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Everything posted by Ackley

  1. lovely shot without a dought,but how many shots did it actually take to make a hit,Iam sure he must have missed a few to get the elevation and windage correct,espeically the wind but still damm good shooting
  2. no matter what i post its never good enougfh is it,you have a serious problem mate when adults are trying to have a conversation,didnt you know children should be seen and not heard anyway if you can read these may keep you off this thread of a while,you never know you may learn something http://www.hornady.com/ballistics-resource/terminal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_ballistics again prooving that "you" need to use the correct bullet for the job your doing match bullets are not suitable for hunting
  3. your theory is total rubbish on a long bullet I suggest you do your homework again,its all to do with the bullet being too long for the twist of the barrel as it will tip on inpact hence causing massive meat damage,hence why one has to match the twist with the bullet being used,and obvioulsy the correct bullet for the job,simples the length of the bullet has little bearing on the penetration its the jacket design.obviouly the samller 224 calibers may have trouble with penetration hence use the correct bullet to aid the penetraion and not something that isnt desigend to penetrate like the A max you champion so much http://www.gsgroup.co.za/meat.html by the way I wasnt insulted about the English comment it was some other stupid childish insult you came out with. may I ask what calibers you actualy use which makes you an expert on penertion and bullet design and what you have actually shot with them
  4. what ever you say,if it makes you happy,you can get pills for your condition if you go to the doctors,I can nsee your flustration so will the mods which will close this thread due to your childish rants,which is the usual form from you on a subject you just dont understand ,yea you got me,I dont have a clue,all the gear and no idea,armchair shooters,live with my mum bla bla bla
  5. far from an insult,you dont understand ballistics so it way beyond you,the truth hurts does it I could have lowered myself to your standard and called you childish names out of pure flustration,but I am an adult
  6. didnt you read about it only a few weeks ago,BASC got it sorted as the target men were up in arms I think i posted a link somewhere on this thread,go take a read you carry on sleeping mate this teccy ballistic stuff is way beyond you
  7. whats the length of the bullet got to do with meat damage,thats if your rifle has the correct twist of course to stabalize that length of bullet,if it hasnt it wont shoot them so you wont be shooting them at a deer to see if theres any damage now will you,well no responsable FAC holder would,but you never know about these young whipper snappers the biggest cause of meat damge is speed which cause the bullet to break up,but you must have known that anyway
  8. as its been already said we dont live in the USA,no one has ever said a match bullet wont kill so what have to gone and wet yourself for or have you got a medical condition
  9. O my god hell would freeze over before you accepted something I said was right Oh by the way are you going to show at Bisley next time Iam there
  10. well to be fair after reading the amount of people who claim 1/2 inch all day long accuracy with cheap privi you may as well have a go with them,so it seems the senceable thing to do for starters wouldnt you think I could have said just bring me the rifle and £250 plus parts and he will go away with an accurate load and 100 rounds but what ever I say Iam dammed
  11. no one can really give you a direct answer,the only answers you will get is what works in there own particular make of rifle,unfortunatley your going to have to do the homework by buying a box of each and see what you rifle likes,a rifle even the same make can be fussy on what you feed them, if your using factory ammo start with the cheapest then your not wasting too much cash if it dont shoot them another tip is once you have found a brand your rifle likes go straight back to the shop and buy every box with the same batch number on,this way you will get some sort of consistancy and not have to re zero every time you open a new box
  12. they use FMJ in Africa as it penerates deep into the heart,I saw a Giraffe shot with one on my last trip to Africa, yes it does matter what hornady says,we all know the A max bullet will kill just like any other bullet will if hit in the right place,but my point is there not recomended and not designed to do that,just because you and a few others have used them dosent make it right. theres more than me who dosent agree with using a match bullet on deer BASC BDS Home Office responsable FAC holders to mention a few,anyway as I have said from the start,use what you want but dont tell others to do what is wrong espeically on an open forum as people will get the wrong idea,hopefully this thread would have made a few think about bullet choice in the future as it is important happy and a safe new year to you all from the arm chair shooter :lol:
  13. come on mate dont lower yourself with silly insults now,this a grown up forum.and to answer your qustion no I dont live with my mother no Iam not single been married 18 years now :o and Iam far far from a keyboard shooter having shot 7 different speices of deer in the Uk ( dont tell me there only 6) all manner of game birds more foxes and rabbits I can count and hunted all over the world,so I think that isnt a keyboard shooters as you put it. PMs are for private conversations and not public adult debate.
  14. well mateI dont seem to be able to find anything constructive posted by your good self.so who talking out of there harris now
  15. whats a browning got to do with anything or have i missed something,dead is dead isnt it no matter what I use.isnt that what you said I dont see what your tryiong to get at "text book hollicks" and "off the cuff shooting" where talking bullets here.
  16. thats it mate you run and hide,I was waiting for an e mail to proove you wrong 3 times but I suspose twice will have to do,enjoy your shooting,hopefully using the right bullet combo
  17. yep dead is dead you cant argue with that,but as resposable FAC holders we are governed to do thing by the conditions on our FAC and have ethics whilst doing it. I can go and shoot deer with a 22 rimmy,its will do the job and dead is dead as you say,but is it the right thing to do,just like using the incorrect bullet not designed for the job. yes I hope the OP and many others have learnt a thing or two about whats right and what wrong with the facts thats been posted,nothing to do with being macho
  18. Iam glad you now accept Iam right on the Bergers if i wasnt right on a subject I wouldnt go on about it. Amax and Berger varmints are two totally differet bullet designs,one is target and the other is designed to expand hence section 5 expanding ammo hornady cleary state on there web site the Amax isnt a bullet to be used on animals (you must have missed post 132) whilst Beger bullets clearly state there varming bullets are,I domnt know where your trying to go with this,are you just grasping at staws as you have been prooven wrong again,as its clear you dont do your homework on the said subject Oh and where did I say "dont use a bullet that expand quickly"
  19. if anyone is thinking of using an A max on deer or Foxes I would suggest you read the bullet makers desciption of the bullet they have designed,made and tested and not just shot them at an animal hoping for the best A-MAX® NOW featuring AMP bullet jackets! Designed by match shooters for match shooters. With an ultra-low drag tip, our A-Max match bullets feature an aerodynamic secant ogive that delivers flat trajectories with excellent uniformity and concentricity. Find out more... Rapid, explosive expansion with limited penetration. Recommended muzzle velocity range: 2000+ fps. These bullets are not recommended for hunting. the words"limited penetration" and "not reommended for hunting" kind of jumps out at you, now anyone using these bullets can see plain and simple there not right and needs there head looking at or the FAC taken away to insist there the correct bullet to use on deer.
  20. of course a 52 gr a max will work differently than a 30 cal its totally different caliber and bullet size,so your statment there a different jacket is rubbish the A max is made the exactly the same throughout the caliber range and as for your theroy on Bergers as i said open 2 boxes and take a look instead of making assumumtions,by the way take a longggggggggggg look at bergers website the BC is totally different to match and there varmint bullets hence the bigger hole in the nose,if you actually knew anyhting about berger bullets you would know that there varmint bullet where caledl MEF which stands for maximum expansion factor,theye were re packaged as varmint/match as they are made exactly the same as there match bullet except for the difference at the nose quite simple really,but you would are black is white if i said anything,so bring something constructive to the table next time please or at least understand what your on about a 52 gr 224 cal match grade FB target bullet has a BC of 242 a 52 gr 224 cal match grade FB varmint bullet has a BC of 197 Mmmmmmmmmm dont look the same BC to me,as I said do your homework before spouting rubbish
  21. really so the hole in the nose isnt different then well news for you mate open a box and find out,the varmint bullets have a larger hole and thinner at the tip to aid expantion than the match bullets,Ive used them for years,what cant speak cant lie but I suspose your going to say Iam wrong,like your story a 52 gr A max is made different to all other A max bullets the jackets on a Berger is exaclty the same on ALL there bullets
  22. amen to that,apart from your commnet on a max by the way what would you say is an unsuitable target bullet for deer seeing A max design and make up (apart from weight) is the same in every caliber,at least with a Berger bullet you can actually se the difference between varmint and match
  23. no offence taken I said "probably" obviously there isnt a problem as if there was the thread would have been locked,theres nothing wrong with healthy debate,Oh Iam far from angry just championing a cause I feel strongly about,if i was anymore layed back i would fall over,not all is what it seems on the tinternet,it can throw a few surprizes from time to time
  24. proably because they have enjoyed reading it,nothing has been said thats out of order other than admitting using the wrong bullet,theres been the odd insult thrown by the same person but I have big shoulders to handle it,so there no problem I think its odner its course and people can make there own mind up on what is right and ethical to use,untill the wording of the deer act is changed that is.which hopefully wont be long then there is no grey area to manipulate
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