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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. 7 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    i bet you are chuffed with that :good:

    the begging letters are going to be coming thick an fast

    Yea very pleased at my 1st go .

    It's not up to your quality but I have a few ideas for the next one . What I had the most bother with was cutting the groove for the closed blade . It ended up slightly wider than I would of liked . And getting the blade to close .... 

  2. after reading ditchies post on antler handle on an opinel i fancied giving it go but after drawing a blank in the wanted section for a suitable bit of antler  a mate brought me a rams horn and a buffalo horn  so i deciced to have a try at doing it in buffalo horn . having never worked with buffalo horn i asked boo on how to finish it like he does and he kindly said .

    so i cut a piece of the horn [as marked in yellow box in pic and set about shaping it ect i then sourced some 13mm thick ally plate and buffed it up to see what type of finish i could get on that [ see before and after pics so as of 6pm today I finished it .

    its not anywhere near ditchies standard but i dont think its too bad for a 1st attempt.













  3. 20 minutes ago, sandspider said:

    Many thanks Hodge, that's good to know. Couldn't ring garage till Monday and gov site doesn't differentiate between front and rear windscreens, but sounds like it'll be ok.

    Thanks all.

    Nee probs mate . It's deffo ok for it not to be working . 

    If u have a high level brake light on top make sure all the sections are working . If not disconnect it .

    It's a fail for non illuminated sections but if disconnected it's a pass

  4. 15 hours ago, ninjaferret said:

    Safety razor ??????????    Must be a softy southern thing          i shave my full head and have never used a safety razor yet...... can't remember last time i cut myself....

    Oh dear ... You've now tempted fate send me your address and I'll send you some Elastoplasts or if your a true northerner the corners off the newspaper pages to lick n stick over cut 🤕

  5. O.M.G stunning 

    How much do kidneys sell for ? I would gladly sell one..

    I would love one of those little beauties but there's no way I can personally afford one even though their a cracking price .

    They won't  be there long 

  6. Well I read this post with envy !!.

    For most of my life I have loved any sort of sea food / shellfish .

    Welks with black pepper & vinegar mussels with garlic butter prawns ect ect .then about 4yrs back I seen some crayfish tails in Lidl and thought I haven't tried them so bought a pack .... Had them with a home made salad and they were lovely .

    BUT 5-6 HOURS LATER  lying in bed I started itching all over which steadily increased. After about 20mins I got up put light on and looked in the mirror 😲 I looked a right state covered in big red blotches , so not having any anti histamines in I went to A&E as I'd never had an allergic reaction before and didn't know how bad it could get .

    I'm pleased I did as after getting there 10 mins later I was projectile vomiting and just about passing out . An injection of anti histamines and a couple of hours later started to feel better .

    Result is I'm now allergic to shellfish as I've tried shrimp and prawns and had the 1st signs each time but I now have a supply of anti histamines in stock all times.

    I have therefore deleted seafood from my diet and I do miss it

  7. 3 hours ago, old'un said:

    So we let the media feed the public with an unbalanced view, no, now is the time to offer a balanced view point, not after the horse as bolted.

    Those who shout the loudest before a decision is made tend to influence the outcome.

    Agree with that mate.... 

    Since this attrocius incident happened the media has broadcast a one sided bias view and took every opertunity to hammer home the fact that the gunman held a licence.

    And this morning the TV presenter brought up the roal moat shootings to the ex Northumbria police official but never once did either point out the truth that his firearm was an illegally held one and he DID NOT hold a licence.....


  8. 8 minutes ago, old'un said:

    I have been watching the news this morning and the only people who are being interviewed are for the most saying the application process for shotguns needs to be tightened, watching the interview with the former Northumbria chief constable Sue Sim, she made it perfectly clear where she stands, she would like shotguns moved to FAC and the application process made a lot harder with fewer guns in the hands of the public.

    The annoying part of all this was, there was not one person interviewed that was pro gun ownership, if there was, I did not see/hear them.

    Where are our orgs? We need some balance in these interviews.

    Your correct mate there was no body supporting our side in the slightest .... 

    Makes you think why the heck do we pay our fee's to our "so called helping organisation's " there has been No sight or sound of them .

    The presenter on TV who interviewed the Northumbria police woman brought up roal moat who shot and killed 1 and wounded 2 with a shotgun but he never mentioned the FACT that his gun was not held legally ..

    More bias reporting !!!!!!!

  9. The mayor of Plymouth was on TV asking Patel to look into All aspects licensing "to prevent another community suffering like his" ..., So looks like we MAY be going to be scapegoats for the actions of 1 person with mental problems ... 

    It still boils my pee that they don't make a massive deal out of all the illegally owned firearms involved in shootings all the media come out with is X amount of people were shot / injured in a drug , or drive by or gang realated shooting and that's it .

    Not days and days of bias reporting that " the gunman held a licence” .

    No body should die in acts like this except the perpetrator but unfortunately they do regardless of whether the person who pulls the trigger holds a licence but yet the media love to point out at every opertunity that a licence was held .

    So as an outcome the law abiding people  who hold licences and have jumped through every hoop they have to keep them will suffer as a result .

    I have held as I suspect a LOT OF US have my tickets for over 30years . 

  10. It boils my p that the media /TV are taking great lengths to state the fact that " the gun man was a license holder" .

    How many flaming people are shot each year by illegally owned guns or even stabbed .

    YES it is absolutely terrible that innocent people have lost their lives but is it any worse because the "the gunman held a licence for the gun" .

  11. 3 minutes ago, MARSH GUN said:

    Was A pump action not sure if  it is  FAC or a shotgun / restricted . Or  if he held that gun on his licence or not is unclear at the moment.


    Either way we're all going to suffer for it !

    All anyone will hear is "LICENSE HOLDER"

  12. Oh Poop that's going to be more hoops for us to jump through . 

    He was a licensed holder.

    So you just know pritty Patel will try to make every license harder to get / keep .

    Be prepared boys .., 

    Even though it initially seems as if he shouldn't have had a ticket 

  13. I've bought a t31 adventures expedition 2.0l auto (2009) full leather satnav ect .

    Got it for a real steal (£1650) . And I love it .

    Had a 2.2 t30 for a few years until it went bang . But not before I spent a chuffing fortune on it , had a new timing chain fitted along with a reconditioned gearbox new clutch and dual mass flywheel fitted then less than 2000 miles later it went bang .

    Personally I think their excellent vehicles 

  14. 1 hour ago, team tractor said:

    It’s only a young dog so I hope it can be trained still. It was a foster dog so I guess possibly a future police dog . The owner apparently has gone and bought a muzzle straight away. 
    if it had been me kids I’d of destroyed it myself . 

    I.m.h.o. it's both the dog AND the owner need to be trained!!.

    But I also believe that a dog with a bad aggressive streak like that may Not be trainable . They should have to pay for your loss of earnings as you can't work as a direct result of his lack of control of a known dangerous dog .

    Get well soon mate .

    I've got some liquid morphine here .... But unfortunately you can't have it .... It works great when my back/leg pain get unbearable

  15. That exact scenario happened to me about 18yrs ago.

    Apart from the fact I knew the lad selling the cavalier personally and only lived a couple of streets away . He had the car for a while then I noticed it was parked up on his front lawn for a few weeks .

    I asked what was wrong and he replied a mechanic had looked at it and it needed a new engine . It had the 8v ohc bullet proof 1.6 petrol engine in so I asked if he wanted to sell it . Anyhow a brief chat and I handed over £100.

    At the time I worked in my mates garage so we towed it there .

    Charged the battery and started it (off the button instantly) .

    The engine was dripping in oil and the top end was clattering like a goodun .

    I steam cleaned it off topped the oil up with some old oil and fired it up again .., top end quietened down but oil was peeing out of the oil pressure switch in fact squirting. 

    New O/P switch was under £5 and fixed the car instantly and drove perfectly ... 

    Then 6-7months down the line I get contacted by a finance company asking me to go into the local office to see them regarding the car .

    At the meeting the guy was really nice and asked about how I came to own the car . I told him the full story Inc the details of the lad I bought it off ... Then he came out with " well I can inform you that Mr ?????? Had outstanding finance on the vehicle . 

    I told him that I had carried out substantial repairs to get vehicle back on the road . 

    He said I could keep the car and use it but couldn't sell it on .

    A couple of months later they contacted me to say everything was now ok with vehicle and I was the legal owner

  16. 1 hour ago, boo said:

    You can bend & shape buffalo with heat , if you want a curved handle,  after bending initial sanding to shape with 80-120 grit emery, then use a new stanly blade to scrape , then going with the grain 180-240 sand to get most of the scratches out , then wet& dry , 400- 1200 grit working through, put on the mop , shows any imperfections up , then back to scraping & wet /dry again! When happy put on the mop with a bit of polishing soap , then I use autoglym car polish , lastly on a slow speed , abuff with cherry blossom black shoe polish, brings it up lovely! Be warned horn may have imperfections init you carnt get out so have to roll with it...

    Thanks mate .

    I'm not bending it I'm cutting a section to shape and make a handle for my opinel knife ( as per ditchys post ) .

    I fancy capping the end with polished stainless to match the twist lock on the opinel.

  17. May I ask a question please ?

    Can you please explain how you polish the horn to achieve the finish you have .

    I understand that you start with say 400grit and work up to a finer grit then onto buffing compound .

    But could you let me know the grade of grit step you use and is it done wet .

    I've polished alloys brass copper but never buffalo horn

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