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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. i had a pump a few years back and found that if you pull on thr forend as you are about to shoot then as the gun fires you arm automatically comes back and ejects the first shell-then you only have to concentrate on pushing the forend forwards-with practice you can reload without even thinking about it-a word of warning however-if you use other guns you may find yourself pulling the forend as well because it becomes habit!
  2. hi-ive been shooting rabbits for over 30 years so i guess i should offer my pennys-worth-buy a cz 452 (brno)-you can pick them up for peanuts and unless they are completley sh****d (which is very rare) they will pop rabbits at 100 yards all day long-when you apply for your FAC (and its much easier than most people would have you believe) dont forget to apply for the silencer as well or you will have to apply at a later date and it will cost you-ask about hollow-point ammo as well cos i seem to remember that i had to make an application for that -shooting rabbits with a rimfire is about as much fun as you can have with your trousers on -good luck-bruno.
  3. hi-the gun must be under warranty so any decent dealer should replace the seal free (easy job)-it might pay you to check the tops of your co2 capsules by running your finger round them to check for dents/sharp burrs before you use them-once you are up and running try to avoid leaving a charged capsule in the gun for long periods (say 2 weeks or more) as this puts the seal under constant strain-bruno.
  4. AYA No4-12g s/s boxlock-ejector with superb wood (proffesionally re-polished a year ago with recut chequering)-28" barrels 3/4 & full showing signs of age but no rust-prevoius owner stored without cleaning and some internal chrome is missing from the bores (this is very minor and the gun is totally safe as verified by my local dealer)-selling as lost the sight in my right eye!-must be worth £150-p.m. me any questions-Bucks area.NOW SOLD(IN LESS THAN AN HOUR!)
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