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Everything posted by activeviii

  1. someone i shoot with uses one to good effect. hits most things, from the end of the barrel to very long shots, all with the cyl choke. not had a jam of any kind when i have been with him. only problem he has had was the stock falling off on more than one occasion. easy fixed by replacing the standard nut with a stainless nyloc. 28g 7's prima 70mm fibre all day long with it and he has loads of confidence with it. i have had a browning gold that had the odd jam up on shorter carts and my beretta does not the prima's as i have has 3 in the last 2 weeks that have jammed. only with these prima's though. Phil.
  2. little hard going with calling them in at the moment as im on stubble but in the winter when there's less food i have had my fair share come running. but saying that i have had the nights when nothing comes to it so i switch between the u-caller and the ukcaller. just about to get a wam as well so as i would like to lighten up my walking. just need to find a way of getting then in range on the stubble. Phil
  3. this is just what my cocker did and i was warned about it as well. i've done basics with him and he then shut down and would do anything... someone told be it is just like my teenage son, when you say to do something that just come back at you with 'WHY?' He is 1 now and i have just started to go into more training with him and he really whats to learn and is getting wound up when he is not sure whats happening he bite the grass like a bl00dy cow. still a bit head strong but coming back in line again so happy with him. best thing since slided bread my cocker is. Phil.
  4. Its free then.hehe taken from the sticky at top of this section. 'All sales items must be accompanied with a suggested price of sale.'
  5. one of the feilds here was washed out in all the rain in the winter so they re drilled with wheat. the crop was a right mix when it came up but the crows loved it. and the roe. hehe.
  6. if you take the rifle back you then need to put in for a variation (1 for 1) . i had this with Ian coleys bought a rifle, got home and went for a play. safety would stick and then spent shell wouldn't come out so if it was in the dark then you would be trying to put a new round in over the spent one. they tried to fob me off with a credit note in the end but i went back next day after speaking to trading standards and i got my money back. i then had to put in for the one for one as i only have one slot for a 22lr. nightmare and lesson learnt, will not use them any more, i have found a new shop thats only been going 5 months and will not go anywhere else now. gloucester gun company gets me shout. Phi.
  7. cheap is not always the best as its bulked out with **** and the bait blows quick. but having said that i have used bait from a few cheap places and very please with 2 companies. so much so that one company i would go to every time when fishing a new water. CBC, i use to get bait very cheap from them as i use to order so much. i was ordering 10 kg of just boilies every month and a few sacks of other bit. Phil Churn use to deliver it to me in person and give other bait for me to try. he then got a little bigger and i stopped fishing. dont know if he is still doing it but Tock specials every time for me. and other good cheap bait was from Quality Baits. Patshull park, squid with orange oil, or frankies. i use to have monster crab instead of the squid as i found it pulled the commons more than squid. dont forget you need to add postage to your deal. cheap way to do things. 3KG of boilies pored into 10gk of fermenting maize. leave for 3 days and start to bait up with the mix. 2 kgs a night for 5 nights dont bait the 6th night and then fish the 7th with the left over bait. you will find the whole mix smells of the boilies and the boilies are washed out like thay have been in the water for a while. this can help to give the carp more confidence to feed. If your baiting for the season then you want to be putting a kg in every 3 days to start then half a kg in every day for a week until you fish then back to every 3rd day. try to use a bait that is winterised so you dont have to change for winter, just put in less on the colder months. hope that helps a little regards Phil.
  8. looks a cracker, you'll not know you have him, he blends into the surrounding nicely.
  9. i was lucky enough to be given one on here. there great. launch on a good wind and peg it down..... move to the next field as the pigs will go no where near it so it saves on the bangers. i forgot i had it so thanks for reminding me. i used it in the winter to get the birds off one rape field and onto the one where i was. i think i had a good day and ended up with a pigeon that day... i might have been wrong though.
  10. vitalin from most pet shops, its a dog feed finch feed, you only need a kg of a few differant mixtures as long as there very small feeds if you dont want to mess around with hemp the buy the stuff in the bottle. i cook up 10kg at a time and freeze it down frozen sweetcorn for tescos. while your there pick up a 1/2ltr of pure hemp oil, chilly flakes and a tin of tuna in oil. If your cooking up the hemp then save the juice and put it in the vitalin. the small seeds you can put in a pan of water, bring to the boil and then leave to stand. once cool it is ready. mix all the above together and use in spod. i never dump my mix but instead i take it home and freeze it so its ready for next time. PVA bags i buy for black cat baits at £9 per 100 for 5x3 machine made. been using them for years and at one stage i use to sell them on fleagay until every one found out and jumped on the wagon. best spod mix i have used though, bar none, is nothing more than sweetcorn, catering tins so its in juice and bloodwork from tackle shop. had some good fish on this, upto 37lb 12oz they band the bloodworm and jokers so i cant get the mix right any more. but then again my rods are rather dusted at the moment. Phil.
  11. you could have let him finish the job.lol. poor poor ****** is now well ********. still, at least he went with a bang.lmao
  12. cut some bamboo stick to lift them up a little, just put stick in ground and put cradle in the stick hole. longer canes if your over crop still. Phil
  13. the bird was just led out on grass with head up on stick. i just wish i could have got the video working on the phone as i could of made a few quid selling it hehe............dirty dirty bird.
  14. Was out with Bobby Dazzler the weekend shooting a few crows and pigs that made the mistake of flying to close. as the norm, bobby was on form and banging them from a 1/2 mile away. we were sat there in a joint hide and calling the birds every name under the sun for not coming in close enough when all of a sudden a pigeon popped over the hedge and landed next to a bead bird that was just laid out. we are shooting on very short golf course type grass, this pigeon then puffs out its chest and jumps on the back of this dead pigeon and is trying its hardest to give the poor thing a good seeing to. i was laughing to much to do anything and bobby was the same, in the end he pulled himself together enough so sort the dirt bird out. well he went with a bang. never seen this before and i doubt i will see it again. anyone else seen this happen? Phil
  15. guy on an other forum is asking PM you the forum. Phil.
  16. any chance of a idea on price as the web site says live from 1st June. think we have gone past that date. i only buy a 1k at a time as i have no room for more than that so was wondering if its worth buying number 6 30g with postage from him or just going local. thanks Phil
  17. i use the acme crow call and the primos power call. both have there time. acme is a jackdaw call in my mind, works every time if there close it will bring them within the gun. the power call i use just to get the last few meters out of the bird as i use something else to start them off, i like to take photos you see as for spit blocking, yes mine does it as well but i just turn it around and a suck in stead and that seams to clear it. its going to be dry late, hinest, so i might go out on stuble where i know theres been loads of crows as i havent been for a long time. Phil
  18. You beat me to it. chub do the bankmate chair as well Carp fishing guest chair or stalker chair try someone like leslies of luton or hinders of swindon Phil
  19. but which direction where they going. Phil
  20. 2 1/2 hours last night, was bored so went for a play. 21 birds for 28 cartridges, im happy with that 12785
  21. take the photo with you but photo shop it some just to make sure Phil.
  22. people that pick up there dog **** and then throw the bag in the hedge. pointless creatures. just pretend to pick it up if your gonna just chuck bag to hand in the hedge to stay there for ever more. oh and head lice that the kids bring home from school Phil.
  23. i have only just seen this. thats what happens when you go shooting to much, tell us who the guy was and we will go and sort him out for you. Phil.
  24. Are these the 7 1/2 28g? if so then a mate got me some for that price. i had a go with them yesterday and as all my shooting of pigeons is within 35yrds i was well happy with the way the birds just dusted. might have to go back to 6's thought as there's not a lot left for the game dealer but at the moment with very few birds being picked up due to crop damage prevention then happy to carry on for a while with the Prima's Phil
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