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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. Hi all not shooting I know but if anyone up north is getting rid of or knows anyone getting rid of any kitchen base units and worktop I'm looking for a bit 2mtr long & 2 1000mm base units to go into my shed as a work bench in an ideal world some drawers in base unit

  2. hi I know kev very very well

    he no longer lives in Dunston and no longer breeds or trains gundogs .

    he had to wrap in after his neighbour started a campaign of complaints to the council and other authorities of which a lot of them unfounded and made up but for some reason the council decided to take the wrong side . 

    if you want if you tell me what your after I,ll ring him to see if he can help ?

  3. ive just done 2 mate all I done was phoned firearms and asked if it was ok to drop them off at local station .

    their reply was yes that will be fine but to make sure they were broken down and to lock them in boot of car and go into station first to let them know I was about to bring firearms into building and once handed over they would give me a ref number to quote when letting licencing know the guns had handed in for destruction .

    which is exactly which I done and everything went fine could not have been easier

  4. she is an evil woman [swear filter wont let me put what I really want to call her] divorced her ex via ring  returned in post while he thought she was on a holiday [or so ive heard] .

    she imho is a manipulative American soft porn actress that had an agenda the moment she realised harry had an eye for her  to get him hook line and sinker play along with the "royal way of life " until she had the ring on the finger and all that goes with it then spit out a sprog so that regardless of her future marital status to harry she has a pawn to play to keep the ££ coming in .

    that is sort of proven slightly buy the fact that she had harry at a Disney premier totting for voice over work for her [which has paid off as she has signed  voice over deal with Disney] instead of being at the military bash at deal for the soldiers who lost their lives in a bombing even tho he is a leading figure for the military charity .

    so all these protesting whineing women right activist groups who are playing the never played before RACIST CARD need to wind their necks in and stop *** licking 

  5. On 08/01/2020 at 17:03, FOXCALLER said:

    Hi mate, would you do a swap for a pard 007.

    sorry to impose on OP but may I ask why swap the pard 007 ? 

    my reason for asking I,m looking into getting a 007 and just wondered on your reason for getting rid of the007

  6. 10 hours ago, Lampwick said:

    That was a pleasant way to round off the weekend!

    Cheers I enjoyed that, and I have loads of circular saw blades in the garage!!!! 

    I have some as well but they don't seem to be  as thick as the one he used ,

    I,m assuming the one he uses is from an industrial large saw 

  7. Yep this service leaves a lot to be desired.

    A couple of years back I got up on a Sunday morning and went to put Saturday nights takeaway cartons out to bin , opened the bin and inside was a dressing table drawer full of personal items .

    Left it there phoned 101 to report it to be told "take it to your nearest police station and if its not claimed in 21 days its yours" . I replied you joking its obvious that someone has been burglarized and they have dumped the drawer in my bin .

    They just weren't interested so I looked at the stuff in drawer found an address & phone number rang it and low & behold they had been broken into . Took plod 6 hours to get there .

    They came and retrieved the drawer and contents and as a token of appreciation brought a bunch of flowers for my mrs and a bottle of whiskey for me 

  8. Its been done for exactly this reason !

    To get people talking about it in different ways be it online ,in pub, in street but it will most certainly be twisted to make MR PACKHAM the a'hole look like a victim again !!! .

    And the idiots who take his every word as truth "because the tv says he's a wildlife expert" will all be behind him in slating the shooting fraternity

    Well that's what I think .

    God forbid that it could of been hit by a car and actually die where it was found ................. no that sounds far to made up to be a possibility

  9. 10 hours ago, moondoggy said:

    Looks like you’ve got a very busy year coming up!

    Possibly so mate ...

    Since I had a seizure in November and can't drive until I get the all clear from the hospital I'll need something to stop me going stir crazy so I thought I'd get the rest of the stuff together to be able to potter on in the "shed" doing some projects like sticks ' make some clocks ' and I've been in touch with someone to buy high quality knife blanks off for me to fit different styles of handle scales to 

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