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About the_haganizer

  • Birthday 08/01/1990

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  • From
    Faringdon, Oxfordshire
  • Interests
    Shooting, Fishing, Badminton

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  1. Oooooooooooooooo that looks good!! Might have to pop out and get meself a couple of rabbits... Great work mate!! Made me starving despite the fact it is midnight!! Robo
  2. My favourite for the slow cooker is pork belly... But when it is still on the ribs. We get ours (used to, she's now got rid of them all) from my aunt, and so we could get them cut however we wanted, but most butchers should do the same. Make sure that the ribs are individual (fits in the cooker easier) and then just drop them in, add some salt and I like to pop in a dash of balsamic vinegar as well, then turn the slow cooker on to medium and cook for at least 7hrs. When the meat is falling off the bone take out of the slow cooker and place on a tray with skin-side up. Rub salt into the skin and then whack under a pre-heated grill until you have AWESOME crackling!! Whilst that is grilling keep the juices in the cooker, and then add a spoonful of natural yoghurt and mix together. It may look nasty and split to start with but the more you mix it the smoother it becomes!! Enjoy with mash, or roasties, or whatever you like!! If you try it, let me know what you think! Robo
  3. Simply amazing photos mate! Keep 'em coming!! :good: Robo
  4. Stunning photos for stunning fish there mate!! True Grayling fishing weather and backdrop there!! Robo
  5. Cracking photo mate! :good: Robo
  6. Quality photos mate! Is that on public land that you can walk on?... I'm down in Poole quite a bit, and will be there in a couple of weekends with the girlfriend, she likes walking and we can never decide on what to do so that looks perfect if could have a chance of glimpsing one of those!! Robo
  7. What I want to know is why they are asking people in the article to "not release their unwanted pets"... How many people keep a crayfish as a pet?!!!! :lol: Robo
  8. It went even worse this time... Results 30/12/2011-1/1/2012 And then the next lot of predictions as well... Predictions 2-4/1/2012 Robo
  9. We have one, but to be honest it seems to get used more as a large saucepan rather than a pressure cooker nowadays... We've never (touchwood) had any problems with them either and they can be really handy for doing things such as spuds like you said. But I'm with the others, slow cooker all the day- parents got me one for the start of this uni year and it gets used 4-5 times a week by all of us in the flat.. Robo
  10. This weekends predictions... Predictions 30-31/12/2011 and 01/01/2012 As I said, don't expect miracles in how many I get right.. I give myself half a point for getting the result (but wrong score)- makes me feel a bit better when I come to writing all the scores out... Robo
  11. Yeah.. I never claimed to be an expert at any time... haha. More for a bit of banter, see how well I can actually do by the end of the season! You never know, soon I might be getting 4 out of 10 in the prem!! Robo
  12. Calling all football fans! You may be interested in the latest addition to my blog for 2012, I'm trying a little bit of footie score predictions for the entertainment of everyone (with average success last weekend! ) and so I didn't want you lot to miss out either! Here's my predictions for the Christmas fixtures: Predictions 26-27/12/2011 And the results with how well I did! Results 26-27/12/2011 Let me know what you think of my predicting, if the mods allow me to keep this thread then I'll update it each week with my predictions and then the results so feel free to throw in your own thoughts and how well you do each week! (No Cheating!!! ) Robo
  13. Nice one mate, bet that was fun shooting :blink: Robo
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