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Everything posted by Norrie

  1. Hiya, Thanks guys, thats another wee query sorted...got many, many more for you...:-) But, all in good time.
  2. Hiya, I was going to go with some mates , but as I'm skint, ( I hate going places like that with no cash) and had the chance to get out shooting over the weekend, didnt bother...I havent spoken to them yet, but from what I read here, it wasnt a bad idea to go shooting..
  3. Hiya, Another naive question from a total novice to this sort of thing..... ...in the near future, I'm hoping to be buying some guns, which might have to be sent to my RFD...now, today when I was in, he told me, yep, we can do that for you, and the cost is £25 ...thing is, I didnt think to ask till after leaving the shop....is this £25 from him, and £25 from the seller?? Or £25 for the whole deal?? :blink: Thanks in advance guys..
  4. Hiya, My fishing club have their own water...and its being poached on a regular basis, despite regular patrols by members....so, the committee have decided on buying a Handheld Night Vision ...money aint an issue within reason...mibbes £4-500....what we are looking for is any info on buying one, and mainly any refs about what one to buy.... as none of us knows anything about them.... What we do know, is we need one to cover up to and probs over 200 yds..with a decent magnification...... I've seen loads on THAT site, but mainly from Ukraine!!!! Thanks in advance guys..:o
  5. Hiya, I have a little Logun Lamp, its a 6 volt with a 10watt bulb...fine for what it is...but, I was wondering if its poss to upgrade it to a 20 or 50 watt 12v bulb with a 12 volt battery...and perhaps even a dimmer switch... Maplins do Red 12v 20 and 50w MR11 Dichroic bulbs,( save on filters) and a 12 volt battery is no bother either...it would all cost very little to do, but not sure if its poss... Any help, greatfully received.. Thanks in advance guys..
  6. Hiya, My wife bought these for me last summer for my birthday last year....they dont fit..I have a Shogun Challenger...so, after a couple of days in the car, they were removed. Original Mitsubishi mats, must have cost her a fortune... All in good nick, tho the smaller front one has some foor wear..top left in first pic..and mat in 2nd pic with drain hole....its just the pile been flattened a tiny bit..it'll come back up with a brush...the pics dont do them justice at all....,too much glare etc... I'm not sure what model Warrior they fit...all I know is they def dont fit a 1999/2000 plated Challenger... And the reverse of said mats.. I honestly dont know what she paid for them...but what about £35 posted for the set..can be collected for £27.50..they are heavy and post is over £7.....I'd also do a swap for anything shooting related...decoys etc etc.. First to reply on thread that they want them, gets them..payment any way you like...but I would want the charges on Paypal covered..which means cost plus 4%.....cheques to clear into my account before posting,,,this can sometimes take 5-7 days... BTW, These are NOT advertised any place else...I'll leave them here over the weekend, then move them onto that "Bidding" site.. Thanks guys. Norrie
  7. Hiya, thanks for the replies...much food for thought there.. This scope is one from the 80's , so not one of the Chinese Nikkos..thats my reason for asking....it's very clear to look through, and I think I might just hang onto it, its also got a one piece mount under it..so........:-)
  8. Hiya, I just collected my old .22 Webley Vulcan from the shop...it has a scope as per title...and as the Vulcan will soon be up for sale. I was wondering if the scope is worth hanging onto...I've just applied for my Co-Terminus, and will be buying a .22lr, and other stuff... I did read somewhere that this scope is good for a .22lr..but cant remember where tho'...is there any truth to that fact?? It comes with a one piece mount as well, is in very good nick, and clear as day to look through...therefore, if I can use it, I'll hang on to it.. OR, should I just leave it on the Webley??? Hopefully you more experienced guys can tell me... Thanks in advance..
  9. yet again, another fantastic deal with Neil..Thanks mate..enjoyed meeting you again. Lamp is ace...no rabbits tonight tho..:-)

  10. Hiya, It tried to snow here all day...I had to go to Carlisle on business, and it was cold but lovely there....woke at home this morning to this...
  11. LOL, Could have run up and clubbed it with the rifle butts.. But, it was an amazing sight for someone so young..
  12. Norrie


    Hi there, as a little poste scripte..literally a few mins ago, I thought I'd change my credit card details on Ebay..as an experiment.....from my normal bank account and card to a PAYG credit card we use for holidays...theres maybe a tenner in it as I type...it was accepted....so.....thats another way scammers get on Ebay with bank details....use throw away credit cards....
  13. LOL, Just like the sea angling mags, the same old, same old.....
  14. Norrie


    Hiya, On Monday afternoon, I sold a little boat for £725.50 to a bidder with no feedback..I'd asked for anyone with under 10 feedback to contact me before bidding, they hadntt done it....I immediately thought it was suss....so, had a look at their profile....Ophelia Natividad was the name of the winner...and the address?? None other than the HQ of the Healthcare Commision in London...the phone number...?? belonged to a company who had an office in the building..so, I called them....No-one of that name has ever now or in the past, worked for them... Their Email account is there...but no doubt its inactive...just in case, and a spam monster wants it...here it is.. evonkoser5ck@googlemail.com Their Ebay account was opened the day the boat was finishing..... So, got onto Ebay livechat to let them know, they aint interested..told me to phone the buyer...Geezus, how thick can you be....so....today, I started a non paying bidder thingy..... Today also, I sold the boat to the next highest bidder...and did the deal outside Ebay, so they have lost out on the FVF and the charges from Paypal....so, actually that muppet did me a favour saving me approx £80...and Ebay..who gives a toss...
  15. fantastic pellets and tubs...thanks Jay, I'll be back mate.:-)

  16. had a great deal with Neil, sorry for late feedback mate.

  17. Great guy to deawith, clamp was ace. and posted quickly.

  18. Superb Guy to deal with...totally honest and rapid posting. Would def deal again.

  19. Norrie

    DVD cases

    Hiya, You have a PM..:-)
  20. Hiya, Got a couple of 207 bar 12ltr ex divers bottles, Out of test years ago... I got them a few months ago, and as they were full, used them for my gun..and now down to about half full....and as I've got myself a nice new (ish) 300 bar bottle, these are surplus to requirements... Any offers for the two??? Collection please...But might be able to do delivery for petrol money..... Can put up pics if needed.. Almost brand new A Clamp...bought for above bottles.... with charging whip..cost me £60 on Fleabay....£45 posted. 3/8th Charging hose,360 bar... and two adapters......£12.50 posted. All items can be collected, and post price deducted if being collected..., if paying by cheque, it'll have to clear, or Paypal as a gift please, as they sting you rotten for charges..:-) Thanks for looking..
  21. LOL, I have a tin of these too...and found them not too bad in the HW90.....BUT...in the Solo....good grief..all over the place.....think I'll melt them down and make a fishing weight..
  22. Thanks anyway mate..still a great bargain for someone..
  23. Hi Alan..Do you know would the battery fit my Canon EOS 350D SLR camera
  24. Hiya, I would agree with that advice...get an HW80...theres a few around on t'internet at the moment... a great gun, and you should get one for your budget...mibbes not with silencers etc etc, but you can add on to it as you go... In fact, I swapped one with Dogger for a charging bottle,....its up for sale now...think it was £120 posted...a cracking gun too..fired like a newbie... Good luck in the hunt mate..
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