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About shootnfish

  • Birthday 03/08/1973

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  • Gender
  • From
    little baddow chelmsford essex
  • Interests
    shooting and carp fishing

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  1. Worrying thing is that the country will probably end up being run by people like those ***** that were protesting. I do worry what it may be like for my kids in years to come . Too many limp lefties getting too much air time.
  2. Me and my other half were caught in all the traffic jams caused by all the protesters on our way too Hyde Park . Got talking to a cabbie next to us in the traffic and he was fuming about it his words were it’s just a bunch of waster pricks with nothing better to do . And all they were doing was costing every day working people and the country tens of thousands of pounds . The best thing they could do is shut up and **** off. Couldn’t agree with him more.
  3. Hi, i have the job of thinning out quite a large amount of lilly pads from a pond and have a large amount for sale in root sections from 6ins to approximately 12ins with good growth. There is a mixture of pink and white , white flowers.. £4 each if you want more than 10 price can be discussed. Pm me if your interested. Many thanks.
  4. Not in the UK they dont. Muslims can kill muslims all day long in a muslim country as far as im concerned. Shouldnt be our problem.
  5. Perhaps people have to be killed now for it to be a terrorist attack,. What a joke. They need filling with bullets the same as the other 3 *****.
  6. Blue truck man top, £50 pm me for details.
  7. Thanks for that KFC, very much appreciated. Will give him a call.
  8. Been seeing them dropping into wheat fields the last couple of weeks. Not laid wheat either they just land on it let their weight take it down so they can eat it. Me and my mate shot 84 in a couple of hours a few years ago on standing wheat. We just put the magnet out and nothing else it was easy shooting as nearly all of them were shot fluttering or more or less hovering over or very near the magnet so it was easy to pick them up. Another field I shot a good amount on that was quite short but pretty dense the pigeons had managed to make little areas to sit and feed on like they do peas.
  9. I have no problem with shooting magpies and crows , but what get me are people that bang on about the damage they do to wildlife and how bad they are but they own cats that in my eyes are even worse.
  10. Thanks for that , I'm asking for my workmates and they are from Suffolk side of Colchester so could do with one Walton way. But thanks anyway.
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