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About andovian

  • Birthday 20/01/1950

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  • Interests
    hunting fishing and shooting of all types
  1. I thought making love to dead foxes was illegal in the uk?
  2. I totally agree! this is the second time recently when a supposed professional organisation has done something without thinking it through properly at least the cpsa have rectified the mistake quickly (or maybe the car sold quickly who knows? ) but I have to say they have acted quickly and done something about it unlike basc who have just carried on regardless to build their new air traffic control centre
  3. yes but its hardley likely that a chihuahua is going to turn on a kiddie also chihuahuas arent an illegal breed. my point is that that a lot of running dogs are having pit dogs bred into them which in itself will create agression they are illegal for a reason and anyone who flaunts the fact they have one of these is an idiot and will hopefully get a knock from the boys in blue lurcherboy would you please explain to me why I shouldnt address this subject?
  4. why? pit bulls are illegal and dangerous why would I want to edit the post please explain whats wrong with it?
  5. I would say brilliant dogs cockers! I have 2 and I used to have running dogs many moons ago also they were a hanful as pups but most dogs are but as soon as they reached 18 months with the training they picked it up fast and love to be out there working
  6. I have raised lion cubs cheetas and hyenas and yes they were well brought up but its in their nature to turn! having a pit bull cross isnt clever and just because it hasnt turned on your puppy doent mean you will never have any problems with it! there is no place in society for pit bull breeds for sure wasnt it about this time last year that a little girl got killed by one?
  7. I have the single barrel version of the same gun and its a great bit of kit! if it is legal to sell out of proof then I would be happy to take the gun if you could throw me a figure getting the gun proofed isnt an issue
  8. I always use the gurgle indicator method - eat the food in question then at 3am you wake up with a loud gurgling followed by an almighy ****! if you can still see the duvet you know everything is fine :(
  9. I actually found it mildley amusing but I was hoping as he stood over the bird that a couple of bits of shot would come back at him
  10. speed brains and looks are what make a good lurcher I would go for a hancock dog anyday of the week but to be honest most dogs are capable of doing the job its how you train them that counts ive swapped the running dog for a gundog since the hunting ban came into force but I do miss the days of rabbiting years ago one thing I dont like is the morons that are breeding things like pit bulls into the mix it can only end in tears!
  11. you may want to edit your post rich as you have given the time and place for banner weilding antis to turn up and spoil your fun
  12. is that in regard for the £100 begging letter?
  13. thats a cracking camera you have what make is it?
  14. all depends on the horses some will bolt off into a fence at the sound of a silenced rifle and the same ones dont mind a shotgun noise! just speak to the owners of the horses and as long as the horses can see you usually they arent as spooky when you shoot I took a shot earlier in the year and luckily the landowner was stood next to me telling me to pott a rabbit at the time then after taking the shot the horse bolted squashing one of the stable cats which the vet bill was in excess of £1000 for both its back legs broken but luckily she saw the blame as her own and I was off the hook however she did scowl when I asked if she wanted me to finish the cat off! (how was I to know it would make a full recovery!) what im trying to say is shooting around horses is when you need to have a good insurance in place as they are totally unpredictable and tend to do stupid things
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