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Spennymoor Co Durham
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I've never had a problem with .22lr in Durham for fox. I asked the question on my application and I was told that couldn't stop me using air rifle as long as there was no suffering. On my renewal last year the question was even asked and the same conditions came back. I've shot foxes with my rimmy and wouldn't worry too much of Durham firearms department.
Last I heard Robbie, there were still 400 pinks about but the duck numbers are starting to drop, trying to get up in the next week or two.
According to Colin, there were 400 pinks that left Snook at went North on Sunday. Apparently they're still about at the minute. I saw quite a few Teal and Wigeon on the edge of the black low and one or two pintails still about.
Got a good mix at Lindisfarne of Wigeon Teal and Pintails.
The Vale of York is covered in them.
Your Wigeon numbers will swell on the next moon mate, there's thousands at Lindisfarne mate and they usually disappear on the November moon but with the moon being early they're hanging around a bit longer.
I use a Loham Gold but I've heard the dJ greylag and was very impressed with it.
Personally I use an Eddie Nixon for pinks, which I think is excellent but you need to give it a bit of pressure and I used a Loham gold for Greylags. The Loham is originally a Canada call that I have shaved myself to get the correct pitch. Not everyone will agree but it's what works for me.
Pictures are on gun watch, black synthetic.
My dad's been up this morning and shot the North boundary and there was very little about. He said a few wigeon passed him early doors but just on his limit so he let them fly on. He heard a few pinks on the back of Snook but they didn't flight in towards him. Very still up there this morning.
The bit that I like is, 'bit too easy to shoot for me', why doesn't he knock the zero off the scope a bit, numb nuts!
He from Stanley, G, used to be a bus driver. I think there's even a BASC video on YouTube of him giving advice on calling geese.
Who you shooting with Royboy? I shot up there a few years back with Des Cochrane, he got me on the wigeon on the first night on a little pond. I had two mornings on the geese which was fantastic up there, same time of year as well.
Anyone going up to the island, keep an eye out. There was a guy spotted up there today poaching with a hawk. Colin is very keen to catch up with him.
I'll clear this up, it was my day he ruined. Around 3/4000 geese lifted off the island at 7:05am. This guy in front of me walked off the sand and across the causeway at 7:10 am as the rest of the Islands geese population started to flight inland. The majority were too far north of my position but a skein of around 50 were coming towards me he stopped and watched from the causeway. The geese did fly over me but had gained far too much height for a shot. Then to rub salt in the wounds he got on his car and sat on the first passing point and watched the rest of the flight, if he'd had a phone call and had to go, fair enough, but he was hardly in a rush. The incident was reported to the warden and I suggested a bit of education. I didn't appreciate a wasted 160 mile round trip, a 3:30am start and a **** day off work. The wife didn't appreciate the mood I was in either cos I was a mardy *** when I got in. Fortunately for me this has been my only negative experience from another Wildfowler but I know Dawntredder has experienced a few marsh cowboys this season. I'd have had a good morning without pulling the trigger if it had not been down to something that could have been avoided, but never mind the cars packed for the morning.