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Jaguar Warrior

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    Scottish Borders
  1. Thanks for all the replies. Yup, I have to agree UK Fowler, can't fault those cartridges.
  2. Sits - do you insert a cross pin into your home made RTOs or do they work as well without? JW
  3. Well recommended. I usually buy 'disposable' from Aldi but these are really small for the power and worth the investment. I bought one of these because it is way lighter and smaller than my Black and Decker grinder. Also to avoid constantly changing over from discs to wirebrushes by having two, but it is so good that the plan tends to go out of the window and I keep changing over the tools so I can just use the Bosch.
  4. Hi Guys, I tried to get a 12 Ga RTO from Claygame last week but they are out of stock. The problem with Siarm is it is difficult to tell the various RTOs apart. I notice that some are for slugs, so I can forget those. The others are hard to distinguish. What is the difference between the remainder for plastic tubes? Some seem to give a deeper crimp. When is a deeper crimp used compared to a shallow crimp. Brass vs steel - any advantage other than the steel will probably last longer? Which model numbers do PW members have and which are recommended? JW
  5. What a class piece of work, Cake! I can only imagine how good it must have felt when that first clay shattered. Its also good to see how us 'newbie scumbag worthless novice reloaders' can contribute in a worthwhile way. We might lack the knowledge, but partly make up for it in enthusiasm and persistence. I'm giving Cake a silver star for this and proposing that he be promoted to 'wannabe reloader' Now who will second this? JW
  6. 62mm deep x 105mm wide x 101mm high Kent velocity 25 x 70mm 12 Ga carts Make it more than 62mm deep for 3"/75mm carts JW
  7. Well, I'm no expert by a long shot but AS burns faster than A1. The speed of the shot when fired from the cartridge is something different - it has less to do with the burn speed of the powder and more to do with the shot load vs powder charge, and on other factors like wad resistance and seal. The way i think of it is that the powder is like the fuel of a car - petrol is better for light loads but diesel better for trucks. Both can go fast or slow, it depends on the weight of the car and contents and how they are driven. JW
  8. I bought a C Giant chinese inverter welder off evil bay a couple of years ago with plasma cutting and tig ability. I haven't upgraded to either of the two yet and just use it for stick welding. It is absolutely brilliant. The current is electronically controlled and very smooth compared to the old 'oxford' oil filled thing I learned on. How much was it? £180 !! The equivalent at machine mart was about £900. You would be utterly amazed at the prices of chinese top quality goods. C Giant also made my electric guitar. Ive just received a CR123A charger and 4 lithium ion batteries from Hong Kong which cost £8 inc postage I've also ordered a few dirt cheap Li ion batts (remember they are lightweight) to bring a couple of cordless drills back into service. Cost £10 each, inc PP. Ive ordered a 6.8 Ah Li ion battery for my gunlight weighing a fraction of my dead Lead battery the same as the deben ones minus 'charge indicator' for only £15 inc PP. Escape from rip off Britain and deal with Asia directly.0 Update 8 May 201 - these were too weak to operate either my drills or deben tracer light. It was a gamble that didn't pay off. I couldn't find out the max current output. Thats one problem with li-ion powerpacks - they are a battery and control board in a box. The protection circuits needed for li-ion cause the unit to shut off if you attempt to draw power too quickly. Mind you, that saved me from blowing up three perfectly good batteries. I'm posting this at risk of looking a fool because i've been PM'd asking about which batteries to buy and I'd hate for anyone to make the same mistake.
  9. I have two recipes using Alliant Steel. I figured its easy to change a wad than pwder. Both are USA experimental loads, with a velocity over the CIP (arguably low) limits. The first, for guns with 75mm chambers Maximum shot size 4.0mm. (Unless fired through barrel less than ½ choke) Guns proofed for STEEL SHOT to 1050 bars 15.0Ns Maximum velocity allowed under CIP Regulations is 430 m/s @ 2.5m [1410 fps] CIP Max. 15.0 76mm PT CX2000 36.0/2.33 Alliant Steel Vagner VP70+20ga 3mm Cork in wad base. 32g 3.5mm Overshot 3mm Cork + 76mm PT CX2000 36.0/2.33 Alliant Steel Vagner VP70+20ga 3mm Cork in wad base. 32g 3.5mm Overshot 3mm Cork + 6pt crimp 1520 fps at 3 feet (USA) 1458 at 2.5m (Europe) 758.63 Pressure Bar at 1" 14.82 Momentum (NewtonSeconds) 12 gauge with 89mm Chambers Maximum shot size 4.0mm. (Unless fired through barrel less than ½ choke) Guns proofed for STEEL SHOT to 1050 bars 15.0 Ns Maximum velocity allowed under CIP Regulations is 430 m/s @ 2.5m [1410 fps] CIP Max 15.0 86mm PT CX2000 45.0/2.92 Alliant Steel CGR350 + Mylar Wrap for shot sizes above 3.3mm 42g 4.5mm shot Frangible Disc + RTO 1450 fps at 3 feet (USA) 1390 at 2.5m (Europe) 724.14 Pressure Bar at 1" 18.56 14.82 Momentum (NewtonSeconds) These formulas are for Educational purposes ONLY and have NOT been tested to CIP Regulation standards. All loads fall outside of the maximum CIP Velocity restrictions. Again, you would need to verify this. The cutting and pasting was a *****, I've checked the figures but its all at your risk. Hope this helps. JW ______________________________________
  10. I've shot a few hundred of these in fibre wad and I like them. They remind me of that line from Pink Floyd, part of the background to 'Money' (shop tills ring...) "what they need is a short, sharp shock!' :blink: There is a fast powder inside, maybe Vectan AS? .....anyone know for sure? Pull the gun well into the shoulder and its all over quick enough. I thought these were a clean cartridge, say 2/5 where 1 is clean as a whistle. I saw a couple of thou shot off at one event and not a single misfire or weak cartridge. I've put them through two guns, my Hushberg (Hushpower Mossberg)and a Beretta Semi-auto and to be fair, I can't pick up a vast difference in the two guns. I expected the semi to have more kick, being a lot lighter, but got a pleasant surprise instead. JW
  11. Hi Fruitloop, How much A1 and which primer in your 28g load? I've made up 27gr A1, Cx2000, fibre wad 28g BB shot loads but am still to try them. I've also made up some 26 gr A1, cx2000, 36g as well so i'll report back...... JW
  12. I bought my CZ453 from S yorks shooting supplies (rimfire magic). I was told they had done hundreds and were well tooled up for the job. Shortened and screwcut the barrel for £60 about 3 yrs ago. Very pleased with the job. Highly recommended. See the thread about a bad screwcut thread a few days a go. Not a job for the local gunsmith imho.
  13. I don't know much, but this I do know for certain - Cartridge manufacturers are a business. They aren't your friends. They aren't a charity. Their sole goal in life is to make the most profit from you that they can. I'm now going to imagine i'm in my new job as marketing manager for for 'surehit' cartridges. Modest basic pay but you should see my potential bonus! My job is to extract every penny i can from you as profit (cost of carts to you minus my manufacturing/distribution costs). I use every trick in the book. Nice boxes, high brass and i'm looking at even spray painting nice pictures of pheasants on the carts themselves. Mmmm, what about spraying the box or crimp with some propellant type odour? 1p for the spray, 10p on the box cost. Nice! I would use fast kicky powders for macho branding and slower powders for light and ladies loads. One of the least important things to me now as a manager is the various patterns at various distances in various types of guns. Most people never pattern, so its not a big concern to me. Thats where the customer has an advantage. If the customer gets poor results, he will probably just change to another of our brands Ive been shocked at the way patterns can change over distance. A great shot with a cart with a heavy centre pattern will get good results and over a fair distance, but a slightly less accurate shot do very badly as they are hitting the target with the thin shot cloud around the edge. The poor shot needs a wide, even cloud but with enough pellets still to kill. Plus pattern plates turn a 3D cloud into 2D which can be misleading. Surely the answer here is the cheapest **** you can get that works for you at the distance you want and kills virtually every time? Too much kick? - go for the second cheapest then...
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