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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. If I can I will upload the picture from my phone of the bag.


    But back to today or should I say afternoon didnt get the go ahead to shot till 1530 hrs so very late for this time of year was setup by 1600hrs.


    The field was covered in birds lots of beans I made a schoolboy error in wrong place first due tot recce the field propley.


    Moved to just outside a lone oak tree pain in backside due too the wind on my back but lowering sun in my eyes.


    The birds poured in low and dropping high from behind for 3 hours it was non stop finnished with 176 would have been the doudle ton if I had got there earlier still back monday.


    A local guy came out and bought 16 for kebabs for tommorrow he was well chuffed.


    I was knackered only just got back in from the game dealers.


    Kind regards OTH

  2. Yes J@mes, no disrespect intended to those who have genuine problems.


    At least they've both shut up now and they're getting on with some work!


    That made me laugh there getting on with some work now, like you are so busy on PW posting about others chatting.


    Regards OTH

  3. 32 farms across oxon wilts berks and a bit of gloucestershire I also shoot for two large contractors that farm between them over 20 thousand acres not all that is available but it sure opens up doors if you know the contractors well.


    Keeping up with 30 thousand acres as always I am not the sole shooter and you can never have too much acerage as some areas looking at talk from fiels section are totally devoid of birds so it helps if you can gain perms within 30 mins drive of your base.


    Regards OTH

  4. I love september when the weathers is this good also I love to cram in as much fair weather biking before its cold wet and horrible.


    Also its a quick and easy way to spin round the perms and recce whats cut and not .


    In the picture you just make out two combines trying to catch up with the every blacking wheat with mega dust pouring over the M4 .


    Regards OTH



  5. The other thing that gets on my nerves is in modern employment all this bullying and harassment waffle .


    The reason most bullying goes on is due to staff under performance and other staff having to carry the lazy under performing waste of spaces .


    Managers have there hands tied and cant get rid so the staff take the mick and then the underperformer goes crying they bullying me.


    Shape up or ship out is my view .


    Regards OTH

  6. I have had a Pm from a young lad in ref to my own views on the usage of 7.5s on pigeons had all sorts of swear words in it I just replied in a polite manner .


    Wind your neck in is a common slag in armed forces I use it when others are talking rubbish which is quite common on any forum let alone PW .


    One mans bullying is another talking straight I know alot of folk dont like straight talking folk .


    Still there no need for it sometimes.


    Regards OTH

  7. I think the major factor in todays farming is when I first grew linseed in the early 90s the haverst time was more like late sept than early sept and this meant alot less stubbles around which equaled more birds on it.


    Its like beans now we use cut the first and second week of oct now it more like late august which also cuts down on the huge numbers attracted and shot on beans stubbles now.


    So keep a eye on it when they push the chaff up for burning it can make a cracking hide as well.



    Kind regards OTH

  8. Just got back from a mid afternoon shoot where I had 50 or so on sat.


    Some cracking shooting but because of the wind change from sat was facing the sun which does my head since being in ops in the desert .


    Finished with another 51 but the birds stuffed full of beans on the way home spotted a cut bean field like the other post jam packed with birds .


    Just got the go ahead to shoot tommorrow as its not one of my normal perms so will have a crack tommorrow if I can crash my job out.


    Keep your eyes open.


    Regards OTH

  9. TBH I dont think a 4X4 of any sorts be it landy or jap is going to be less that £1700 for such a driver with only having his/her licence for only 12 months .


    My stepson who is 29 and just passed his test could not get insurance on a trooper for less than £1700 .


    Get a cheap run around get a years NCB and that will make all the diffrents.


    Regards OTH

  10. After a slack week compared to early august birds have been very trickie to pin down .


    Spotted some on a small wheat field only 14 acres or so that had alot of grain go over the back .


    Got there at 1500hrs roughly 50 lifted off when I walked the field and was returning quickly and pitching back in.


    So setup the wind was perfect slight north easterly birds showed straight away some where keener than others some dropped like stones others floated by without a look.


    Finnished with 76 and was at the chippy for 1900hrs.


    Sorry no pictures boys OTH

  11. I have never know such a strange year for pigeon habits ,I have only once this harvest shot alot of birds after 7PM.


    They have creeped into autum feeding I have a couple of early morning bags starting at sunrise and lasting till 1000hrs.


    I have not seen birds feeding in numbers after teatime either.


    All makes it part of the fun of trying to crack the code .


    Kind regards OTH

  12. Direct drilled osr is usually for industrial use/diesel fuel addative when harvested, it is a different variety to conventially cultivated osr for cooking etc/human consumption.


    - Reply to 'over the hill' pigeons are not frightened of getting there feet muddy or ****ty, I guess you ain't got that much experience.


    O dear O dear have a read of my profile and with me shooting 800 birds over the last six weeks I maybe many things but inexperienced I am not.


    Woodies hate getting there feet muddy and will avoid doing it unless its a quality food soucre eg Beans .


    Kind regards OTH

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