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Everything posted by zippo

  1. .........................Hiya bud, if you get to Stafford Uni you are within a 15 mile radius of Doveridge, Kingsley Moor, and Shugborough, all top shooting grounds and not too expensive! :blink:
  2. I have just been looking at a good shooting video on you tube music, I dont know how to put it on here so, go to you tube music, click on "I like guns" by Steve Lee.. well worth it. maybe one of you guys could put it on here? thanks.
  3. I think the remarks by callum and pegleg are disgracefull, they dont know the dead guys mental state which caused him to take his own life. I can only asume they they havent had tragety in their lives to come out with such crass, statements
  4. Actually there is enough medicine to last 62.5 days. thats what I worked out. 250 mill divided by 4 =62.5 days. (I hope)
  5. Hhhm saw Longridge was on, but remembered 8X10 stands was children reffing on my last two visits there, but still top doller entry fee.... I went to Kegworth!! advertised as "Rescession Buster":blink:?? Still £32.00 Comp, ... £28.00 Birds only!!..How can they advertise such ****?? put in a 82, A class. came nowhere of course!!. methinks some of these ground owners would make excellent Members of Parliment!!.
  6. Ha Ha Ha, Hey, young Paulos, my mate, I told you the course would bite you after a bit. ! In truth I thought your 89 in A class would win it!! Hhhm, whowever dont fret, your 3rd place should get enough payback to cover your petrol bill down here??? Well done. look foreward to seeing you down here again!.
  7. I was called today by a shooting mate who asked, want to come up to Kegworth then?... Hhhm, I was supposed to hang around the house helping two of my daughters to clear out the loft prior to the guys who will be renewing the insulation in said loft tomorow!..... What could I say? I had shot the Yorkshire Police shoot last Wednesday,At Doveridge... £30.00 plus shells/ fuel...Kingsley Moor yesterday,.. £32.00 plus shells/ fuel.. today Kegworth...£28.00 plus shells...What the,... £166.00 minimum!!.... Pwew my pension =£116.00!...Jeese I put in another 82 today...Erh I think I should take up draughts, would be much cheaper!!
  8. I met up today with young Paulos, Long time no see, up at Kingsley Moor,... I was pleased to see him shooting with a easy style, much like myself did in earlier years,.. he finished with a 89X100!. well done there Paul. considering he dosent shoot much sporting ,Oop North, Brilliant... Oops I foregot I put a dismal 81 in!!! Cheers,
  9. Shot the police charity shoot today at Doveridge, started well straighted stand one next to the pond, stand two, dropped 1... then to the high field, disaster, dropped 9X16!....and so it went dropped one on each stand of 7.8.9...dropped 4 on stand 10! dropped 2 on stand 11... dropped only two on the high tower,.straighted stand 5. 10X10 then dropped 4 on stand 6... finished on a 75!.X100... didnt see Chard there, but I suppose he was on the course somewhere, got a bit wet but its all part of the game.
  10. I dont have my name on my vest, I used to have "OLD ***" on the back, unfortunatly it stuck!, I shot Doveridge Sunday, 72X100.
  11. some good advice given there, the main thing with shooting with both eyes open is that you are aware of the depth of field of your sight picture, as I have got olderI have now, to dim my left eye when clay shooting, I have also tried obscuring my vision from my left eye by putting a small patch on the left lens of my shooting glasses, Keep both eyes open, when you shoot and you will see that you can pick up the distance of the target instantly, compared to one eye shut. Good luck.
  12. zippo


    Ha Ha Ha, just got back home from a hospital appoinment, Thanks, first time I have had a good laugh for ages!.
  13. Hmm, I shot Kingsly Moor yesterday, put in a 82, I thought it was a easier shoot than the last 12 months. but what do I know?? I am hoping I will meet up again with the Essex mafia, and have a good day out. Cheers, Hic.
  14. zippo

    Car Dents

    Thanks Paul for showing the repair vids, I was amazed at the repairs shown.
  15. Jeeze, no wonder there are shooters ,not knowing what they are looking at!!"Only Joking!"
  16. Well I staggered along to Kingsly moor today, And dropped so many easy crossers , you wouldnd believe!. I finished on a 82. Aah, I am afraid old age has caught up with me. Even my shooting mate said, what the **** are you doing?... I had no real answer to that, Best bit was picking up £28.00 quid for the last shoot there!!..... Mwahh, oh well ,mabe next week...! cheers.
  17. I must admit my call for the clay has changed over the years, most times now I say "Hull" or when shooting trap disciplines Ruff!. I remember in the 90,s me and a couple of mates was on a DTL line, and a guy on the end was making a growl when calling, I started laughing and said to my mates watch you dont get your ankles bitten, at which the growler went to pieces trying to make a different call, and his shooting went down hill.
  18. Jeeze, just looked up the scores for today, and saw a 110.! and a 111! put in by a couple of veterans! Il,e get me coat!!
  19. Pwhew, Pity Beretaman1 cant post on here!
  20. Ron has called in, with his tesco bag full of Kestral Supers, He can not even look at PW on his PC as it comes up as being denied to even see what we post here. I was getting worried about him collapsing after reading the latest comments re/ his reinstatement, He couldnt stop laughing at some of the comments being made by your goodselves, in particular, young Markio. His words,with his wicked sign off in Rons old style. I must admit I had a snigger myself at what was being said. I have known him for many years, and even I admit he can be a argumentive old devil at times, when he is tanked up, but he would give you the coat off his back if he thought you needed it. I have banned him now off my keyboard as I dont want to follow my mate in being banned.
  21. Must be a tough course, I see there was a AAA shooter on a 66! and there was a few AA shooters below him!
  22. I have had another call from old mate Ron, who has given me a B******G for screwing up his message to Zapp and not mentioning young Mark, (Bagsy), and tosspot in his plea to me to thank all the aforementioned members on here who he feels are are "good blokes" In my defence, I can only plead insanity for helping him to finish off another pack of supers.! he tells me to say he is allways contactable on- clayshooter123@msn.com cheers.
  23. Hi, I have just had a phone call from BM1, he is amused from the reply from Zippy?? I dont know what he means by that reply, other than he says, "I know ," That man is allways there to be relied on???I have to pass on that.!! I am now wanting to be excused from any other messages on this forum, as I have no wish to be banned. thank you..
  24. I was talking today to a old Iconic member on here who regrets he can,t even access posts on here, due to his banning from the mods,... whowever because of his failing health, he would like me to express his thanks to the PW members on here who he has the greatest respect to.. E E bazza... Lv.. Dusty fox... pushkin... bsa shawn... beretta... mungler... tulkyuk... dazza... zapp brannigan... magman... ciderboy... stu-s chard...gamesbond...jjaxeman... ferretman...dusk2dawn... headshothoncho...dr w... jonesey... markio... Friend berettaman is in failing health nowadays, he is suffering a aortic anorism in the worst place possible, and has just had a mri scan... lung function scan.. treadmill... heart echo scan... and tommo graph.. he asks me to tell you, the afformentioned members, that he holds you all in the highest regards...Thank you.
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