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Everything posted by mark_mjs93

  1. martin thanks lol i had to add a bit of humour in there but no im serious on that lol i need someone to buy it lol... i have a mate who shoots and he is going to be my armoury guy for the shoot lol (even if he doesnt know yet )... i now have a funny image in my head, the actors are going to be in full army camo and real army helmets (buying them from the market place can pick them up cheap from the surplus stall (the guy that runs it is friendswith my uncle) ) i can see the actors walking away from were we are filming and handing a gun to a guy who is in jeans and a t-shirt and i can just see a member of the public seeing that and calling the police to tell them that there are soldiers giving guns to civilians and the police on the phone saying "oh dont worry we already know about that"
  2. well i was either gonna put them in the safe or in the cupboard, to be honest id prefer them to be in the safe for now until i sort out my SGC and get my Shotgun and then ill transfer them to the cupboard or the loft (at £69.95 a piece do you really blame me??? £140 almost cant be doing with them getting nicked) (the safe is for when i sort out my SGC lol but until then im keeping my air rifle in there)
  3. as i have said in a previous topic im making a film, and im basing it on the military, well for the main charcters (2 british soldiers) i wanted a gun each that had a link to the british army and if im not mistaken the SA80 makes that link, correct? well i wet on to surplus and adventure and i found an airsoft replica of it, well the one i have found is metal, but DOES NOT fire realbullets it fires BB's but im not planning to fire bb's or anything its a prop for a film. it looks very realistic and doesnt have an orange tip, im panning on getting some orange tube if, i get these guns to put on the barrel when not in use, now to explain, im going to have the actor cock the gun (totally empty) and pull the trigger totally empty in turn not firing anything, ill add the bang and the muzzle flash in editing. im shooting the film on private property so the public have no access and ill be warning the police in advance that i am shooting a film using fake guns, and stating what model (ie; SA80) but before i even go and get these i just wanted to know what is the law on these? as long as i get my mum to buy them am i within the law??? and im not planning on throwing them out or anything after use (at £69.95 you gotta be joking me :() ill keep them in the gun cabinet wth the air rifle... so can you give me the law on these... (to restate THESE DONT FIRE BULLETS AND IM NOT PLANNING ON FIRING ANYTHING OUT OF THEM, NOR AM I PLANNING TO TRY AND FIRE ANYTHING OUT OF THEM THEY ARE GOING TO BE PURELY AS A FILM PROP... HERE IS THE LINK:>>>SA80<<< Happy Shooting Mark (sorry mungler lol)
  4. mark_mjs93


    am i surprised i have had filthy minded answers, No... im not disapointed in you guys being filthy mindd, as much as i am myself for encouraging it in a way... How does one mask the identity of the "stars" of films, to give them a real "Reader's Wives" look? Black Nasty over the eyes during filming, or is post-production editing quite easy? ok flashman im a bit puzled about that one... AND IS WEAR TO GOD IF YOUR ON ABOUT AMATEUR PORN IM GONNA BE ANNOYED seriously guys as much as i know you want to be filthy can you please control it for a bit lol, i only wanted to know if anyoneas into making there own films, or if anyone knew any decent short films...
  5. mark_mjs93


    WOW IM WATCHING THE SILENT CITY ITS AMAZING ITS LIKE PROFFESIONA SHORT FILM, i wanted to make a war based film, based on the first world war but i couldnt find a place to dig a trench, i didnt want to dig a big one just say 2m long and about a metre deep, wouldnt take long me and 2 mates would dig it then fill it in, i was really looking forward to making a film about it but i just couldnt find a place to dig a trench, i was so ready to make that lol would have been my best film yet, i could have tried for an oscar with it
  6. mark_mjs93


    nah i havent seen it mate... if its on net can you link please .... unfortunatley the last film i made with my mate was a horror and it was around 25 mins or so long, meaning i couldnt post it onto youtube... so i didnt put it on the net, i have on a DVD it was on my laptop but i had to reset my laptop (long story) so i lost it (on the pc anyway) i lent the dvd to my mate (he wanted to show it off to his family and i havent seen it since ) if i can ill upload it and trim it down until i can put it on the net, and as for the sci fi well i only directed that and i dont know were it went from there lol, im not even all that sure if it made it to editing lol.... im going to film my upcoming one in april and when it is edited im going to see about entering it into an amateur film festival.... but ill see if i can get a load of on set pictures when i do film it and ill post them for you guys to see. (anyone know were i can get a burlap bag big enough to go over a head... i need one to make it into a mask..)
  7. mark_mjs93


    hi people, i am into amateur film making (no dirty comments thankyou ) and i have made 2 filmsso far (on one i only did the directing) and i am currently working on another, i was wondering do any of you guy make your own films, and i dont mean tv shows short videos for youtube or documentarys i mean an amateur film, IE; horror, action, comedy or such, i have made 2 horrors (one that me and a friend made a few monthes back and the one im working on now, and i have made a Sci Fi), i was just wondering if there were any other amateur film makers here on PW... (once again no dirty comments thanks )
  8. you wil deffinatly need a gun maintenence section, quarry identification is something else so if you need help on writing something up for quarry identification then im here to help...
  9. haha thats a good 'un mate :yp:
  10. in fact screw that idea lol
  11. ok, no need for wise cracks :yp: the reason i wanted to play this one in particular is because i wanna play and aviation game and heck this one is actually half decent... i might just give up and install it on the XP when i get back... thanks for the wise crack Stu now you may aswell close the topic... ill go get COD and MOH back from my bro... hmmmm
  12. nope big sam didnt work
  13. hi just wondering does anyone know were i can buy some bee wax/polishing wax from in Bedford, and possibly a list of prices but if you dont know the prices then thats fine... , i need it to help with the stick im making... thanks for the help... ps ill be using this wax to High Polish the Black buffalow Horn And maybe the deer antler, can anyone recomend what to coat the stick in as i have heard that varnish cracks... thanks for the help...
  14. Happy birthday Axe Hope you have a good 'un :yp: hope you have a cool cake to
  15. were did you get vegas? do you use it in a proffessional manner or just a sort of hobby thing? how much does it cost? and is it easy to get to grips with?
  16. hey martin, if you werent so far away i would have taken your hand off on the offer already as im desperate for shooting i just cant get any.... lol if you werent so far i would, but hey never mind hope you have fun...
  17. i recently got into this subject and it is great fun, first thing, you need to very take cuttings of different woods, and see what you prefer, hazel is most common as stated above, vary in thickness, but no more than 2 inches, vary it though you will find the right style, get hold of some black water buffalow horn, great stuff, and incorporate that under a piece of deer antler on on the tips smoothed and HIGH polished it looks great, ferrules, either use some copper pipe (or copper end caps) or you can buy proper ferrules but they can be pricey, if you have a spent shotgun cartridge that has a good nck on it and as long as it is as thick as the stick itwill work fine, you can coat it in varnish but this can crack, you can use Bee's wax but this can be expensive, get yourself a rotary tool, i have ordered mine from maplin £19.99 for a rotary tool and 175 bits, these will help you cut down work time by DAYS but the main thing is, your first stick will probably be kak but i garuntee you will still be using it in 10 years time, providing it doesnt snap, it wont be great but enjoy yourself... happy stickmaking mark
  18. to be honest there is no problem with that surely, i mean fair play shooters want to get knives but there are other websites and heck even some gun shops and fishing tackle shops sell knives, so dont complaing there is nothing wrong with it really...
  19. were do you people get all this software!! like nickbeardo you have like adobe creative suite havent you, did you pay the full price for it? and lol loads of people have winamp lol... cheap *** version of Sam broadcaster lol...
  20. cool cabellas big game hunter, Any good? did you get it on disk???
  21. paul i dont think a generator will be necersary, because the shed is only about 10 foot from the house lol
  22. nice shed you got there fletch how long did that take you to build (and were is that calender im sure everyone would be happy to catch up on the date
  23. haha starlight nice one but to late i have a wooden shed and a metal shed, i am converting the wooden shed lol, i would prefer a brick one by all means but it just isnt happening :lol:and ok amateur i will get it checked, by my uncle he is a bricky and really knows his electrics... i am alright at wiring and usually its me that ends up fixing most things electrical in the house, but i get your picture i know it is deadly, i was walking through the hallway and knocked this thing my mum has plugged in, it is like an ultrasonic mouse repeller (although i said she already had one, called mark ) and i knocked the cover of it off, well me being dum i pushed the plastic cover back on and my hand touched the PCB inside and i was shocked HARD i was ok just a bit achy then at college we were building circuits and i touched the conections of a capacitor so i was shocked, and we were all sitting there i was sort of messed up (metally not physically) and i had jumped off the seat, i sat up and started with a really low pitch slow sort of dumb *** laugh (you know the type i mean you have all done it once or twice in your time) and the whole class erupted in laughter, even my tutor laughed and goes, careful there mate, the thing was, i didnt mean to i had sweaty hands and i went to pick up the screwdriver (by the metal end) and as i picked it up it connected with the conections of the capacitor, it was so funny, thats why i have the nick name Sparky :good:
  24. HAHA amateur you really under estimate me lol as does everyone lol, well i geuss i might just recruit my brothers help, between me and him we have half a braincell so we might be able to get somewere only kidding well he wired up his shed which is at the end of his garden so he can come and do it and i can help (part of my egineering course is electronics, so we have learnt some bits and bobs, but my bro can do it.... he knows what he is doing, and if he messes up then ill be on hand to phone him an abulance) (or laugh )
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