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Everything posted by Norrie

  1. The first one that springs to mind is, a 1947 Mitchell 300 spinning reel, bought it for £3.50, sold it for £180.01 on the Fleabay site....also, bought a chicken shaped egg dish for £2.50....and sold it for £112.50... BUT the best one has to be my 4 inch Dalek....bought at a booty for £3...sold a few weeks ago for £205....could not believe it...
  2. Sorry, but cant agree with that statement at all......The D40 has a bad history of engine seizuress, usually around 50K, and the car that scored a ONE in the Encap crash test.... http://www.goauto.com.au/mellor/mellor.nsf...A2573F70018662A My mate had TWO of those cars on the farm, and both had engine seizures....seemingly, they are VERY soft engines...they werent worked particularly hard, just normal farm work, I seem to remember that you have to keep a beady eye on the oil usage...but might be wrong there......but the most worrying thing is the Encap test..where the chassis just crumpled...and intruded into the cab!!!! I know of a couple of other's where the engine has gone....and one mate got buttons when he sold his, c/w wrecked engine...something like £1000 for a 54 plate. Incidentaly, I was at a car auction on Friday night, ( sad I know )...and an 05 Plate Jeep Cherokee, one owner, diesel, full service history, 60K, MOT'd and Tax...went for £3,650.....I'd have bought it myself, but the wife had the purse........the next car through was a 54 plate X-Trail, went for over £6K BTW, Fuel return for the 2.8 Mitsy engine in a Challenger is only approx 1-2mpg more than my 3ltr V6 petrol one.. I get around 22mpg on the M/way...and 17-18 towing the boat... 2.5D might be a bit better, but any I have driven seem to be a tad underpowered... Good luck with your hunt....
  3. Martin, Thanks mate, great trousers, just the job.
  4. Hiya, Got to totally agree with you...I got mine a few years ago, Xmas pressie from the 3 kids, along with a couple of decent lens....a Great bit of kit...tho', now superceded by the 400, and mibbes the 450....still a quality bit of kit, which has never let me down, and it goes on my boat with me on every trip out.. I've used my mates Nikon, and tho nice, it feels a tad heavy ...and thats coming from a Weirauch owner.. The reason I wanted one was, one day up at Ardnamurchan on my mates boat, there were Minke Whales feeding all round the boat, and, at that time, I had a nice Kodak DX something....cost me a couple of hundred quid in the sales too.. Anyway, when the fish came up after the Herring, I clicked the camera...and because of the delay....all I got was pics of Swirls of water, dead herring, and Seagulls...so..after a couple of months of moaning about it......got my 350D....and never seen a Mhinke since!!! But have gotten some cracking pics with the 350 over the years...its going in soon for its first ever service, as somehow, I've gotten Mackeral Scales in the lens!!!! B)
  5. Norrie

    Diesel Cards

    Hiya, Up till last year, I owned and drove my own 6 wheel cement mixer....and used a bunker card..spending maybe £3-500 a week on the stuff... http://www.fuelcards.co.uk/keyfuels-fuel-c...els-fuel-card/3 ...diesel was around 6p a litre cheaper than the "Normal" garages...dont know what its like now tho'...but well worth a look. never had any probs with paying etc...they usually were brill if the money was a couple of days late going into their account..
  6. Hiya, well...where do I start..?? My main hobby is sea fishing, off my own boat, on the west coast of Scotland for Common Skate.... had a few too.. The boat is a Seahog Shortie with a 50hp Mariner 4 stroke....goes fairly well, fitted with a Sounder, Plotter, DSC radio, and all the other paraphanalia thats needed to survive out there.. I also fly fish, and have been lucky enough to have a few decent fish in my life...NO salmon tho..:( Then there's my Library...got a collection of sea angling books going back to 1820..which has become a passion....it numbers around 7-800....theres also a collection of freshwater books, that are going onto Fleabay sometime soon, that one consists of books dating back to around 1880, and numbering approx 200.... Then, there's my car...a Mitsibushi Challenger 3ltr V6 petrol....absolutely love that car!! goes well, on and off road, tho heavy on fuel..I've had it for 5 years now, and must have spent a kings ransom on motion lotion for it!!!. It really showed my mates X5 up a few weeks ago...he couldnt even launch his boat on the beach, never mind recover it!!! so, the old beat up Mitsy did it for him... Anyway, you asked !! :)
  7. Hi Gareth, Is this what you're after??
  8. LOL, Theres a wee bit of Falkirk , thats got a membership too... :lol:
  9. Thanks Guys...Its coming up from Nottingham this weekend along with my brother who collected it for me.....so will report back ..
  10. Hiya, Just had an "Impulse" buy on Ebay, and got a "hardly used "Flambeau single gun case for £8.50, now, I think its quite a bargain, unless you know better... anyone got any experience of them?? Thanks in advance guys.. :look:
  11. Hiya, Welcome matey....Not been here long myself, and have really enjoyed it so far...
  12. Hiya, Just had a look in T'internet....and they have a new website getting built, so not active yet......do you happen to have a link for them?? Cheers.
  13. Hiya, Heres mine... Had it over 5 years now, it owes me nothing at all...
  14. Hiya,...I dont use my 4 x 4 for shooting, except driving up to the farm...then I walk!! , but, I use it to tow my boat, have had it for over 5 years now, and its never let me down....its off road almost every weekend...sand, gravel, rocks, seaweed...and with the boat attached too.. In fact a couple of weeks ago, my mate used his X5 to tow his Raider 18 down to the Mull Of Galloway...but it wouldnt look at the 12 in sandy beach...so, I used my Mitsubishi Challenger V6 24v 3ltr to launch and recover...it drives like a road car too, plenty of room, LOADS of power... and I can, and have slept in the back on a single bed mattress.. Might not be the most frugal of vehicles, but I get around 20mpg towing if I take it easy...tho', must admit, thats not very often.. Its now getting a bit long in the tooth now, but hardly surprising considering its done almost 130K, with almost 70K done by me,...and getting immersed up past the exhaust in sea water every weekend...I'm well impressed... Two weeks ago, I did nearly 800 miles in 4 days, towing the boat all over the west coast of Scotland..no problems at all.. BUT, as has been said, here and on other forums, everyone says that there 4x4 is the best.. Cant you try a few before you buy??.. Its not too bad in the mud as well..
  15. Norrie

    Bipod Advice

    Hiya,..Never heard of those, will go have a look now... Thanks..
  16. Norrie

    Bipod Advice

    Hiya,...I have a HW 90K, fitted with a Theoben silencer, and a set of Optima Moonlighter 3 x9 x 45mm sights...now, I also have a cheapy plastic spring loaded bipod which i'm not too happy with.... Now, my question, can anyone advise me on what Bipod to get for it, bearing in mind its a fairly heavy gun, and I dont really want to add too much to the weight...and, i'm not really wanting to drill holes in the stock to fit them. Is there anything on the market to suit me?. Any help would be very greatfully accepted. Thanks in advance.
  17. Thanks guys, very much appreciated...I've been looking through the site for the last couple of hours.and done a couple of posts.....some cracking info and great folks here..
  18. Hiya, good shooting there...just like Grandpaw Clampett...:) best I ever did was upo at the range, and shot the pins out of my mates paper targets, then watched him running across the field after it.. he still doesnt know.. Have a wee go at this one... http://www.freeworldgroup.com/games/fly/index.html First try was 32...:(
  19. Hiya, I'm not an experienced shooter, but, used to own a HW80, and when I bought it, the chap that sold it to me told me to buy Wasps for it ....he gave me a tin with the gun to keep me going...and, I found them to be superb pellets...no problems at all....they were the ones in the blue label tin,...and I think they were original to the gun.. I've not got a clue about newer makes, but, have fun anyway...
  20. Hiya, I have a Vulcan too., with a "Stepped" barrel end...I have read on here somewhere that you can tell what model it is from that...BUT, I have no idea what one!!! so, will watch this thread..
  21. Hiya, I've just joined this Forum, been lurking for a while, and decided to go for it... Looks like a cracking place...and i'm looking forward to lots of good advice.. I'm from Central Scotland, got a couple of air rifles, a Weirach 90, and a Webley Vulcan...also got a wee Baikal .177 for my grandson. I also used to keep Ferrets, at one time had 23 of the things... and hopefully will get another one sometime soon.. Cheers for now.
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