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Everything posted by mark_mjs93

  1. i did my good deeds (shoveled snow and gritted paths and driveways for the old people i know [around 12 paths i cleared and 3 driveways]) and i came home and i thought id build an igloo, never made one before so it was new to me, well i made it fine a dome of snow (the walls were about 5 1/2 inches thick but the roof only about 1 inch then i cut the door out with a saw, it was great i lobbed snow balls at it to see if it was strong and it stood up to it well, then i thought, ill go in have dinner then take some photos of it, well i had worked on that igloo for about 4 or 5 hours, i went in had dinner and came out about 45 mins later, well we had, had a small amount of rain (spitting) and it had collapsed the roof of the igloo, i was fuming, i crawled into it and re-built the roof as i refused to let it beat me, well i re-made the roof, ran inside to get the camera, got it looked out the window and it collapsed again, THIS TIME it was because a bloody bird had landed on it (a bloody crow) I MEAN *** HOW MANY TIMES YOU SEEN A CROW LAND ON AN IGLOO ON SNOW IN THE COLD, IN THE GARDEN! again i re-built it picked up the camera turned around when all of a sudden the small 4ft snowman me and my brother (24 years old, got the day off work yet still loves to make a snow man ) COLLAPSES ONTO MY IGLOO I ALMOST CRIED I WAS STILL LOOKING INTO THE SCREEN ON THE CAMERA I SWEAR TO GOD MOTHER NATURE HATES ME PEOPLE WELL ILL TAKE SOME PHOTOS OF WHAT IS LEFT OF THE IGLOO AND POST THEM FOR ALL TO SEE.... :blink: well anyway happy shooting and stay safe people these roads are lethal, saw a very near miss on the way home from clearing drives yesterday one guy lost control missed the other fella by about an inch or two.... Happy Shooting Mark
  2. :look: :blink: hmmmm yh i understood that completley
  3. for all who dont know the law is changing (when, im not sure. i think its next january) the new law is making it so people cant do their driving test for a car until they are 18 IM REALLY STARTING TO HATE THAT DAM NUMBER lol, so im going to have a bike for atleast 2 years, lol well never mind will give me valuable experience..... to be honest i would prefer a proper bike jacket, 1 because that way if i do come off i wont ruin my shooting jacket... lol and because of the fact that a bike jacket are made to protect you during crashes at high speed which in low speed means it should protect me alot... Thanks Mark :blink:
  4. hi people me again :Dim just going to ask can anyone recomend a good motorbike jacket, not a leather a textile ones, i prefer the textile ones, a decent one thanks for the help guys going to book my CBT nearer to december for the 17th or 18th of december.... i know i got a while to wait but i want to learn as much as i can before i do it, can anyone help me in the way that how is a CBT set out on the day...
  5. school is cancled yay we got 2 inches here and i went with a mate to a field near my house and built a 6ft snowman... great fun took us about 2 hours because had a big base, we made it look like it was waving we didnt half get a funny look from people lol...
  6. fair play dude welcome to PW since no one else has said it and welcome to one of the most enjoyable sports there is, tbh you arent going to get many on decoys to be fair, roost shooting HELL YEAH but its more available in the summer, im going to take a shot at saying that you are new to shooting in general i dont have pcp but i am going to get one soon how does the hornet handle??? i would recomend rabbit shooting to start with but i have a few questions what scopes are you and your dad using??? what pellets have you been shooting long? are you insured??? do you know kill spots, max distance for a clean kill, we say 30 yards MAX for an air rifle, try rabbit shooting first and start in the spring when farmers crops start growing the rabbits will try and destroy them and farmers are happy for you to get rid of them AND great work on getting a permission you will be dead chuffed when you get your first rabbit and or pigeon in the oven... taste great... Happy Shooting Mark
  7. as much as i agree how much snow you got here in darkest bedford we got an inch already... looks like a day shooting for me (if i can get onto a farm dam my permissionless self anyone got any fields i can shoot in bedford tomorow???) sorry but im desperate lol
  8. haha your abit far up it'll reach u sooner or later but isnt to heavy here dam i really wanted a day off school i can call my cousin and he can get me onto one of his permissions for the day
  9. mark_mjs93


    HAHA your mexicans drive rusty white transit vans beak into farmers fields wreck crops and steal anything and everything :lol:i know what im calling the next ***** that messes with me only joking i avoid them like the plague (dunno were they have been )
  10. if its your farm and your gun i believe you can but i could be totally wrong but i think i read somewhere that if you have say a field or a farm you can lend someone a shotgun and you have to be supervising them... but even if it was my farm (not that i have a farm lol) i wouldnt just because of the fact that its my gun my farm and its his own fault for not getting one, best idea is to tell him to go apply for an SGC it wont take that long to come through home visit and such...
  11. still although cold did you have fun? besides is still a couple of pigeons in the freezer hey... Happy Shooting Mark
  12. i got an SMK 4X40 scope cost me £39.99 good ol' scope does me well will give you great clear view of your quarry mate and as dave says Upgrade that awful scope lol
  13. nice come back HD lol
  14. Patsmash you never fail to please, you deserve your own area of the forum, GREAT pictures what camera do you use, my fav pictures are the ones you get of your ferrets looking out of the holes, they are good and that robin photo is good, i see you had snow to we had it hammering here earlier on today, looking forward to your next thread great photos mate.... Happy Shooting Mark
  15. DAM YOU DUNCAN dam my young age never mind anyone feel this guy should be the subject for the next scope zeroing session for PW memebrs? lol only joking, i agree with harfordwmj and the other fellas he is either anti or fruitcake or ANTI FRUITCAKE idiot just came here to annoy alot of people who own guns and shoot, now is it me or is there a lack of common sense there?.... gets on my nerves... Happy Shooting Mark
  16. Welcome to PW mate... well the best thing to do is knock on doors, scan the fields ill try my bes to take a walk a day up past the local fields and ill see how the crops are for pigeons nows about the time as farmers are planting crops... knock on farmers doors AND try and get all permissions in writing... Happy Shooting Mark P.S; unless your planning to pigeon shooting with an air rifle your in the wrong section (if your planning to go with an air rifle wait till feb when roost shooting becomes applicable....)
  17. howdy fella firstly welcome to PW befor you get onto the live quarry build confidence with your gun first practice practice practice thats very important, put a few hundred through it first i put 2000 pellets through my air rifle before i got out onto the live quarry, get insured BASC and country side alliance both offer great cover, learn the kill spots of your quarry (head or neck usually) and learn to think before pulling the trigger, if in doubt dont shoot, if your shooting rabbits makes sure they are aleast 2 or 3 metres from the burrow before shooting them and always have a way to dispatch, depending on what im shooting i use a few methods, if im shooting rooks, ill use a point blank shot or preist rabbits, neck break or preist squirrels are fast ******* but if you get a good shot and you do only injure best thing is to point blank it, we say max for an air rifle distance for a clean kill is 30 yards, with your scope i would limit that down a bit, if anything go invest in something a bit better scope wise i use a 4X40 smk scope on a gamo whisper X with accupell pellets, or AA pointed hunter pellets, and most important of all is to have fun but be wise think about your shot (learn to think quick squirrels are jittery its like they are on speed they are quick and agile) think of all the possible outcomes IE; backstop, clean kill, ricochet, and if in doubt dont shoot... have fun though the best part of shooting with an air rifle is learning fieldcraft to outwit that crafty bunny and get close enough to kill the ******, another good tip is learn to shoot with the wind in your face, its annoying at first but after a while you get used to it this stops bunnies squirrels etc catching your scent and scarpering, you will have alot of bad days and if you get a kill on your first trip out take yourself down the pub (if your old enough ) and have a pint because that is one HELL of an achievment and always remember what you shoot is food so treat it carefully learn to gut and skin and enjoy yourself you have done AMAZINGLY well already i still havent got a permission but i go with my cousin to some of his permissions occasionally enjoy yourself if i have forgotten anything ill ad it later, make sure your scope is zeroed aswell if you dont know how to PM me and ill send you a PM explaining... Happy Shooting Mark
  18. mark_mjs93


    duncan you scare me lol, you live in bedford, as do i, you shoot, AS DO I and your going to turkey this year AS AM I when you going??? im going with mum aunty 2 cousins and 1 of my cousins friends i mean jeese i can understand me mum and my aunty and cousins but my cousins friend doesnt have to come jeese.... but still 2 weeks in sunny turkey (will be just my luck that its bloody naff lol) went gran canaria last year in april (first trip abroad and first time on a plane) got sunburn on the first day, put on plenty of after sun it cleared up over night still stung a tiny bit in the morning but great fun still, went jet skiing GREAT FUN going jetting this year and the place we are going hve ascuba diving aswell so me and my cousin are going to do that he has been before but it is my first time ever so i will take the marine case for the video camera and get some vid and pics for you guys... Happy Holidays And Shooting Mark
  19. the bike i am getting is off of my aunty (she has brought it for her daughter from her brother in law) well her daughter wont need it as of next year so ill get it and then when i turn 17 and i do my full license im buying my cousins aprilia 125 chopper nice bike have been his pillion nice bike... like i said im going to pop into my local bike dealers (rick stringers) and get my helmet, gloves and jacket... because i know he sels the helmet i want to get, i have spoken to my brother he is doing his direct Access in feb and then is getting his bike and then once i do my CBT in december i've asked him to come out with me for a few rides and give a few pointers (he has got a helmet radio kit, for when he has a pillion passenger and for when he goes out with his mates that ride bikes to stay in touch, good pieces of kit) and i thought if he comes out and helps me out i can learn a bit more whilst out on he road then i can go out on small trips on my own to get used to it....
  20. t hi sonic i wasnt planning on making it go faster it is purley for transport and that is it (and maybe to make my friends jealous but thats all ) im going to get a shark s500 helmet my brother had one, before he stopped riding, and they are quality helmets, should keep my head safe (even if a touch pricey, id rather spend my money on a good helmet and keep my head safe, than go out and buy some silly mod which really isnt really needed) im not the sort to race, im using mine for really just getting from A to B and im going to keep my wits about me on the road and this advice is great help thanks people cant tell you how much this is helping me, the only reason i sadi about deestriction is because i heard it come up into a conversation last night.... and here is another thing to consider i was thinking about this last night (just came into my head) what is a quad bike considered as, bike or car? 4 wheels, handle bars, quadBIKE, large engine (i've seen 125cc and more) so what is that considered as and would they be applicable at 17???
  21. haha thankyou first time some one has ever called me level headed only joking, well i am going to a local motorcycle shop (rick stringers) to get a helmet gloves and bike jacket, although it is only a moped my brother had 3 accidents on his bike, 1 was he slipped on black ice, one day another he was coming out of a t junction and a car ploughed into him and he came off, and the 3rd was when we were behind him in the car, and this van came flying out of a drive and smack into the side of it he went he had a great helmet (well 3 great helmets) but had no proper bike gloves or a bike jacket so had gravel rash up his arms, and he had some massive friction burns on his hands (he was 17), but giving him his dues, he is doing his CBT again in feb (hes 24 now) and then is going to do his A1 i think it is im not sure, he is getting back on a bike and i respect him for that, because although the van accident was sort of him not paying much attention the other 2 werent his fault... im going to invest in the best helmet i can i have enough damage done to this noggin of mine thanks Mrs Sweepy glad i made you chuckle, the helmet strap thing is a valid point, i have been a pillion passenger on the back of my uncles bikes before and i do strap up my helmet, im not stupid and i promise you i will do as much as i can on the saftey front... Random Question, my cousin was talking about unrestricted mopeds last night and i was wondering, whats the law on them??? just something to get you thinking about... Happy Shooting Mark PS; hi sonice i dont give a dam if its not "cool" to wear a hich viz jacket at the end of the day is my life im protecting and i would rather be safe and uncool than cool and unsafe, i wear a high viz when i work with my cousin and i dont give a dam, so i dont care about what people think of me for wearing one, someone says something ill tell them if they dont wanna wear one its there death sentence not mine... thanks for the advice though ill look at getting that book, i have the disc on driving lesson thing, and i have been practicing on that as im not the best at hazard perception but i am going to be by the time i do my CBT, and the everones out to take you off bit is great advice ill use that to my advantage... thanks sonic Ace Bloke... Happy Shooting Mark
  22. I WAS THINKING OF STARTING A THREAD CALLED "Show your desktop" you take a screenshot of yourdesktop its quite call and i gotta see leeinva's DESKTPOP
  23. yep its taking ages to load stuff bloody net lol, i have a real craving to go lamping for rabbits DAM MY LACK OF ANY PERMISSIONS it sucks not having permissions... happy shooting mark
  24. wow im honoured my first mrs sweepy comment ever well i have ridden quad bikes around fields still very carefuly but im going to be as safe as possible, i have my brother who rides a real motorbike and cars but he rides his motorbike alot so once i have done my cbt he is going to come with me for a while out on the road as we have the helmet radio things, dont worry Mrs Sweepy ill be as safe as i can, im one of the sensible ones, i cant get my moped until december, but that gives me time to revise im doing my cbt either as close to my birthday as i can or next january... looking 4ward to it ill be safe people dont worry... appy shooting mark
  25. hi people, today im at my aunties house in flitwick and i my cousin came in and said he has found a moped for his sister (she is a year older than me) and told his mum, my aunty said that she would buy it for her, it was secondhand and is in great working condition, well at the moment im 15 but next year im 16 and the stupid law says i cant do my driving lessons and test until im 18 my cousin lelani fits into the gap to do hers when she is 17 ao next year she is going to start driving lessons, well this is were im confused my aunty said that i can have this moped when im 16 as long as mum approves, well mum was a bit off with the idea but then decided it was alright, the thing is i dont know what type of licensing i need, i know i need to do a CBT but do i need to do anything additional to legally ride on the road with this moped when i turn 16??? anyone point me to a website or give me the run down here thanks... Happy Shooting Mark
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