings and sixpence in 1965 take home pay as apprentice, cant get half a pint with that now.

    Mine was a govt scheme at 16yrs old called a Y.T.S (youth training scheme) for the sum of £23.50p a week. In 1980 for 6 month . The garage I was at had the option to then extend it for another 6 month . They did that then gave me a full time job . I was there for the next 7 yrs until the garage owner retired & closed the buisness .  

  4. 11 minutes ago, hodge911 said:

    I absolutely  loved my thundercat . I,m 6ft and was around 14-15 stone when I had mine...


    I fitted a hyperpro suspension kit , full micron exhaust system braided hoses front and rear sintered pads  front & rear had the carbs tuned professionally dot 4 brake fluid and more I can't remember  . It was a r6 beater and could give bigger bikes a bit of a fright..

    The thunderace  was brilliant  as well but apart from an end can I left that std. 

    I,m sorley tempted by the one on the link but couldn't afford the divorce if I did


  5. 2 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    I fancied a thundercat a few years ago, but was worried about the size. 

    That thunderace is quite a lot for the price 🤔

    I absolutely  loved my thundercat .

    I fitted a hyperpro suspension kit , full micron exhaust system braided hoses front and rear sintered pads  front & rear had the carbs tuned professionally dot 4 brake fluid and more I can't remember  . It was a r6 beater and could give bigger bikes a bit of a fright..

    The thunderace  was brilliant  as well but apart from an end can I left that std. 

    I,m sorley tempted by the one on the link but couldn't afford the divorce if I did

  6. It's now done and it cost me some pain and a sunburned nappa .... but hey it's done (2 coats) ..... the lad I was on about is a school kid and was on school holidays .. 

    I don't think £50 + dinner a day was a bad offer for him to earn some pocket money ..... I'm sure some of our eastern European car wash men earn a lot less .... beggar I should of went to get the car washed and asked them .... lol

  7. 6 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:


    Works out about minimum wage (depending on how many hours worked per day). 

    I think the days of finding some kid to do those kind of jobs for a bit of pocket money are pretty much long gone. 

    agree in principle.. 

    But the prices quoted were I.M.O stupidly high .

    I have a bad back problem for which I've had surgery which has left problems.

    It took me as long to do as I can only do it for a couple of hours before pain reaches the point where I need to stop .

    It would of took a "fit & healthy" person a good day of say 6-8 hours . Devide their quotes by that and its way higher then minimum wage....



  8. 20 hours ago, team tractor said:

    It’s only luck that most of us aren’t caught more. 

    Is " I was arguing with the Mrs " a defence ? Probably not but that's the reason .

    Not excessive 35mph in a 30mph area . ( funny enough just outside lord geordies house ) we were having a small domestic about the amount of stuff she keeps asking to be done in garden .... I'm sure its to keep me from enjoying myself with the guns ... lol... but she wasn't happy when I said it ...

  9. I've given up !! 

    We tried for 6-8weeks to get someone to come and paint our garden fences .

    Did have 2 people come and quote £600 & £750 and we've already got all the paint . Fences are normal 6ft high 6" wide boards .

    After getting the paramedics to restart my heart I politely declined and sent them on their way . 

    Next idea was to offer the young lad along the street £50 + dinner a day .... his reply was "oh yea no problems I'll come along on Saturday and start " we're still waiting ! .

    So sodit I got the brush & roller out and 2.5 days later & 2 coats of paint its done ... inc a sun burnt head ... 

  10. Hi all I'm a bit cheesed off .

    Got a letter through post today I got nabbed on sunday gone by a mobile camera van . It's got me at 35mph in a 30mph .

    Its a duel carriageway which I thought was a 40mph .. I've got a clean license that has been clean for over 30 years .. 

    Does Anyone know the criteria for being offered the speed awareness course ?

    Or will I get the fine & points ?.

    Northumbria police 

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