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Everything posted by mark_mjs93

  1. i was just thinking what are people running to use PW and what is their fav OS mine i have to be honest, i do love Mac but i have used PC's for years so im used to pc's but i used to have an imac which i edited videos and my films on...
  2. mark_mjs93


    I SO WISH I COULD DO THAT but i have no permision back to the igloo i geuss lol
  3. mark_mjs93


    5" here re-building my igloo IT WILL WORK....
  4. my bros dad lives in essex :s just hope i dont need to go down there with him again :s im scared to head near there now
  5. scratch that lol cant be bothered to start a new thread lol... carry on
  6. fair play lol he wont like it lol, if it looks as though he isnt paying attention, slam your breaks on, im sure that'll wake him up
  7. roe (i agree with you and stag lol) my uncle drive used to drive a volvo and he had a habit of waiting till the scooter was right close before pulling out, one day the scooter rider that he always did it to got off his bike and pulled the door open on my uncles car and gave him a right yelling at lol, he has only driven vauxhalls since lol anyway, yh i have a problem with volvo drivers as it is (no offence mrs sweepy ) but they seem to have a problem with me, i dont know why but everytime i walk home from fishing i have all my gear and i have to walk down a main road and im sure im aimed at, because it only seems to be volvos that throw something out of the window and it manages to hit me i mean once someone emptied an ashtray out of the window as they went past me i was covered in ash, and i have asthma so i was weezing aswell, when i got in my mum thought id lit mysf on fire again (long story) but yeah it always seems to be volvos and the odd Audi dam these people lol.... Happy shooting Mark p.s: dont take offence mrs sweepy unless of course you were one of those evil people that threw something at me as i plodded along with a tonne of fishing gear lol... bloody volvos....
  8. oh hell yeah stag, my brother is going to give me a few lessons, mainly he will get me to do a whole load of "assesing" by say going around in the car and him getting me to explain the procedures when say pulling out of a junction going round roundabouts, then he is going to take me to my uncles barn and get me to ride a moped around the yard a bit (it is big and gives me experience) he can then set out courses with cones and such, and then when i do my CBT hoping i pass ill get him to come out with me for a few rides before i go out on my own, better safe than sorry hey... thanks mark
  9. HAHA i ent gonna mess with her lol, and heck even if she was put behind bars, i garuntee she would run the place lol, but ya AVA FOR MAYOR LOL that 'ant 'alf made me chuckle... lol
  10. haha they are good, i love maplins, but really mate DO NOT use the roses wrapeprs they are naff, the gels with work much better...... or build an LED lamping kit i was thinking of trying it, im going to make a special one for the car, (if i get the chance to go with my cousin) we lamp from the car, and he cant always keep a steady hand, so im going to look at creating a special lamping kit that you close the door onto to clamp it and then you have a handle to turn the lamp then a dimmer switch for it (looks better in the sketches i have done lol...) i only need the parts now, i have the dimmer switch, i just need to construct the frame...
  11. hi vulcha, looked at the spada jackets and they look half decent, ill go to the local bike shop and have a look at some soon... thanks for the help... Happy Shooting Mark B)
  12. so sorry to hear mate hope your holding up, your in our prayers...
  13. >>>clicky<<< these things have radio tuners on them, i have a bit of a more posh and expensive one, cost me alot but still i like it and i brought it with my birthday money cost me £79.99 its a phillips lol....
  14. first WELCOME to pw, second its a nice, its one are you use those small bottles of co2, i heard you need an FAC to own one as they are so easily turned into real guns, im not going to view the idea on 8oz bottles, they arent my type of gun, go out and try and get a PCP air rifle or a springer a springer will save you money refilling, a pcp could be filled using a bike pump but is easier to fill with a scuba tank and adapter... so if you want to save money look at a new rifle, they keep their power longer, and they will save you money in the long run.... they are also more powerful... if you want to shoot live quarry look at getting an air rifle of about 11.5 -12 ft lbs
  15. if you were closer i would deffinatley join, dam distance lol... good luck anyway mate,,,
  16. mark_mjs93

    uh oh

    HAHA is your shop at the bottom of a hill? if so make a big snowbal about 2ft diameter and roll it from the top of the hill when you see him by the time it hits him / his car it will be about 4ft diameter lol
  17. mark_mjs93

    Snow People

    i would take a photo of mine but its in a field down the road and has probably been smashed already if it hasnt ill get a photo tomorow MINE WAS 6FT TALL AWESOME took me and my big brother we made a small 4ft one in the back garden aswell but if you read my "mother nature hates me" thread i explain what happened to him, poor old trevor2 the 6ft tall one is trevor1 lol
  18. i have a friendly robin down the angler club part of the river near me (2 mins walk waith all the gear) i always have a spare bankstick stabbed in the ground next to me and he comes and sits on that, its great its not even as if he is scared, i end up putting a few maggots on the seat box side tray and he sits and munches them very content, had a funny incident in the scouts, it was my groups turn on the archery range (only 3 of us at a time) and we were all firing and i was hitting as accurate as anything the best of the whole pack, well, the guy on the far left (harry) was as bent as heck, well on his first shot just as he let go of the string this woodie flew across the range (not strange as it was an open range in the woods, had walls about 7ft high no roof and then ontop of the wall there was another 3ft of net and they always had birds fly through it mid session) harry lets go of the string arrow flies forward the woodie flies through WHACK hits it but it didnt penetrate just hit the ****** on the head and carried on going till it hit the wall and dropped (we had really weak bows lol), the instructor called a halt ran over to this woodie picked it up broke its neck plucked it and cooked it on a BBQ it was brilliant we had a choice to make kebabs out of chicken lamb OR PIGEON lol we were like 9 harry was crying his eyes out couldnt believe he had killed a pigeon lol, we never saw him again lol, and i was out watching my mums friends husband decoying and he shot a pigeon and this sparrow hawk flew down picked it up and flew off, malcolm was fuming he started running across the field yelling at this sparrow hawk, and when it lost grip and he got hold of the pigeon it wasnt gonna stop and it looked like it was going to go for him lol...
  19. dont use roses wrappers they are ****, they are made of this biodegradable ****, try chewing one it tastes like **** but it turns to mush and i hate the stuff, go to maplins and get a pack off coloured gel caps i brought a few i use them for lamping, they are about £3 for a pack of about 6 great investment as they are strong and they are heat resistent post pictures of your lamp though mate im interested...
  20. mark_mjs93

    uh oh

    last year it was april lol
  21. your off your rocker MCF lol well as you say he who dares! best thing to do is cut the whole bloody tree down ratchet strap it to the top then get a few peopl lift it up and then add guide ropes lol...
  22. mark_mjs93

    uh oh

    hi people its me, im just warning you of the impending snow, we could have more snow thursday and friday, watch the new and keep safe people saw a near miss yesterday and it isnt good, bad news for me I HAVE BLOODY SCHOOL TOMOROW god i hate school...
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