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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. I am so fed up with Top Gear... Every joke is set up and none of it is truly a moment where something actually goes wrong.


    I'm not saying the content is bad, it's just how they try to make it so funny, when it really isn't


    Agree we use to watch it all the time another load of overpaid oversexed I am over important BBC presenters IMO.


    Its a shame as we need to get a well balanced motoring programe back on tv that has a hint of fun without polnkers.


    Regards OTH

  2. If theres no photos than it didnt happen.hehe.


    I am not saying that but it seems odd that one of the serial photo posters has not taken any snaps of such good bags or even reported it .


    We will see and I do hope that they enjoyed a good couple of days.



  3. Me and dad shot over swathed rape last saturday and in 5 hours we shot 311 pigeons and 2 crows and yesterday when we got to the farm the field we shot had been harvested and we set up at 11am and packed up at 6pm with a total bag of 431 pigeons.


    Not bad for 2 days shooting on the same field Total bag = 742 pigeons


    Any pictures of that amazing 311 and 431 or is that old nutshell I left my camera at home.


    As you normally post pictures of your days.


    Kind regards OTH

  4. A chance ride pass some land I didnt shoot on the way to do a quote for work spotted a very large flat patch of wheat maybe 10 acres.

    Picture of the patch I shoot over.




    After a couple of phone calls found it it was farmed by a farmer I have shoot for before elsewhere but was owned by a anonther and had to check it was OK with him,a quick call and five minutes later one more permission for 2500 acres of ferretting foxing and deer stalking and of coarse pigeons yipee.


    Now after all this a qick dash home pickup Merlin and all the gear call the old man we got the go ahead I arrived at 1600hrs blue with birds maybe 5 -6 thousand.

    For once the patch was located in the perfect spot under some large populars with the very strong wind right to left .


    Shooting was very slow for the first two hours strange then Dad turned up and setup hundred yards above me .

    And really kick off from 1815ish hrs right up till 2100hrs with birds still coming called it a day as it takes ages to pickup.


    Merlin done some cracking finds that would have been lossed as they do like to tuck up the laid wheat or like a missle stone dead punch though the wheat.



    Dads bag of 72





    My bag 102 and Merlin looking knackered .




  5. I have had my leatherman for 10 years been to iraq used with the most abrasive sand I have ever know.


    Still A1 in IMO very few things are worth the overpriced tag that goes with items but my leatherman is the best quailty thing I have bought.


    Cheers OTH

  6. I went to Casualty last nigh after tea ( the Mrs insisted) - I had x rays etc - Im fine, my neck is fine- the truck had no damage- on close inspection the tow bar has lost some paint and thats about it- I have some silver paint - so I could re-touch the towbar if I so desired, but probably won't bother- no time off work- no loss of income


    So, seeing as there appears to be no lasting injuries- I shall leave it at that :yp: Not even a slight twinge this morning- so much so Im off out on the Pigeons later


    I could as some folk say claim, make a few quid- but I feel that would be a fraudulent act on my part and that is something I wouldnt even contemplate - Insurance is expensive enough, the more claims the more expensive it becomes for all of us B)


    Les :lol:


    Glad your OK Les


    I dont think anybody was suggesting a bent claim just if you had lasting repro ,I know claims can make all our insurance higher but isnt that what insurance is for .


    But the main thing is you OK and the little old lady is fine.


    Keep shooting OTH

  7. I am lucky I am exempt for the need for training ,it become a very competive market flooded like plumbing was.


    Make sure you sums add up as it costs a whole lot just to get bassic gear.


    Still on a plus note you will enjoy the lifestyle and and the very best of luck in training and the future.


    Kind regards OTH

  8. Chris I shot the 32grams 6s you will not regret using them I shoot though 32 barrels with full and 1/4 chokes sept to march.


    Then I change to 28inch barrels and 28gram 6s in the summer more lead equals IMO more birds and in the long run the dearer rounds pay for themselves as you get more which equals more money from the gamedealer.


    Cheers OTH

  9. I bought a legacy twin turbo one of quickest cars I have had A to B on fast back roads .


    Loads of space for dogs etc .


    Still not a patch on my old skool M5 e28 or even better still my E34 M5 .


    For you budget you can get a whole lot of either scooby evos a little bit dearer.


    Heres a picture of my lovely M5 before I sold her which I regret for numerous reasons.




    Regards OTH

  10. Hi all, I am also a newbie at the pigeon game and would love to gain some experience if anyone needs a reliable gundog/man I would love to help out.I live in the High Peak but I am quite happy to drive into Cheshire/Yorkshire.

    I am spending christmas in Oxfordshire near Chipping Norton so if any one has a day to share their expertise either pigeon shooting or stalking this would be brilliant, anyway I am waffling

    Catch you later folks have a cool Yule!

    all the best Phil



    Phil PM me near the time I can provide pigeon shooting and ferretting if your intrested .


    Only 15 clicks away from chippy.


    Cheers OTH

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