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Everything posted by activeviii

  1. old wet suit of fleabay or if you want new then go to the local dive shop. i just ask for off cuts and pay into the charity box. regards Phil
  2. ex German rucksack from a army surplus store is the best i have found so fa. not been as it long but i have a ******** back so i have tried all sorts. the ones from the site sponsor are great but to piggin heavy as you tend to take the kitchen sink with you. carp porter, fishing barrow, are great when your on grass, gravel or dry ground but as soon as you get to any sort of mud then your swearing as the mud just clogs the wheels up and then your push pulling and swearing. travel lighter with the German one is the best for me. Phil
  3. mate has a peacock and i have the boston. boston lasts longer with a similar heat out put to the peacock, about 24 hours for the boston and 6 for the peacock. you have to guess how much fuel you have put in the peacock where as the bost comes with a filling funnel that has filling marks on it. the peacock has to be lite with a match or lighter where as the boston has two AAA batteries and an element so no lite to scare the ducks in the dark. the boston can be turned of where as the peacock cant so you just let the fuel burn out. is the bost worth £20 more for these? I thing so but then in a way it would be nice to have two. one for each pocket. but i will just have to spend more money on buying a Muff.
  4. couldn't you have just posted it. would have been cheaper. the envelope might be a bit squishy but it should still be sort of alright, shouldn't it?
  5. Oh Deer. I hope it was all fixable...................the deer im taking about.
  6. I have been looking at them for a fair while, in the end the wife bought me a boston for xmas. i looked at all the others and came up with pros and cons for them all. the main problem was if its windy or raining then the charcoal ones are a pain to light. the chemical ones work out expensive and throw away as i dont carry a microwave with me to heat them back up/ the light fuel ones were the way to go for me but most you need to light and if you dont carry a lighter then your stuffed. the S Boston has a filling funnel so you know how much your putting in plus it has a battery starter so no lighter. not cheap but when you get upto 30 hours of warmth from two table spoons of fuel and no smell on my hands then it will do me just fine. only down side is that i need two...................one for each pocket.
  7. love my puppy so had to put him up. 19weeks today and out in his first snow. Teague
  8. My Cocker, Teague, 19 weeks old in his first snow. Taken today.
  9. similar sort of problem but mines only 4mths. better off the lead than on it. comes back to the whistle every time. but theres this guy, kids call him bird man, he goes over the woods every morning and feeds bread, a carrier bag full of the stuff. it took a week or so but pups fine with it now and walks right over without touching it. i just kept him on the lead and walked over it, when he went down to eat the bread i popped the lead and said 'leave' and then walked faster so he didn't get time to get any. on the occasion he did get some i tried to take it out of his mouth but he eats quicker than i can move so i ended up picking some bread up and keeping it in my hand, when he grabbed some the next time i popped the lease with a 'leave' and tried to fish the bread out, it was gone but i had the back up bread in my hand so i put it on the floor in front of him and popped the lead again with a 'leave' it took a few goes but he then got the message that it was not good to have the bread. this i still keep up now. i dont avoid the area'S that the birdman feeds the birds in as it's just about the whole of the playing field and wooded area, so i would not be able to walk the dog in this area. he hasn't even tried to pick the bread up now. off the lead he runs around with nose to the floor, runs over the bread and doesn't stop. would be nice if i could get him to do the same with leaves..................stones.................grass...............and all the other things puppies eat. only reason i was so determined with the bread is this birdman has a go as people for the dogs eating the birds food so i wouldn't put it past him to poison the bread to get his own back on the dogs. best of luck regards Phil.
  10. quick and easy fix is to pinch the wife's, or mums, green pot scrubber or scotchbrite pad and lightly go over the paint to give it a matt finish. the other way is homebase do a none UV reflective spray paint but i cant remember the name of it but they do earthy tones. scotchbrite it to key the old paint and then flash over with spray.
  11. i think we are getting there thanks to you lot. my bad making him wait, need to leave that out for a bit me thinks. ball in the bowl works as well. he was on 37g four time aday. 07:30-12:30-17:00-20:00 these times where give or take 30-45mins as we dont want him regimented to times too much. dont know if this is right or not but it worked ok. now we are feeding 42g at 08:00. 42g at 13:00. 22g at 16:00 and 42g at 20:00. the 4pm feed he is a bit titchity but training is better as he seems more switched on and eager in the evening. he also seams more settled after the bigger meals. we will leave a a few days or weeks if its the right way to do it and then we will adjust it again. the funny thing with the ball is that he eats around the ball we stop him every few seconds, it only takes him 30 secs to finished a feed if left to it, he has slowed down alot now and dosent seem to fixated on it on the food as the ball is in his way and so he is thinking about that on his face as well. when he has finished he takes the ball out the bowl and walks around with it. thanks again people for putting me right. kind regards Phil
  12. we are trying the ball thing as the moment and it is slowing him down but he is still going as it like there's no tomorrow. should we be stopping him as he's eating as the last thing i want is a dog that is food possessive and a possibility of a bite if one of the kids go near him as he's eating. both my kids are scared of dogs as we had a rescued dog that tried to bite them so the last thing i want now is dog to show any type of aggression to anyone. hence the reason i ask so many questions. hehe
  13. i did read somewhere that good old fairy liquid works a treat, never tried it myself as mine is only 4mths but i will try it if needs must. lemon juice was another so was grapefruit.
  14. he is a cocker. we make him sit and wait, we have even split his food into two bowls and made him wait. either sit or down and wait up to 5 mins as we didn't want to go any longer as he just seams to get worse. a can go pick his bowl up, put my hands in and hand feed him but as soon as you go within 20foot of him he just bolts faster. i have tried to sit with him and stroke him whilst eating but he still bolts. we give him soaked feed as he just swallows it the same if fed dry. we even tried to add rice to fill him more but he bolted that down and then 20mins later brought it back up like owl pellets. hes on burns puppy and it just doesn't seam to hold him as he all ways seams hungry even though we give him more than they say to. he looks about right, feel the ribs but cant see them. burns say 100-200g for 5-10kgs. he is about 6 kgs and he gets 158g over 4 meals so he is eating on the high side even though he looks fit. wormed and clean so nothing there. we will change the make at the end of this sack as we arnt happy with it. james wellbeloved and bakers just gave him a belly ache and runs. i like the idea of the ball thing but i recon he will just push it out the way. ill try it in the morning and let you know. thanks people regards Phil
  15. sorry to see your not to well but on a brighter side this is just how i gave up 3 years ago. only thing is now i cant stand the smell of it and the stale odour on other people makes me near chuck. glad im a loner now.hehe. good luck.
  16. Reading the books it says that when your puppy is going off his food a bit you should drop him down to 3 meals a day, this is at about 4 mths. my pup is 4 mths old and bolts his food down like there's no tomorrow. if you touch him or try to remove the bowl then he just bolts faster. he isn't aggressive yet but not sure what we should be doing in this situation as it was no so long ago that he wouldn't hardly eat. hes making up for it now.hehe. when is the right time and how should we go about it for dropping a feed and should i just leave him to get on with his feeding habits? thanks in advance for any/all your help. regards Phil.
  17. if you really want as410 then i will sell mine as i dont use it no more. £550 with scope and bottle
  18. don't you look at what year these posts are. talk about dragging up the past
  19. copyright or patent pending, dont worry about it. you only need to worry about it if your going to make financial gain.
  20. I cant bend and the puppy is a foot off the floor and im 7foot off the floor....me arms aint that long.hehe he is very very eager to learn and loves to please. his tail (docked) is like a brush cutter when he is learning. when he's not sure what he should be doing is only wags on the one side. and when he knows what he should be doing it wags like billio and then stops when he thinks he has it right so train with him for the basics it very easy. no pushing him at all as i dont what to bust him. just the heal or even the stop pulling as i am disabled with a ******** back and knees along with a few other problems but the puppy is helping me and giving me focus as well so all good. we have sit, stand, come, wait, stay, home(when we have finished what every out side and time to go in), paw(wiping feet when raining), toilet but the 'be quick' is taking a little longer as he only poo's twice a day normally, find it, up, OFF, out and pick up all to voice there are a few more but its things like find mum or dad, find chew, find lead, dindins, walkies sit, down, off to hand signal but not at any distance and the down is still only in its early days 2 pips on the whistle and he stops what every he is doing, every time, and runs and full pelt to my feet and sits in front waiting for a command. just starting to play with the one pip for down. he is 17 weeks and the wife and i are at home all day so we end up with treats in our pockets and every now and then we do a few minutes with him. also with his food bowl he his told to sit/wait but only wit for no more then 5 minutes yet. we are trying to move over to the down and wait but only started that today. the 9 weeks we have had him have been nothing but smiles and wows. we keep saying he came trained and its us that needs to be trained and find the right way so we dont have to try and undo something that was taught wrong. he is in puppy classes but the one i wanted him in has only just got spaces but as its Christmas they do a lesson before and then 8 after the new year so im happy as the one gent there is a field trailist so there's hope there. but with the heal they train as abled bodies so im at a disadvantage with it, hence the reason im asking for ways to do it. regards Phil
  21. I did type a biggish reply but then the PC took a hit and blue screened me...oh i hate PC's Anyways. basically all the puppy classes like to start the puppy on the same sort of thing as NTTF has out lined in him 8 week lesson. and all of the ones i phoned up to try and get Teague into will up to fast as they all like the puppies in as soon as the jabs are are out the way. even the breeders said to start him young on the basics, like what NTTF has said, in order to give them good grounding and that the puppy learns the quickest when they have a young brain, but not to over cook thinks. but each to there own and i take all information on board and try to use it to the best i can. cockers toes do need clipping as you cant get the brush in between so get the knots and mud out. Teague is a house dog and no doubt will be spoilt by the wife and kids as they love him to bits so more than likely will reack him. a friends wife is a groomer so i guess i should ask her.hehe. Teagues concentration is not quite there yet so i cant give him a walk to heal to far as he looses it after 5 minutes. i was told that i should have started him in the house before he started to go out walking as its easier. to late, he's out. I dont want to a slip lead on him really yet either as this can cause damage to there trachea in a puppy, but then a collar and lead can as well. I have been using a stick as a walking stick. i just put it in front of him when he starts racing a head and this does get him back and then i say heal once he's in the right place. i dont hit him with it but just put it in front of him. what i notice yesterday when walking, is that cars dont help as he races forward what one passes, its like he is either thinking its a play thing a trying to run with it or just wants to stay in front. I am going to stop any walking where theres a build up of cars and just stick to the back streets and park and then once the 'Heal' is there the start to introduce cars more. would this sound right or am i thinking to much! thanks for all the input, very much needed and welcome. thanks Phil.
  22. opps! sorry my bad. there's me raving on how easy your writings are to follow and i didn't read that one.lol. thanks just been trying the spit heal but the pup is finding things a little confusing as i always used my right hand to treat so when i call the pup he looks at my hand for the treat and the hand comand. i even sat on the floor with a treat in my lips and put my finger to it. the pup just sniffed around my hand looking for the treat and couldnt work out what i was trying to do with him. he got confussed, when hes not sure on a comand he chases his tail around. we got that bit in the end after a few minutes here and there. i didnt want to over do it with him as he loses instrest if he's confussed. cant blame him really. just have to get him to catch the treat now. been trying for 2 days. if he is on a slip lead he heals, if he's off the lead he heals but with a collar and clip lead he pulls like a train. i'll post back in a few days as to how things are progressing. thanks for that NTTF. just a quick note about the intimidate or hurt it. I was reading and old book and the ways said basically to let the dog do as it likes for a years and then whip it into shape. so i think i know where, or at least what your saying on that. thank for your help Phil.
  23. buy then flock them. i just had a few of these kicking around and was going to flock them the same time as i do the other half shells and full bodies
  24. i have half a dozen in the workshop i was about the flock coat. make an offer if you like.
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