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Everything posted by activeviii

  1. 8000RE How much you after. £50 the pair? Phil
  2. Sold Pending.....Another forum.
  3. Brand new, adjustable height, Dead Bird, magnet. I believe it is a sealand from what i can remember. I bought this a little while ago but have never used it. Its just taking up space so £40 and you can come get it. Please state here that you want it. not sold until you do. I can Post but it will cost you an extra £20 due to length. Regards Phil
  4. this is more or less what i did. no interaction at all until he carmed down. i just stood there with arms crossed and looking straight ahead. didnt take long fo the pup to realise that praise comes only when he sits. i didnt overly worry about the sit s he was digging a hole with his tail other wise. I tell visiters that 4 feet on the floor before saying hello to him but they must say hello to us first him last. Phil
  5. I get mine from countrywide farmers. Either duck or salmon will be his next one as he is just finishing off the puppy one, we were given a few little bags of different skinners to try him on as he suffers with soft poo if his diet is changed. he is fine on either of the rice ones but not on a couple of their others. we use the salmon stuff for training treats as he loves the stuff. and its cheaper than the other stuff we used to feed him on before skinners. Phil
  6. I went into this last year, i spent a lot of hours looking at the pros and cons, costs and in the end i went with http://www.pet-insurance.co.uk/ they do every thing i need and they cover shooting dogs. working dogs are police type dogs so are classed as higher risk. they cover per year and not per illness. some offer £4K per illness, that sounds great until your dog suffers with a long term illness like a heart condition or others that i cant spell. once your £4k has been used, in about 18mths, then your on your own and cant get insurance anywhere. mother-in-law has this problem. her dogs lived 10yrs more so far and costing her £2k a year for heart problems. So be careful and ask the questions. You want per year and not per illness. lf i remember rightly i pay a tenner a month for my cocker pup. i hope this help you a little Regards Phil
  7. lucky you put him out of his misery as he wouldn't be able to eat with that stuck on his teeth.
  8. As soon as mine can sit, heal and shoot straight then he will come out shooting, until then he's holding the lamp. coat lost but im off anyway
  9. just put in for my FAC HMR, LR and 222. only took 6 weeks for the SGC but i did chase them for it. how long was it before you had the visit? Mine being a woman i hope she can move faster due to there multi tasking capabilities Phil
  10. I', out on my own then.lol. I'll let you know how many cartridges i use. Checking weather for friday as sunday im at the monmouth game fair thing and saturday is kite buggy racing at weston so i need to be there. Oh and i better check with the wife as well................just in case........you never know she might want me to do some thing............****** that im not asking her.hehe
  11. top job, that Taff is a good man with a heart of gold. I'm popping out tomorrow to see if there's any birds around. there was a few yesterday but not loads yet. might be a bit tight as only one field shooting but your welcome to pop over if you like. I'm about to get 400 more acres signed up as well so as soon as the birds start coming in i know the land owner will be more than happy for a few of us to spend a day or two there. OSR and wheat. might be a bit of a walk. but will look into it more when birds are having it. but for now Tomorrow you up for it?
  12. ****** i missed that one. it was new and cheaper.hehe £20 paypal gift!!
  13. been using them for years for my kiting stuff. great company to deal with. look local as the are a few kite shops around still.
  14. if this will this work with autoroute and act like a satnav £20 posted?
  15. nice little bag there, whats the two pigeons up top on left there not woodies or feral are they?
  16. yep i had one as well. I know i can be a bit of a **** at at times but i didn't think i needed Viagra to gut up people.
  17. has she eaten something or been playing with something that is mouldy or rotten? reason I'm asking is my cocker pup had the same sort of thing, panicked me like mad. then was sick a few times. wanted to poo every 10mins.in the end it was just snotty with blood in it. off to the vets we went.... colitis (sp) inflammation of the bowel. vet gave a jab to stop being sick and then told us to buy some kaolin from the chemist as cockers can suffer with it. we had to stave for 12hrs as hes a pup and then bland food for 48hrs or until normal formed stools, then slowly bring his kibbles back in. 2.5ml of kaolin, not the kaolin and morphine but just the kaolin. this will runny poos up. we keep the kaolin in the house now as we have had a few bouts of it now. if your worried then get the the vets as the pup can go down hill very very quickly as theres no extra fat on them to keep them going. if in doute...get the cheque book out.
  18. every one, no matter the breed, says basic training only as the dog is only young. this i have read so many times on here and other places. what is basic training and when is to young not to young. when i want to puppy classes with him i was told that hes on the old side. i want for the socialising with him. he was 4 mths old. 8 weeks of lessons, from heal to sit, stay, down, even leaving the pup out shop the sort of thing. i thought this was OTT but after reading a few books now im not sure. working dog owners dont train until 6mths plus but pet owners 12weeks. what is right.. im getting so confused with things. kids and wife want a pet and all i want is a picking up, walking and fishing companion thats not scared of things tat make a click.hehe we have spent the last few days making sure that there no strange clicking around him and have been putting in shorter training times but more of them. we will now only do say 5 minutes but a dozen times aday. hes getting back to how he was, always looking to please and if you dont do anything with him he is barking and jumping up. to me hes asking for more as every thing we do is done with fun and play. he is even bringing things to hand for us to throw for him. grass, leaves, sticks, bottles, babies, cars even balls.hehe. Im getting there with things and even the clicking now as this week its the smoke alarm thats panicking him. the wifes been burning food for years so its not a new noise to him. i ignore it, dont look at him and dont talk to him, i just carry on. anyone have a cat i can borrow.hehe thanks all for your input, suggestions and help. Phil
  19. my son wants one for his bedroom. have you any kicking around please.......no no not kicking as that will brake it....spinning around, if so how much please. Phil
  20. watch the RSPCA dont catch you. what was it the guy got for allowing his son to shoot pigeons in his garden. still nice shooting, bet he will leave your lettuses alone now.hehe Phil
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