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Everything posted by Ackley

  1. Iam no expert but you cant train your dog and shoot at the same time (thats if your shooting you didnt say)leave the gun nat home or go on another shoot to correct the problem throwing dummies isnt going to be the same as an actual days shooting when dogs go up a gear put the dog on a long lead and if it runs you then have full controll of stopping it,a goof hard yank taking it off its feet will sort the problem out in no time
  2. its a frigging joke it could be done for free but as usual someone has to make a fortune namely the goverment or some stupid body they will set up simple put a season on badgers and a min calber to stop the rimfire bridade plinking at them have a website to log on to keep records of how many has been shot and what areas
  3. the shooting test is a joke 4 inch at 100 yards and taking safe shots well thats just common sense going back to when one first gets an airgun,I hear most people fail on the shooting test "WHY" its so easy.maybe these people should spend a bit more time shooting targets on a range as when the time comes to make a split decission to squeeze one off on a live deer,this is when people go to pot. the mentor thing is also a joke,I know of people whos had mentors who havnt got a clue.its just another why of passing the blame if anything goes wrong. Ive been shoting for a as long as I can remember and still enjoy going out with a guide as theres always something you can pick up I know people who passed there level 2 and still cant ID deer correctly never mind grollach one
  4. DSC 1 isnt really training now is it,its a test of memory,you learn in the field and from others,how many have level 1 and aint even seen a deer let a alone shot one BUT there more "qualified" than the guy down the road who shoots every day of his life.I didnt agree with having to do a test before you could have a rifle BUT over the past few years of reading truely shocking posts I think they should do what the Germans have to do a years training not just a memory test. and as far as level 2 goes thats a joke theres more bent acessors out there who will pass you from there bar stool and yes I hold level 1 and 2,has it made be a better stalker "no" it says I can get a lease from the forestry commision,Oh and I was born into shooting and learnt through the ranks
  5. couldnt agree more,most peopele "have" to pass level 1 nowerdays to be able to get a CF rifle for deer,they will get a pass and then not have a clue what to actually do if you shoot one,all you have to do is read some of the posy of sites like this.you used to be born into shooting and learn coming thoruigh the ranks but now its a fashionable hobby.
  6. you will probably have to be able to hit a 2 inch circle at 100 yards instead of the mandortory 4 inch circle for DSC level 1,so thats going to cause problems for a few on this site and as for a legal cull ,its pretty easy to sort out,just take the badger off the protected list and have a season on them,wont cost the goverment 1 penny,introduce a min caliber job done
  7. exactly,some gun smith if he cant and dosent know how to tune a remmy trigger
  8. you keep going untill you hit the pressure signs mate or your accuracy drops off,the books are only a "guide" and very much on the conservative side,thats what reloading is all about finding what suits your rifle and not whats in a book Vit 140 is nearly the same burn rate as varget I have used both in the 250,but I used a 52 gr Berger bullet,which wouldnt do you no harm in using there superbly consistant and accurate
  9. Varget superb powder for the 250,whay was 140 low on velocity did you take it to the max or to the book
  10. its say 43 on the belt Iam a 34 waist obviously you wear it over your cloths,there is still plenty of belt left when I wear it
  11. leather 20 bore belt as new £20
  12. the 223 is a country mile away from the 22.250 mate
  13. no there all individually priced according to make if you care to look properly,ideal if one had lost a few and needs to make a batch up obvioulsy there is a problem if you have taken the time to add them all up and calculate the entire price,to be honest I dont give a damm so we shall leave it at that unless you have another problem,which you can take to PM instead of on my thread thank you
  14. 16 off 308 Norma £8 21 off 308 RP £10 10 off 308 Win £5 13 off 308 FC £10 15 off 308 hornady match £10 35 off 7mm Mauser FC £15 also 6.5x55,30.06,243,222.6.5x284 (got to sort them out first) all will need cleaning and full sizing
  15. does she sleep in the house at night ?? if so thats your problem,dogs and central heating dont mix,put her away at night in the kennel and you will see how different her coat will be
  16. reloading solutions
  17. no it isnt,its also a 222 not a 22 hornet
  18. sold to you pending the usual
  19. EKA swing balde inc sheath £50 delivered
  20. theres plenty left on it mate I will measure it tomorrow
  21. Iam a 34 waist and it fits me fine,
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