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    north wales

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  1. My 550 broke like this and needed a new ccd which Thomas jacks fitted, cost £55 if I remember right works perfectly again now. They are very helpful if you get in touch with them
  2. No shi lol if you get a good load for them amax's you should be able to reach out a long long way
  3. Looks nice, what's it's intended purpose?
  4. I've used a t bolt, really liked it accurate light and fast to cycle
  5. I got lucky with some norma in 7mm rem mag a while ago that was £24 a box I can't buy rem mag brass for that normally
  6. I really fancy another hushpower, had a .410 before but think the 20g would offer more. Anyone had both like to offer any advice?
  7. Nice one, set up looks nice and obviously does the job
  8. Varies hugely from a few weeks to months, depends on how busy they are and if they want to come and see you for it
  9. I don't own one but I have used one, very good accuracy but is a bit heavy if that's important to you
  10. That looks just like a tasco I've got in the back of a cupboard, used to be on my hmr was fine in daylight but a bit fussy if you wound the mag up in low light
  11. Mine is a 2008 Sorry for the **** pic but just look by the proof mark
  12. The year of manufacture should be on the side of the action 👍
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