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Everything posted by rickyspringer

  1. absolute lil' belters, love that bitch wonderfully marked, good luck rehoming them
  2. as above great runner, has tax til august and mot til december, it has covered 120,000 on a 1.6 petrol, it isn't the cleanest of examples in all fairness but it does run spot on, and for the money who could grumble, has a few dents and a couple of niggles but there is nothing major to shout home about, great family motor at an affordable price being a sought after 7seater, or with the ample space an ideal dogging motor, images will have to be emailed across, it is silvery blue in colour. pm if interested thanks, needs to go....
  3. pm me with best price please and would you do a deal on a w reg zafira?? thanks
  4. exactly what i am after but would of needed more then the bench for the kids, thanks anyways, and good luck with the sale, its a bargain in my opinion
  5. number of seats in total please very interested
  6. thought about doing my own recently too, but if any of you lot on here are confident in their skills, I want two normal slips, and then I want two coupler slip leads, pm if you can help, great thread
  7. As above, in no rush what so ever, but looking for a true Russell bitch to line with our hard working dog who is well tested on all quarry, the dog is out of proven stuff, and has experienced life of a working terrier to the full, he is now 8 or 9 years old and think its time to have a russell pup out of him. If he is used you will not be disappointed a pup is all that we are after. The bitch must be of good type, must definitely be a worker and most of all have a well rounded temprement, don't want to line a bitch who can be a liability. Will get images up, of the dog as soon as I can.. If interested let me know.. Thanks
  8. know your area, know where earths are, one at a time, keep the dog enthusiastic and don't give dog harsh digs in early days, all input above was spot on, good luck with the pup
  9. on another note, noticed someone mention that they have a dog aggressive dog, in all fairness this dies out if the dogs know they have a task in mind, ie working. we have two terriers who will work next to each other all day, as soon as they are tethered they have to be separated and can't go near each other in the yard,car, as it will be a fight... be surprsing how work changes dogs mental state RS
  10. nice thread, i would avoid the plummer and the patt, plummer is a £££machine, patt is more suited to the earth work, \I would go with a nice true russell type or as mentioned a border, or a mix of these, only fault i find with the borders are that they are too genuine and aren't as fun as a head banging terrier who will work cover and hunt for fun, too sensible at times for my liking.. i like head bangers haha
  11. webley tracker you should of put more work into him, if you trained him he would of been fine, can't believe he was restrained to his lead for life, what a shame and it shows he wanted to work, regarding current thread dog needs to grow in confidence, find a quiet bridle path and go for steady strolls, see if he's interested in balls just to have a bit of fun bonding, hopefully he comes through it all
  12. Think its luck, I have a dog here who is working bred but not ftch bred on paper you wouldn't think the dog would be anything, but he's special, steady to stock, a dream to own, your best getting your friend to make enquiries and ask alot of Q's about parents, forget the breeding ask more about sires and dam qualities
  13. my sympathies are with those who have lost there loyal friends.RS
  14. This dog needs work and completely disagree with people saying get his nuts off,and Alex your point on a trustworthy terrier not being a proper one is utter BS!! Terriers should be well rounded of proper type, true hunt and working terriers aren't punchy and are great with other dogs and any handler...they save all there work for there true foes.. I also agree that this dog would be better suited in a new home, where he is going to see work.. sometimes its best to do the hardest thing for yourself and the dog and I think parting company is the thing to do as you don't have the time to put into him. RS
  15. a fine pair, like the spaniel off bivvy.. be interested to hear how the cocker comes on
  16. sorry to hear about your accident, and also for having to part with your bike, looks a1..good luck
  17. agree with wgd, don't tell your missus she won't tell alex, back to the thread the pup looks a little cracker
  18. exactly as i like them, whats he like for noise? or is he totally silent, as a retriever and also what was he like to train, is he soft natured or a hard dog, and lastly whats his breeding, thanks
  19. theft... can get them for £2 a pop near me
  20. whats the dog working too, how is she in kennel and vehicle.. whats she like with stock.. thanks
  21. great post wgd as always, agree you need to judge the dog, my bitch takes as much as she can get until i get right ontop of her and then she behaves, she literally needs a physical reprimand, but my young dog needs a growl and if he see's a tough correction on the bitch he goes withdrawn.. you need to judge the dog.
  22. maybe boost the pup a little, little individual treatment to ensure he's getting his feed down but let the bitch do most the work, just boost him up.. did you manage to dock them?
  23. Dave she's gorgeous matey, don't give up on her yet, think you will unlock the will to retrieve, you need to tease tease tease... it could be something silly too a dish cloth or anything... think the key is forget the retrieve for now leave the pressure.. get her relaxed with all situations... she will come good... them dentisticks mine are mad for. will get them dvd's to you asap...PS for the retrieve it will be best if the object is moving, sit on your floor and roll a ball around you, might unlock the will... RS
  24. for get the kc rubbish, just look for a pup out of workers, true workers, and any terrier of should be able to rat, its in the nature imo if a terrier can't rat at the least its not a terrier
  25. I would be calling all vets in my local vicinity how many days old are they now, shocking that pup...pure white!! be interested to see how it turns out.. anyone in monsters area who can recommend a vet!
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